Rote in spanish


pronunciation: rutinɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

rote = memorístico, mecánico. 

Example: This article examines creative and rote modes of thinking as they relate to 'theory' and 'practice' in library education.


» by rote = de memoria, de carretilla, de carrerilla, de forma mecánica, de manera mecánica.

Example: I was vexed by the dullness of his proceedings at work and though he understands it he does many things by rote, and very dully.

» learn + Nombre + by rote = aprender Algo como un loro, aprender Algo como un papagayo, aprender Algo de memoria, aprender Algo de carretilla, aprender Algo de carrerilla, aprender Algo al dedillo.

Example: It may be that I'm going about it the wrong way, trying to learn it by rote rather than really understanding it.

» repeat + Nombre + by rote = repetir Algo como un loro, repetir Algo como un papagayo, repetir Algo de carretilla, repetir Algo de carrerilla, repetir Algo al dedillo, repetir Algo de forma mecánica, repetir Algo de manera mecánica.

Example: We know it by heart, repeat it by rote, but have you ever really thought about it?.

» rote-familiar = conocido de memoria.

Example: His words rolled out with no effort, which meant to her that he had worn them smooth from constant turning in his mind; they were rote-familiar.

» rote-learned = aprendido de memoria.

Example: The method has one big disadvantage: rote-learned material may go stale after a few performances, just as a play may go stale for actors.

» rote learning = aprendizaje basado en la memorización, memorización.

Example: Education in many developing countries is still dominated by an emphasis on memorization and rote learning, a central syllabus allowing little room for initiative, and an overemphasis on examinations and certificates.

Rote synonyms

rote learning in spanish: , pronunciation: roʊtlɜrnɪŋ part of speech: noun
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