Rounding in spanish


pronunciation: redoʊndeoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

round7 = dar la vuelta a. 

Example: 'Hello, Tom!' said the director, greeting him enthusiastically, as he rounded his desk to shake hands, which he did with unrestrained ardor.


» round down = redondear hacia abajo.

Example: If the numbers contributing to your estimate were rounded up, the estimate is an overestimate, and if they were rounded down, it is an underestimate.

» round off = redondear.

Example: The local currency price is always rounded off to whole pennies or units, depending on the currency.

» round off = completar, finalizar, culminar, rematar, terminar, acabar.

Example: Klaus Ring will round off the plenary sessions with a lecture entitled: 'Are Internet and Print Products Interchangeable Reading Media?' = Klaus Ring culminará las sesiones plenarias el miércoles con una conferencia titulada: "¿Son los Productos Impresos y de Internet Soportes de Lectura Intercambiables?".

» round out = redondear, completar.

Example: The second phase of this study will round out the picture sketched by the survey results = La segunda fase de este estudio completará la visión esbozada por los resultados del cuestionario.

» round up = redondear, redondear hacia arriba.

Example: If the number of characters that are to be skipped does not correspond exactly to the beginning of some word of the title, the system rounds up the value to the next word.

» round up = reunir.

Example: That is, you can round up terminals if you have to very rapidly.

» round up to + the nearest whole number = redondear al número entero más cercano.

Example: Whenever necessary, figures were rounded up to the nearest whole number = Siempre que fue necesario, las cifras se redondearon al número entero más cercano.

rounding = redondeado. 

Example: In 1843 this famous bindery had a rolling press, two cloth-embossing machines, and three arming presses, but folding, gathering, sewing, rounding and backing, ploughing, casemaking, and casing-in were all carried out by hand.


» rounding machine = redondeadora. [En encuadernación, máquina que da forma convexa a los lomos de los libros]

Example: In 1895 a good London bindery would have the following machines: hand-fed folding machines, sewing machines, nipping machines (for pressing the sewn books before casing-in), cutting machines, rounding machines, backing machines, straight-knife trimming machines (guillotines), rotary board-cutting machines, power blocking presses, and hydraulic standing presses.
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