Rooted in spanish


pronunciation: enɹ̩ɑiθɑdoʊ part of speech: verb, adjective
In gestures

root4 = echar raíces, arraigar, enraizar. 

Example: Even in mathematics the examples are all practical, rooted in the garden behind the school where the children grow crops.


» root for = apoyar, alentar, animar, ser partidario de, ser hincha de, estar con + Pronombre.

Example: I didn't know her from Adam but started rooting for her from day 1 of the competition.

root5 = escarbar, hozar, rebuscar, husmear. 

Example: We let our 4 hens loose to root in the garden but I think it's not a good idea in the long run, as they would kill raspberries and other plants.


» root around (for) = hurgar, rebuscar, revolver, andar buscando.

Example: Thieves do not like to root around for valuables, so they typically strike places where they know there are goods to be had.

» root out = eliminar, erradicar.

Example: Libraries should root out unproductive and obsolete activities.

» root out = buscar, encontrar.

Example: The article has the title 'Rooting out journals on the Net'.

» root through = rebuscar.

Example: The library would send out squads of trained personnel to root through the piles looking for worthwhile items to be catalogued and shelved.



» be rooted in = tener sus orígenes, surgir de, estar arraigado en, tener raíces en, con raíces en.

Example: There is a definite problem in that the cataloging rules we've had have been firmly rooted in a bygone era.

» be rooted in + earth = tener raíces en la tierra, con raíces en la tierra.

Example: She was tall, portly while she was gangly, supportive while she tended to be domineering, sober while she loved her drink, and rooted in the earth while she often had her head in the clouds.

» deeply rooted = profundamente arraigado.

Example: When these habits are general and deeply rooted, it is unwise for the cataloger to ignore them, even if they demand a sacrifice of system and simplicity.

» deep-rooted = arraigado, muy arraigado, enraizado, radicado.

Example: Unfortunately, much of Metcalfe's writing is marred by what appears to be a deep-rooted prejudice against the classified approach, particularly as exemplified by Ranganathan.

» rooted to + Posesivo + seat = pegado al asiento. [De interés]

Example: They were rooted to their seats and riveted to the screen from the word go!.

Rooted synonyms

frozen in spanish: , pronunciation: froʊzən part of speech: adjective stock-still in spanish: , pronunciation: stɑkstɪl part of speech: adjective, adverb
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