Rough in spanish


pronunciation: ɑspeɹ̩oʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

rough [rougher -comp., roughest -sup.]1 = áspero, rugoso, escarpado, agreste, abrupto, tosco, basto, rudo, bronco. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]

Example: In addition they are able to sustain the library services in this rough terrain.


» be a diamond in the rough = ser un diamante en bruto.

Example: She is a diamond in the rough and with some good training and lots of love she will be an amazing companion and loving pet.

» be a rough diamond = ser un diamante en bruto.

Example: I don't mean to say that he was a rough diamond, for he was a gentleman by birth as well as by nature.

» get + the rough edge of + Posesivo + tongue = salir escaldado, salir malparado, enterarse (de) lo que vale un peine, poner verde, poner tibio.

Example: So the unhappy lame man got up with a flea in his ear and went to the second Prince, but here, too, he got the rough edge of his tongue = Así pues, el cojo desafortunado se levantó con las orejas gachas y fue a ver al segundo príncipe, pero de nuevo salió escaldado.

» hit + a rough patch = pasar apuros, pasar (por) momentos de apuros.

Example: The top-seeded Spartans looked invincible early on in their first season as reigning national champions but hit a rough patch in February, dropping three of their last five league matches.

» knock + the rough edges off = depurar, perfilar, limar asperezas.

Example: Ellyse has slowly solidified her game by knocking the rough edges off and by opening her mind up to what's required and what's available.

» live + rough = vivir sin comodidades, vivir sin las comodidades más básicas.

Example: Turpin headed back into the familiar East Anglian countryside and lived rough for some time.

» rough and rugged = áspero, rugoso, escarpado, agreste, tosco, basto.

Example: The western shoreline of Lake Superior has rough and rugged beauty.

» rough and tumble = descuidado.

Example: Gloucester has been a rough and tumble fishing community and seaport since the 1600's.

» rough diamond = diamante en bruto.

Example: The soul is placed in the body like a rough diamond, and must be polished, or the luster of it will never appear.

» rough edges = deficiencias, defectos, carencias. [Usado en un sentido figurado mientras que su sentido normal es 'bordes desiguales']

Example: Currently all these products have too many quirks and rough edges to succeed in the mass consumer market.

» rough ground = terreno pedregoso, terreno abrupto, terreno agreste.

Example: Congers are powerful fish who mostly congregate around rough ground, feeding on small fish and crustaceans.

» rough look = aspecto tosco, aspecto descuidado.

Example: Damaged hair cuticles can cause split ends and give your hair a rough look.

» rough-looking = de aspecto tosco, de aspecto descuidado.

Example: A typical book from the hand-press period shows two pages of text, the type somewhat old-fashioned in design and with the unfamiliar long f, often heavily impressed into a rough-looking paper.

» roughshod = con los clavos de las herraduras sobresaliendo. [Con objeto de que el animal agarre mejor]

Example: She had hired a closed carriage and seen to it that the horses were roughshod in case of freezing weather.

» rough spot = dificultad, obstáculo, problema.

Example: But despite the many catalog worlds, and herein lies the rub -- or at least a rough spot -- we have been proceeding on the assumption that the catalog exists in the form of the data distributed by the Library of Congress.

» rough-surfaced = de superficie rugosa, de superficie áspera.

Example: The paper was hand-made, rough-surfaced compared with modern book papers, and creamy or yellowish in colour.

» sleep + rough = dormir a la intemperie, dormir al raso, dormir en la calle.

Example: The 53-year-old man had been sleeping rough in a churchyard when he was set upon by three men in a brutal attack which landed him in hospital.

rough [rougher -comp., roughest -sup.]2 = aproximado. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]

Example: Before printing, the cards from all the sets in current batch of cards are sorted by department in rough alphabetic sequence.


» a rough guide = una idea general, unas cuantas ideas, una guía general.

Example: General principles of criminal law, including the difference between recklessness and gross negligence, are reviewed to provide those in the outdoor industry a rough guide as to their possible criminal liability.

» as a rough guide = como norma general, en líneas generales.

Example: As a rough guide, if you've had severe period pain (known as dysmenorrhoea) since around the time your periods first started, it's less likely a particular cause will be found.

» get + a rough idea = hacerse una idea general, hacerse una idea aproximada.

Example: I am a fifteen year old singer songwriter and i want to get a rough idea of what people think, please comment honestly as it would help me massively.

» give + Nombre + a rough idea = dar una idea general, dar una idea aproximada.

Example: After giving her a rough idea of what I wanted, she made some suggestions and showed me some possibilities.

» have + a rough idea = tener una idea general, tener una idea aproximada.

Example: Even if you only have a rough idea of what you are looking for, we can help you refine and define your project.

» rough and ready = improvisado, provisional.

Example: The opposite situation occurs when a rough and ready translation is needed.

» rough draft = boceto, borrador, esbozo, grosso modo, a grandes rasgos.

Example: This paper describes the program devised to extract references from the OCLC data base and generate bibliographies in rough draft form.

» rough idea = idea aproximada, idea general.

