Round in spanish


pronunciation: redoʊndoʊ part of speech: adjective, noun, adverb
In gestures

round [rounder -comp., roundest -sup.]1 = redondo. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]

Example: That will not be accomplished by asking: 'How many people are for having the steering wheel in a round form or some other form?'.


» a square peg in a round hole = algo incompatible.

Example: The article has the title 'a square peg in a round hole: applying AACR2 to electronic journals'.

» Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) = Mesa Redonda para las Publicaciones Gubernamentales (GODORT).

Example: She dealt with her dissatisfaction with the national treatment of U.S. documents in a most constructive manner, by establishing the Government Documents Round Table (GODORT).

» in the area round = en los alrededores de, en las afueras de.

Example: Tens of thousands of homes will be built in the area round the station in the next decade.

» large round loaf (of bread) = hogaza, hogaza de pan, pan de pueblo.

Example: Our guide jumped off the bus and within minutes returned with a bag of several large round loaves of bread.

» merry-go-round = tiovivo.

Example: She wrote a paper with the title 'Getting off the library merry-go-round: McAnally and Downs revisited'.

» round arch = arco de medio punto.

Example: Other shapes work work as well as the semicircle for an arch: pointed arches, segmental arches, round arches, corbelled arches and elliptical arches are just a few of the shapes that have been employed.

» round brackets () = paréntesis ().

Example: The notations for Space concepts are enclosed in round brackets (), and added to the main table numbers when required.

» round-neck(ed) = de cuello redondo, con cuello redondo.

Example: He was wearing a round-neck sweater and dark trousers and is believed to have been driving a small, four-door car.

» round-prong plug = enchufe con clavijas redondas.

Example: German outlets accept only round-prong plugs and appliances designated to operate on 110/120 Volts need a transformer and a plug adapter.

» round robin = liga, liguilla, torneo. [Como opuesto a eliminatoria]

Example: Most sports leagues use a round-robin format for their seasons.

» round robin = por turnos, por orden, por rotación.

Example: A round robin rotation schedule is one of the oldest, simplest scheduling algorithm.

» round table = mesa redonda.

Example: A series of round table discussions over 2 days served to clarify the main points at issue.

» roundtable = mesa redonda.

Example: Within ALA, all divisions and roundtables were invited to designate representatives to the committee.

round2 = tanda, ronda. 

Example: The current round of negotiations will leave much unfinished business to be carried over to subsequent rounds.


» give + Nombre + a (big) round of applause = aplaudir, dar un (caluroso) aplauso, dar un fuerte aplauso, dar un fuerte aplauso.

Example: The commentator asked the room to give her a big round of applause.

» grand round = visita médica.

Example: But in recent years, grand rounds have become didactic lectures focusing on technical aspects of the newest biomedical research.

» make + the rounds = circular, recorrer, visitar, hacer el recorrido normal.

Example: You may have seen the lines making the rounds of library e-mail: 'A Zen librarian searched for 'nothing' on the Internet and received 28 million hits'.

» milk round = reparto de leche. [Hasta la propia puerta de las casas]

Example: Whilst at primary school he had an early morning milk round, delivering milk by bicycle for a local farmer.

» qualifying round = fase eliminatoria.

Example: Second qualifying round first legs to be played July 30, second legs to be played on August 6.

» round of drinks = ronda de bebidas.

Example: A businessman has spent more than £200000 for what could very well be the world's most expensive round of drinks in history.

» round of negotiations = ronda de negociaciones.

Example: The current round of negotiations will leave much unfinished business to be carried over to subsequent rounds.

» win + a round = ganar un asalto.

Example: The article is entitled 'Williams and Wilkins: librarians win round one'.

» work round = visita a los enfermos, ronda. [En un hospital]

Example: Librarians spend one week with selected internal medicine teams participating in work rounds and instructing team members in the use of the medical literature.

round3 = asalto. [Usado generalmente en boxeo]

Example: O'Connell recovered strongly in the third round, until Shapot again backed him against the rope.

round4 = rutina. 

Example: We librarians are already infiltrators into the stale round of our readers' domestic daily life.

round5 = bala, proyectil. 

Example: Shotguns mainly fire two kinds of rounds, regular buckshots and slugs.


» baton round = bala de goma.

Example: Police say any decision to use baton rounds against London rioters will not be taken lightly.

» blank round = bala de fogueo.

Example: The actress who died of gunshot wounds while filming a music video yesterday may have been shot with a blank round at close range.

round6 [Escrito también around]


» all-(a)round = completo, total, en todos los aspectos.

Example: The finest and most influential of these French italics were the work of Robert Granjon, an artist of the stature of his countryman and near-contemporary Garamont and one of the greatest all-round type designers of any period.

