Roundabout in spanish


pronunciation: roʊtoʊndɑ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

round about = alrededor de, más o menos, aproximadamente. 

Example: Estimates of the books currently in print in Britain usually give a number of round about a quarter of a million titles.

roundabout1 = carrusel. 

Example: 'Dinosaurs and roundabouts' was the title of the opening address given at the Annual Conference of the School Library Association on 30th December 1975.


» swings and roundabouts = todo tiene sus ventajas y sus inconvenientes, lo que se gana por un lado se pierde por otro.

Example: It is all swings and roundabouts: It has been claimed that new products designed to tackle Internet security issues will bring their own problems.

» what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts = todo tiene sus ventajas y sus inconvenientes, lo que se pierda en una cosa se gana en la otra.

Example: The expression expression 'What you lose on the swings, you gain on the roundabouts' is an apt summary of the tradeoffs between paper and online publication.

roundabout2 = rotonda, isleta de tráfico, glorieta de tráfico. 

Example: According to Lance Armstrong, whoever invented roundabouts and traffic islands must have hated bike racing = Según Lance Armstrong, quienquiera que haya inventado las rotondas e isletas de tráfico debe haber odiado las carreras de ciclismo.

roundabout3 = circular. 

Example: 'I think that's about it, isn't it, Malcolm?' she said, rubbing her hands with a roundabout motion.

Roundabout synonyms

circle in spanish: , pronunciation: sɜrkəl part of speech: noun carousel in spanish: , pronunciation: kerəsel part of speech: noun devious in spanish: , pronunciation: diviəs part of speech: adjective circuitous in spanish: , pronunciation: sɜrkjuɪtəs part of speech: adjective indirect in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪndɜrekt part of speech: adjective rotary in spanish: , pronunciation: roʊtɜri part of speech: adjective, noun whirligig in spanish: , pronunciation: wɜrlɪgɪg part of speech: noun merry-go-round in spanish: , pronunciation: merigoʊraʊnd part of speech: noun traffic circle in spanish: , pronunciation: træfɪksɜrkəl part of speech: noun
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