Rope in spanish


pronunciation: kueɹ̩dɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

rope1 = cuerda, soga, guita. 

Example: The second title may be indexed under: wire, rope, lubrication, corrosion, protection.


» against the ropes = contra las cuerdas.

Example: O'Connell recovered strongly in the third round, until Shapot again backed him against the ropes.

» be against the ropes = estar contra las cuerdas.

Example: The novel is about how hard you fight back when you are against the ropes.

» be at the end of + Posesivo + rope = hartarse, estar harto, estar negro, estar hasta la coronilla, estar hasta las narices, no aguantar más, no poder más.

Example: Frustrations mounting, sweat dripping, and steam coming out of my ears like a raging bull, I have again found myself at the end of my rope.

» be on the ropes = estar contra las cuerdas, estar en las últimas.

Example: Now that the talks with Iran on its nuclear program appear to be on the ropes, are we on the road to war?.

» have + Nombre + at the end of + Posesivo + rope = tener harto, tener negro, tener hasta la coronilla, tener hasta las narices, no saber qué hacer.

Example: She really has him at the end of his rope and just wants her to get the hell out of his house and out of his life.

» jump rope = comba, cuerda de saltar.

Example: Jump ropes hurt if you make a mistake and you whip yourself, so start out slow!.

» know + the ropes = conocer los tejemanejes, saberse los tejemanejes, conocer todos los trucos, estar al tanto de todo.

Example: She wasn't particularly worried though, she knew the ropes and could get herself home safe and sound.

» learn + the ropes = aprender los trucos del oficio.

Example: The article 'Learning the ropes' offers hints and advice to Internet users to improve the style and presentation of their Internet messages.

» money for old rope = dinero regalado.

Example: At the centre of the row over the 'bonus culture' is the view that certain people are getting money for old rope -- that they're working the system and not providing good value for money.

» pay out + rope = soltar cuerda, desenrollar la cuerda. [Poco a poco]

Example: The sailor unfastened the knot and began paying out the rope, and the rowboat came out of its shed and glided slowly downwards to the beach.

» reach + the end of + Posesivo + rope = hartarse, estar harto, estar hasta la coronilla, estar hasta las narices, no aguantar más, no poder más.

Example: He was continuing to make problems for her and her family and she had reached the end of her rope.

» rope-fibre = esparto, cáñamo.

Example: The boards were generally made of wood up to the later fifteenth century; then of sheets of paper pasted together ('pasteboard'); and then, from the early eighteenth century in good-quality binding but later in cheap work, of rope-fibre millboard.

» rope ladder = escalera de cuerda.

Example: In 1953 caver Henry Lambert descended a rope ladder with a safety line attached to his waist.

» rope sole = suela de cáñamo.

Example: There are many varieties of sandal, from synthetic rope soles and straps, tyre-tread soled sandals, to the Japanese wooden sandals, which are relatively easy to make.

» show + Nombre + the ropes = enseñar los trucos del oficio.

Example: And she'll value you as an editor who took the time to show her the ropes.

» skipping rope = comba, cuerda de saltar.

Example: The skipping rope seemed so long and heavy, and after a few skips, I was ready to drop dead.

» skip + rope = saltar la comba.

Example: Many boxers will skip rope for several minutes during each training session.

» skip rope = comba, cuerda de saltar.

Example: Skip ropes are one of the most popular products used in physical education classes as it motivates mass participation.

» steel rope = cable de acero.

Example: I first heard the poem, 'steel cables,' when it was recited by the poet at his son's wedding reception.

» steel rope cable = cable de acero.

Example: Civil engineer John Roebling invented the first steel rope cables in Saxonburg.

» tightrope [tight-rope] = cuerda floja.

Example: This tightrope teaches the basics of funambulism, developing concentration, balance, and coordination skills as you traverse a 10 foot long tightrope.

» towrope = cuerda de remolque, cable de remolque, sirga.

Example: A knot in the towrope will probably reduce the rope strength by about 35-40% and markedly increase abrasion.

» wire rope = cable de acero, cable metálico.

Example: Wire rope tends to kink during uncoiling or unreeling, especially if it has been in service for a long time.

rope2 = amarrar, atar. 

Example: His thighs and knees were then roped to the arm rests.


» rope in = persuadir, convencer. [Generalmente para hacer algo]

Example: How this matron got roped in I don't know but she agreed to work a late shift.

Rope synonyms

leash in spanish: , pronunciation: liʃ part of speech: noun
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