» all (a)round = por doquier, en todas partes, por todas partes, a todo alrededor.

Example: In the final analysis, flexibility in pursuing different options to suit needs, combined with excellent communications all around will help solve this crisis.

» all year (a)round = todo el año.

Example: It is summer at the moment but a sledge makes a great birthday present all year round for adults and children alike.

» around

» be just (a)round the bend = estar a la vuelta de la esquina.

Example: With summer at its peak and the Fourth of July just around the bend, there are plenty of reasons to uncork a crisp bottle of wine to help get the party started.

» be just (a)round the corner = estar a la vuelta de la esquina.

Example: Stereoscopic cameras with two spaced glass eyes for striking improvements are just around the corner.

» circulate round = hacer circular por.

Example: These displays are circulated round libraries, advice centres, community centres, etc.

» either way round = en cualquier orden.

Example: The search statement 'TAX W/5 SAVING' searches the terms within five words of each other but either way round.

» enough to go round = bastante para todos, suficiente para todos.

Example: Most children have a negative experience of books and this may be because there are not enough to go round = La mayoría de los niños tienen una experiencia negativa de los libros que se puede deber a que no hay bastantes para todos.

» find + a way (a)round a problem = encontrar el modo de paliar un problema.

Example: Opportunities for innovation come from unexpected successes or unexpected failures and that ways round problems in dealing with innovation must be found.

» find + Posesivo + way round/through = no perderse en/por, desenvolverse, familiarizarse con.

Example: This is obviously not a practical means of finding our way round the library.

» find + Posesivo + way (a)round/through + Complemento = utilizar, manejar.

Example: Those familiar with conventional lists of subject headings will have no difficulty in finding their way around a typical thesaurus.

» get (a)round = evitar.

Example: The view of most users is that they can get around the restriction in a number of ways.

» get (a)round to = conseguir.

Example: The best way is to talk to them, using a structured plan so that you do get round to asking the right questions.

» get (a)round to = ponerse a, hacer.

Example: The article is entitled 'A list of lists of Web sites to check out: getting organized and getting around to it are two different things'.

» get (a)round + Nombre = evitar + Nombre.

Example: This article focuses on ways of getting round incompatibilities between different manufacturers' communication architectures and protocols, and the problem posed by synchronisation.

» get round to = hacer.

Example: The government have been making noises about it for some time but haven't quite got round to it.

» go (a)round = ir por ahí, andar por ahí.

Example: Pubescent lads don't normally go round in shower caps and hairnets!.

» half way (a)round the world = al otro lado del mundo.

Example: It is unreasonable to expect a library without enough money to open at regular hours to serve its citizens to commit resources that will enable a user half way around the world to borrow from its collection.

» in round figures = en números redondos.

Example: In round figures, half the visitors went out of the shop without buying or ordering the book they wanted.

» insufficient to go round = insuficiente para todos.

Example: Cost and space often mean there are insufficient microfilm readers to go round = Con frecuencia, el coste y el espacio significa que no hay suficientes lectores de microfilm para todos.

» look (a)round = mirar, buscar, pasear mirando por.

Example: One has only to look around in bookshops to see how many paperbacks on show have film or TV links.

» money makes the world go (a)round = el dinero mueve al mundo, el dinero habla por sí solo, el dinero todo lo puede, el dinero es poder, poderoso caballero es Don Dinero.

Example: The article 'Money makes the world go round' analyses the problems facing data base producers when attempting to balance online and print subscription income = El artículo "El dinero mueve al mundo" analiza los problemas a los que enfrentan los productores de las bases de datos al intentar equilibrar sus ingresos de las suscripciones en línea con los de las suscripciones impresas.

» move (a)round = desplazarse, andar por, moverse de aquí para allá, mover de aquí para allá.

Example: It is now up to captains on each flight to decide whether passengers can have blankets and other items on their laps or can move around.

» Nombre + round me = Nombre + que me rodea.

Example: The world round me may have grown dimmer with the passing of the years, but not the world reflected in the magic mirror of literature.

» Ordinal + time (a)round = Ordinal + vez.

Example: A number of students failed to guess the icon function the second time around.

» ride (a)round = pasear por. [Referido a vehículos o animales]

Example: It is easy to see its two scrawny protagonists who ride around town on their bikes killing stray cats and dogs as victims of poverty and broken homes.

» round about = alrededor de, más o menos, aproximadamente.

Example: Estimates of the books currently in print in Britain usually give a number of round about a quarter of a million titles.

» round here = aquí, por aquí.

Example: It was interesting, in view of the received opinion that 'We don't have many problems round here'.

