Rose in spanish


pronunciation: roʊsɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

rise4 = subir, aumentar, incrementar, ascender. [Verbo irregular: pasado rose, participio risen]

Example: If suppliers are forced out of business, there will be less software to lend and prices will rise with the lack of competition.


» cost + rise = aumentar los costes.

Example: Not unlike several other institutions of higher education today, private universities find themselves beset with an array of problems, most of which turn on two closely linked axes: student enrollment is declining and costs are rising.

» curtain + rise = telón + subir, comenzar.

Example: One of the main contributions in this issue is 'Future directions: the curtain rises on interactive video,' by David Hon.

» rise above = sobreponerse, superar.

Example: Never in her wildest dreams would she have believed that her mother had been through what she did and was still able to rise above it.

» rise above + good and evil = elevarse por encima del bien y del mal.

Example: It is the story of Michel, who tries to rise above good and evil and give free rein to his passions.

» rise + astronomically = subir como la espuma, dispararse.

Example: The costs of any labor-intensive activity -- and maintenance of a card catalog is certainly labor-intensive -- are rising astronomically.

» rise in + price = subir de precio.

Example: This article examines the problems facing libraries as acquisitions budgets are severely reduced and library materials continue to rise in price.

» rise + sharply = dispararse, subir como la espuma.

Example: The number of Japanese people killing themselves in suicide pacts made over the internet rose sharply last year.

» rise + steeply = subir exageradamente, dispararse, subir como la espuma.

Example: Research by engineers some years ago showed that the probability of incorrect dialling began to rise steeply if the length of the number increased to nine or more digits.

» rise through/up + the ranks = promocionarse internamente, avanzar profesionalmente dentro de la institución.

Example: It marks the first time the position has been held by someone who has risen through the ranks of both agencies.

» rise to + a position = ascender a un cargo, ascender a un puesto.

Example: He rose quickly to the position of chief of the public services division, which he held for two months.

» rise to + greater heights = alcanzar mayores cotas.

Example: Data storage for microcomputers will be raised to greater heights by the development of the video disc, and particularly the digital optical disc, which can store up to 2 Gigabytes, or 2 thousand million characters.

» rise to + meet = superarse para hacer frente a Algo.

Example: The reference librarian deficient in these virtues labours under a constant burden which will prove so crushing that he will be unable to rise to meet his enquirers' needs.

» rise to + power = subir al poder, alcanzar el poder, llegar al poder.

Example: Nazi ideas and brutality were evident to all even at the time, as was the fact that they were rising to power.

» rise to + stardom = alcanzar la fama, alcanzar el estrellato, hacerse famoso, volverse famoso, convertirse en famoso.

Example: Instead, he rose to opera stardom and entranced stadium audiences with his singing voice rather than his soccer skills.

» rise to + the opportunity = aprovechar la oportunidad.

Example: But with those markets showing signs of cooling, the largest auto market in the world has risen to the opportunity again.

» rise (up) to + a challenge = hacer frente a un reto, afrontar un reto, estar a la altura de las circunstancias.

Example: Librarians, like all educators, rose to this new challenge, and programs designed to 'Americanize' the immigrant sprang up in all the major libraries in the country.

» rise (up) to + the occasion = estar a la altura de las circunstancias, dar la talla.

Example: The extremely effective way in which these news services rose to the occasion and provided in-depth news information is described = Se descirbe la manera tan eficaz en la que estos servicios de noticias estuvieron a la altura de las circunstancias proporcionando noticias detalladas.

rise5 = surgir, aparecer. [Verbo irregular: pasado rose, participio risen]

Example: The public library has two choices: to follow the dodo or to rise again like the phoenix.

rise6 = levantarse, ponerse de pie. [Verbo irregular: pasado rose, participio risen]

Example: Rising to leave, she indicated that she intended to call a meeting of the staff to see if they had any ideas.


» rise to + Posesivo + feet = levantarse, ponerse de pie.

Example: She deliberately refused to rise to her feet when he entered a room as was customary, often pretending not to have seen him.

» rise up = levantarse.

Example: Then, with a smile and a kiss, she rose up and sauntered away with her ferine friend in tow.

» rise with + the lark = levantarse al despuntar el día, levantarse con las gallinas, levantarse al cantar el gallo.

Example: You are invited to rise with the lark and listen out for the fabulous dawn chorus.

» the sun + rise (on) = el sol + salir (por).