Example: I have a rough idea of what I'd like to achieve, but I'm not sure when to start.

» rough set = conjunto difuso.

Example: The first approach, which cannot accommodate incomplete information, is restated in the framework of rough sets extended to fuzzy relations.

» rough sketch = boceto, borrador, esbozo, bosquejo.

Example: Intelligent software that brings rough sketches to life in a virtual world is promising to revolutionise the way children learn and to help engineers.

» rough work = trabajo en sucio.

Example: Some dot matrix printers can operate at two speeds, one very fast for rough work, drafting etc. and a slower speed for the final product.

rough [rougher -comp., roughest -sup.]3 = violento, duro, rudo. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]

Example: The changes for the latter group are going to be abrupt, and rough -- very revolutionary.


» go through + a rough patch = atravesar una mala racha, pasar (por) una mala racha, atravesar un mal momento, atravesar un momento malo, pasar (por) un mal momento, pasar (por) un momento malo.

Example: My marriage is going through a rough patch and I am at a loss as to what to do.

» go through + a rough time = atravesar una mala racha, pasar (por) una mala racha, atravesar un mal momento, atravesar un momento malo, pasar (por) un mal momento, pasar (por) un momento malo.

Example: If you have followed along with me over the years you may know that I went through heartbreak, divorce, depression and some rough times over the past few years.

» have + a rough ride = atravesar una mala racha, pasar (por) una mala racha, tener una mala racha, costar mucho trabajo, pasarlo muy mal, tener dificultades, encontrar Algo difícil, pasar apuros, pasarlo muy difícil, andar como puta por rastrojo.

Example: They have had a rough ride, but Austrian sweet wines are back with a vengeance.

» have + a rough time = atravesar una mala racha, pasar (por) una mala racha, tener una mala racha, costar mucho trabajo, pasarlo muy mal, tener dificultades, encontrar Algo difícil, pasar apuros, pasarlo muy difícil, andar como puta por rastrojo.

Example: I've been having a rough time these past two months getting over a breakup.

» rough justice = justicia injusta, injusticia justa, justicia sumaria, justicia expeditiva.

Example: If this was rough justice, it was brought on themselves by their failures.

» rough luck = mala suerte.

Example: You have had a lot of rough luck, for sure, but none of it has been your fault.

» rough times = tiempos difíciles.

Example: Deen told her Florida audience on Sunday that the support of her fans helped pull her through the rough times.

» things + get rough = las cosas + empeorar, las cosas + ponerse feas.

Example: Because the fact is that even earlier in life Aremis Slake had often escaped into the subway when things got rough above ground.

rough out4 = bosquejar, esbozar. 

Example: Stories began to be roughed out, pictures sketched, layouts planned.


» rough it = pasar sin comodidades.

Example: That's truely roughing it and you won't catch me doing it anytime soon.