» (a)round the clock = a todas horas; día y noche; las 24 horas; 24 horas al día; mañana, tarde y noche, de sol a sol, a cualquier hora, todo el día, ininterrumpidamente.

Example: Digitization is a value-added way of making library collections and materials available around the world, around the clock.

» round-the-fireside = al amor de la lumbre, al calor de la lumbre.

Example: Round-the-fireside tales are usually told nevertheless with careful attention to rhythm and phrasing, pace and subtlety of vocal tone.

» show + Nombre + round = enseñar un edificio a Alguien.

Example: Interestingly enough, Green himself had paid a visit to the 'Manchester Reference Library' where he was shown round by the librarian, Andrea Crestadoro, now best remembered as the pioneer of permuted keyword indexes.

» sometime (a)round + Expresión Temporal = en torno a + Expresión Temporal.

Example: When I first joined the staff at Yale, I was told that sometime around 1980 or 1970 the library collected as much as five percent of the world's publication output = Cuando empecé a trabajar en Yale, me dijeron que en torno a 1980 ó 1970 la biblioteca contaba nada más y nada menos con el cinco porciento de todo lo publicado en el mundo.

» stroll (a)round = pasear por, andar por, caminar por.

Example: She was laughing and joking as she strolled around the shop.

» teaching round = pase médico.

Example: After attending weekly teaching rounds in surgery, pediatrics and obstetrics and noting the questions asked during discussion of the cases, librarians send out photocopies of relevant articles to interested individuals and interested individuals.

» the other way (a)round = del otro modo, de la otra manera, de la otra forma, al revés.

Example: In France and Germany it was usual to lay 4 formes on the press the other way round.

» the right way round = en posición correcta.

Example: The image is thus transferred to the paper and appears the right way round.

» the whole year (a)round = todo el año.

Example: There are people who swim the whole year around in Sydney, but these are generally regarded as eccentric.

» this time (a)round = esta vez.

Example: It is the complacency and lack of reflectiveness surrounding machines, not the machines themselves, that need to be smashed this time round.

» this way round = de este modo.

Example: On balance, it is more useful to have things this way round.

» way (a)round + Algo, the = forma de evitar Algo, la.

Example: The only way round this is to allocate such topics to one of the disciplines concerned.

» way (a)round + a problem = forma de evitar un problema.

Example: Ways round problems in dealing with innovation must be found.

» way (a)round + difficulty = forma de evitar una dificultad.

Example: One way around the difficulty is to exploit the flexibility of the Internet and Internet facilities.

» work (a)round + constraints = seguir trabajando aceptando una limitación.

Example: The national level projects which are underway hold promise for working around, if not overcoming, some of the constraints which exist in the library sector.

» work (a)round + limitation = seguir trabajando aceptando una limitación.

Example: They must find ways to work around the limitations of their respective systems and software = Deben encontrar el modo de seguir trabajando pero aceptando las limitaciones de sus respectivos sistemas y software.

» work (a)round + shortcoming = seguir trabajando aceptando un defecto.

Example: The key to improving matters is to see things from the manager's perspective and to work round his/her shortcomings.

» work (a)round + the clock = trabajar día y noche, trabajar las veinticuatro horas del día, trabajar de sol a sol, trabajar sin parar, trabajar sin descanso.

Example: Doctors worked around the clock in its three operating rooms while stretchers crowded the sidewalks outside the building.

» wrong way round, the = posición incorrecta, en; al revés. [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: A blemish which looks like wrong imposition, but is not, occurred when the second forme of a sheet was laid on the press the wrong way round.

» year-(a)round = todo el año, que dura todo el año, 365 días al año, los 365 días del año.

Example: There is a year-round calendar of festivals, theatre, musical and sporting events.

round7 = dar la vuelta a. 

Example: 'Hello, Tom!' said the director, greeting him enthusiastically, as he rounded his desk to shake hands, which he did with unrestrained ardor.


» round down = redondear hacia abajo.

Example: If the numbers contributing to your estimate were rounded up, the estimate is an overestimate, and if they were rounded down, it is an underestimate.

» round off = redondear.

Example: The local currency price is always rounded off to whole pennies or units, depending on the currency.

» round off = completar, finalizar, culminar, rematar, terminar, acabar.

Example: Klaus Ring will round off the plenary sessions with a lecture entitled: 'Are Internet and Print Products Interchangeable Reading Media?' = Klaus Ring culminará las sesiones plenarias el miércoles con una conferencia titulada: "¿Son los Productos Impresos y de Internet Soportes de Lectura Intercambiables?".

» round out = redondear, completar.

Example: The second phase of this study will round out the picture sketched by the survey results = La segunda fase de este estudio completará la visión esbozada por los resultados del cuestionario.