Example: The sun seems to rise and set on Vijay as far as Coy is corcerned = Según Coy, el sol parece salir y ponerse por Vijay.

rose1 = rosa. 

Example: If we cite the concepts present in a summarization of the document about 'Fungus diseases of roses' in this order we get, 'Botany/Roses/Fungus diseases'.


» a bed of roses = un lecho de rosas.

Example: It is not all a bed of roses for him as he struggles to understand himself, his disability and attempts to live life to the fullest.

» an English rose = mujer con un cutis de porcelana típico inglés.

Example: Her appeals has always been that of an 'English rose'.

» a rose by any other name = lo importante es lo que eres no cómo te llamas. [Frase abreviada tomada de Romeo y Julieta y cuya expresión completa es "a rose by any other name would smell as sweet" (una rosa con otro nombre tendría la misma fragancia)]

Example: The article 'Name searching of chemical compounds: a rose by any other name' describes methods of searching chemical compounds by names or name fragments.

» be not all roses = no ser un lecho de rosas.

Example: Maintaining plants is a big part of the work, but the job is not all roses.

» come out/up smelling like/of (a) rose(s) = salir airoso, salir glorioso.

Example: He may have come out smelling of roses, but what can you do if you ever are on the receiving end of a master manipulator or cheating partner?.

» come up + roses = ir todo de maravilla, salir (todo) de maravilla, salir a pedir de boca.

Example: The article 'Everything's coming up roses' provides an annotated list of selected books, information sources and software for those library users who wish to find information about rose gardening.

» damask rose = rosa de Damasco, rosa de Jericó, rosa de Alejandría.

Example: If a woman receives a bouquet of damask roses in springtime, she will have a faithful lover; but if she received them in winter, she will cherish blasted hopes.

» desert rose = rosa del desierto. [Nombre de planta y de formación cristalina encontrada típicamente en el desierto con forma de rosa]

Example: The book is entitled 'Desert rose= El libro se titula "Rosa del desierto".

» life's not (exactly) a bed of roses = la vida no es un camino de rosas, la vida no es un lecho de rosas.

Example: Now, fifteen years later, their two daughters are stroppy teenagers, money is tight and although they're still together, life's not exactly a bed of roses.

» moss rose = portulaca.

Example: Moss roses are succulents and do well in hot, dry climates.

» rose bush [rosebush] = rosal.

Example: Thorns on the stems of rose bushes help to protect gardens from rabbits and other pests.

» rose-coloured = rosado, de color (de) rosa, idealizado.

Example: The often heavy-handed paternalism of Soviet children's literature is being challenged and children are being entrusted with real situations and real problems rather than the idealistic, rose-coloured version of reality previously thought suitable for them.

» rosefish = gallineta, rosada.

Example: Also known as ocean perch or rosefish in North America and as Norway haddock in Europe, the redfish is one of a number of red-coloured scorpion fish.

» rose garden = jardín de rosas, rosaleda.

Example: The article 'I wish I had a rose garden' muses on the pleasures and problems of the UK library scene in the decade leading up to 1st World War: 1910-1919.

» rose-tinted = idealizado, de color (de) rosa, rosado.

Example: We always knew it but now it's official -- pet owners have rose-tinted views of their animals.

» the bloom + be + off the rose = perder popularidad.

Example: Is the bloom off the rose for retail market? = ¿Está perdiendo popularidad el mercado de venta al por menor?.

rose2 = Tiempo pasado del verbo rise (subir, ascender, aumentar, levantarse). [Véase éste y sus derivados para los distintos significados]

Example: The numbers of readers rose rapidly until in 1981, with a membership of 392, a waiting list was established.

rose3 = alcachofa, roseta. 

Example: Choose a watering can that has a removable rose so that you can either use the gentle rain of the rose for small seedlings or deliver a lot of water by using the spout without the rose attachment.

Rose synonyms

colored in spanish: , pronunciation: kʌlɜrd part of speech: adjective roseate in spanish: , pronunciation: roʊziət part of speech: adjective chromatic in spanish: , pronunciation: kroʊmætɪk part of speech: adjective rosaceous in spanish: , pronunciation: rəzeɪʃəs part of speech: adjective rose wine in spanish: , pronunciation: roʊzwaɪn part of speech: noun blush wine in spanish: , pronunciation: blʌʃwaɪn part of speech: noun pink wine in spanish: , pronunciation: pɪŋkwaɪn part of speech: noun
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