Rough synonyms

pique in spanish: , pronunciation: pik part of speech: noun, verb draft in spanish: , pronunciation: dræft part of speech: noun aggressive in spanish: , pronunciation: əgresɪv part of speech: adjective hard in spanish: , pronunciation: hɑrd part of speech: adjective outline in spanish: , pronunciation: aʊtlaɪn part of speech: noun, verb harsh in spanish: , pronunciation: hɑrʃ part of speech: adjective crude in spanish: , pronunciation: krud part of speech: adjective, noun fierce in spanish: , pronunciation: fɪrs part of speech: adjective difficult in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪfəkəlt part of speech: adjective boisterous in spanish: , pronunciation: bɔɪstɜrəs part of speech: adjective abrasive in spanish: , pronunciation: əbreɪsɪv part of speech: adjective, noun rugged in spanish: , pronunciation: rʌgəd part of speech: adjective approximate in spanish: , pronunciation: əprɑksəmət part of speech: adjective broken in spanish: , pronunciation: broʊkən part of speech: adjective pugnacious in spanish: , pronunciation: pəgnæʃɪs part of speech: adjective jarring in spanish: , pronunciation: dʒɑrɪŋ part of speech: adjective gravel in spanish: , pronunciation: grævəl part of speech: noun scabrous in spanish: , pronunciation: skæbrəs part of speech: adjective grating in spanish: , pronunciation: greɪtɪŋ part of speech: noun roughly in spanish: , pronunciation: rʌfli part of speech: adverb rocky in spanish: , pronunciation: rɑki part of speech: adjective jagged in spanish: , pronunciation: dʒægd part of speech: adjective erose in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪroʊz part of speech: adjective bumpy in spanish: , pronunciation: bʌmpi part of speech: adjective craggy in spanish: , pronunciation: krægi part of speech: adjective serrated in spanish: , pronunciation: sereɪtɪd part of speech: adjective crushed in spanish: , pronunciation: krʌʃt part of speech: adjective lacerate in spanish: , pronunciation: læsɜreɪt part of speech: verb raspy in spanish: , pronunciation: ræspi part of speech: adjective cracked in spanish: , pronunciation: krækt part of speech: adjective scaly in spanish: , pronunciation: skæli part of speech: adjective scratchy in spanish: , pronunciation: skrætʃi part of speech: adjective imbricate in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪmbrɪkeɪt part of speech: adjective cacophonous in spanish: , pronunciation: kækəfɑnəs part of speech: adjective lined in spanish: , pronunciation: laɪnd part of speech: adjective gravelly in spanish: , pronunciation: grævəli part of speech: adjective mountainous in spanish: , pronunciation: maʊntənəs part of speech: adjective ribbed in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪbd part of speech: adjective serrate in spanish: , pronunciation: sereɪt part of speech: adjective hilly in spanish: , pronunciation: hɪli part of speech: adjective nubby in spanish: , pronunciation: nʌbi part of speech: adjective rasping in spanish: , pronunciation: ræspɪŋ part of speech: noun notched in spanish: , pronunciation: nɑtʃt part of speech: adjective scalloped in spanish: , pronunciation: skɑləpt part of speech: adjective inexact in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnɪgzækt part of speech: adjective rugose in spanish: , pronunciation: rugoʊsi part of speech: adjective scabby in spanish: , pronunciation: skæbi part of speech: adjective chapped in spanish: , pronunciation: tʃæpt part of speech: adjective ciliate in spanish: , pronunciation: sɪlieɪt part of speech: adjective, noun leprose in spanish: , pronunciation: leproʊz part of speech: adjective dentate in spanish: , pronunciation: denteɪt part of speech: adjective fringed in spanish: , pronunciation: frɪndʒd part of speech: adjective corded in spanish: , pronunciation: kɔrdəd part of speech: adjective barky in spanish: , pronunciation: bɑrki part of speech: adjective seamed in spanish: , pronunciation: simd part of speech: adjective pocked in spanish: , pronunciation: pɑkt part of speech: adjective puckered in spanish: , pronunciation: pʌkɜrd part of speech: adjective angulate in spanish: , pronunciation: æŋgjuleɪt part of speech: adjective, verb jaggy in spanish: , pronunciation: dʒægi part of speech: adjective jolting in spanish: , pronunciation: dʒoʊltɪŋ part of speech: adjective costate in spanish: , pronunciation: kɑsteɪt part of speech: adjective scurfy in spanish: , pronunciation: skɜrfi part of speech: adjective imbricated in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪmbrɪkeɪtɪd part of speech: adjective crenate in spanish: , pronunciation: krenət part of speech: adjective fimbriate in spanish: , pronunciation: fɪmbrieɪt part of speech: adjective bullate in spanish: , pronunciation: bʊlət part of speech: adjective pockmarked in spanish: , pronunciation: pɑkmɑrkt part of speech: adjective approximative in spanish: , pronunciation: əprɑksəmətɪv part of speech: adjective cacophonic in spanish: , pronunciation: kækəfɑnɪk part of speech: adjective nubbly in spanish: , pronunciation: nʌbli part of speech: adjective emarginate in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪmɑrdʒənət part of speech: adjective shagged in spanish: , pronunciation: ʃægd part of speech: adjective cragged in spanish: , pronunciation: krægd part of speech: adjective crenulate in spanish: , pronunciation: krenjəleɪt part of speech: adjective jolty in spanish: , pronunciation: dʒoʊlti part of speech: adjective lepidote in spanish: , pronunciation: lepədoʊt part of speech: adjective runcinate in spanish: , pronunciation: rʌnsəneɪt part of speech: adjective ciliated in spanish: , pronunciation: sɪlieɪtɪd part of speech: adjective roughish in spanish: , pronunciation: rʌfɪʃ part of speech: adjective bidentate in spanish: , pronunciation: baɪdənteɪt part of speech: adjective serrulate in spanish: , pronunciation: serəleɪt part of speech: adjective pectinate in spanish: , pronunciation: pektəneɪt part of speech: adjective lacinate in spanish: , pronunciation: leɪsəneɪt part of speech: adjective, noun bouldery in spanish: , pronunciation: boʊldɜri part of speech: adjective potholed in spanish: , pronunciation: pɑthoʊld part of speech: adjective denticulate in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪntɪkjəleɪt part of speech: adjective crispate in spanish: , pronunciation: krɪspeɪt part of speech: adjective saw-toothed in spanish: , pronunciation: sɔtuðd part of speech: adjective alligatored in spanish: , pronunciation: ælɪgətɔrd part of speech: adjective biserrate in spanish: , pronunciation: bɪzɜreɪt part of speech: adjective bouldered in spanish: , pronunciation: baʊdɜrd part of speech: adjective crenulated in spanish: , pronunciation: krenjəleɪtɪd part of speech: adjective sandpapery in spanish: , pronunciation: sændpeɪpri part of speech: adjective rough out in spanish: , pronunciation: rʌfaʊt part of speech: verb roughened in spanish: , pronunciation: ruɪnd part of speech: adjective rough in in spanish: , pronunciation: rʌfɪn part of speech: verb rough-textured in spanish: , pronunciation: rʌftekstʃɜrd part of speech: adjective

Rough antonyms

cut pronunciation: kʌt part of speech: verb, noun smooth pronunciation: smuð part of speech: adjective
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