» round up = redondear, redondear hacia arriba.

Example: If the number of characters that are to be skipped does not correspond exactly to the beginning of some word of the title, the system rounds up the value to the next word.

» round up = reunir.

Example: That is, you can round up terminals if you have to very rapidly.

» round up to + the nearest whole number = redondear al número entero más cercano.

Example: Whenever necessary, figures were rounded up to the nearest whole number = Siempre que fue necesario, las cifras se redondearon al número entero más cercano.

Round synonyms

beat in spanish: , pronunciation: bit part of speech: verb, noun around in spanish: , pronunciation: ɜraʊnd part of speech: adverb ring in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪŋ part of speech: noun turn in spanish: , pronunciation: tɜrn part of speech: verb, noun cycle in spanish: , pronunciation: saɪkəl part of speech: noun circle in spanish: , pronunciation: sɜrkəl part of speech: noun circuit in spanish: , pronunciation: sɜrkət part of speech: noun attack in spanish: , pronunciation: ətæk part of speech: noun, verb rhythm in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪðəm part of speech: noun assault in spanish: , pronunciation: əsɔlt part of speech: noun full in spanish: , pronunciation: fʊl part of speech: adjective global in spanish: , pronunciation: gloʊbəl part of speech: adjective polish in spanish: , pronunciation: pɑlɪʃ part of speech: adjective, noun stave in spanish: , pronunciation: steɪv part of speech: verb, noun assail in spanish: , pronunciation: əseɪl part of speech: verb bout in spanish: , pronunciation: baʊt part of speech: noun snipe in spanish: , pronunciation: snaɪp part of speech: noun surround in spanish: , pronunciation: sɜraʊnd part of speech: verb orotund in spanish: , pronunciation: ɔroʊtənd part of speech: adjective circular in spanish: , pronunciation: sɜrkjəlɜr part of speech: adjective rung in spanish: , pronunciation: rʌŋ part of speech: noun rotund in spanish: , pronunciation: roʊtʌnd part of speech: adjective encircle in spanish: , pronunciation: ensɜrkəl part of speech: verb environ in spanish: , pronunciation: envaɪrən part of speech: verb round off in spanish: , pronunciation: raʊndɔf part of speech: verb spherical in spanish: , pronunciation: sferɪkəl part of speech: adjective fill out in spanish: , pronunciation: fɪlaʊt part of speech: verb lash out in spanish: , pronunciation: læʃaʊt part of speech: verb globular in spanish: , pronunciation: glɑbjəlɜr part of speech: adjective inexact in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnɪgzækt part of speech: adjective capitate in spanish: , pronunciation: kæpəteɪt part of speech: noun, adjective brush up in spanish: , pronunciation: brʌʃʌp part of speech: verb round out in spanish: , pronunciation: raʊndaʊt part of speech: verb discoid in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪskɔɪd part of speech: adjective globose in spanish: , pronunciation: gloʊboʊz part of speech: adjective moonlike in spanish: , pronunciation: munlaɪk part of speech: adjective orbicular in spanish: , pronunciation: ɔrbɪkjəlɜr part of speech: adjective nutlike in spanish: , pronunciation: nʌtlaɪk part of speech: adjective roundish in spanish: , pronunciation: raʊndɪʃ part of speech: adjective spheric in spanish: , pronunciation: sferɪk part of speech: adjective labialize in spanish: , pronunciation: leɪbiəlaɪz part of speech: verb coccoid in spanish: , pronunciation: kɑkəd part of speech: adjective one shot in spanish: , pronunciation: wʌnʃɑt part of speech: noun discoidal in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪskɔɪdəl part of speech: adjective orbiculate in spanish: , pronunciation: ɔrbɪkjəleɪt part of speech: adjective ball-shaped in spanish: , pronunciation: bɔlʃeɪpt part of speech: adjective polish up in spanish: , pronunciation: pɑlɪʃʌp part of speech: verb ringlike in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪŋlaɪk part of speech: adjective disklike in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪsklaɪk part of speech: adjective moon-round in spanish: , pronunciation: munraʊnd part of speech: adjective round of golf in spanish: , pronunciation: raʊndʌvgɑlf part of speech: noun round down in spanish: , pronunciation: raʊnddaʊn part of speech: verb round of drinks in spanish: , pronunciation: raʊndʌvdrɪŋks part of speech: noun daily round in spanish: , pronunciation: deɪlɪraʊnd part of speech: noun unit of ammunition in spanish: , pronunciation: junətʌvæmjənɪʃən part of speech: noun

Round antonyms

square pronunciation: skwer part of speech: noun, adjective
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