Rousing in spanish


pronunciation: koʊnmoʊbedoʊɹ̩ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

rouse = despertar, provocar. 

Example: The spirit, if not the content, of Marx can be the joust to rouse the sleepy theory of academic sociology.


» rabble-rouse = instigar, provocar, alborotar, agitar.

Example: The head of the group representing Catholic school principals in Northern Ireland accuses the first minister of rabble rousing.

» rouse from = despertarse de.

Example: 'Look,' she began, rousing herself from her secret contemplation, 'Cindi Kass doesn't strike me as the type to grieve'.

» rouse + interest = despertar el interés.

Example: The best reference librarians never find it necessary to rouse their interest in any subject: it is sufficient for them that the topic has been asked about by a reader.

rousing = excitante, emocionante. 

Example: This was the first time that MLA had attempted a multi-level distance learning project and it proved to be a rousing success.


» rabble-rousing = instigador, provocador, demagogo, alborotador, agitador.

Example: After arrival in Sydney, it took only three years for Norton's reputation as a rabble-rousing republican to be established.

Rousing synonyms

provocative in spanish: , pronunciation: proʊvɑkətɪv part of speech: adjective arousal in spanish: , pronunciation: ɜraʊzəl part of speech: noun stirring in spanish: , pronunciation: stɜrɪŋ part of speech: adjective stimulating in spanish: , pronunciation: stɪmjəleɪtɪŋ part of speech: adjective
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