Root in spanish


pronunciation: rɑiθ part of speech: noun
In gestures

root1 = raíz, origen. 

Example: However, many indexing systems have evolved over the last century, and have their roots in a time when detailed specification of subjects was unnecessary.


» address + the root causes of = abordar las verdaderas causas de, atajar las verdaderas causas de, hacer frente a las verdaderas causas de, tratar las verdaderas causas de.

Example: Governments have been indecisive and playing for time -- kicking the can down the road, rather than addressing the root causes of the crisis.

» at grass roots level = en el nivel básico. [A diferencia de niveles superiores de responsabilidad]

Example: The most important element of any new approach is not materials, buildings or impressive information files but a commitment by staff at 'grass roots' level to helping those in need of community information.

» at the root of = en el trasfondo de, en el fondo de.

Example: However, in public libraries at the root of many current enquiries is to be found a matter of social or welfare law requiring explanation, interpretation, and sometimes even more.

» beetroot = remolacha.

Example: Beetroot has for many years been used as a treatment for cancer in Europe.

» forget + Posesivo + roots = olvidarse de las raíces de Uno.

Example: Amid the hoopla, she hasn't forgotten its roots.

» get to + the root of = llegar al fondo de una Cuestión, aclarar, esclarecer, resolver.

Example: One of them snipped Ben Kline's life short, and Marla's determined to get to the root of a case that's anything but cut and dried.

» grassroots [grass-roots] = popular, de base popular, formado por gente cotidiana de la calle.

Example: For a year or two, any wholesome grass-roots group, aiming at anything from wholemeal bread to revolution, would tap one public agency or another.

» have + Posesivo + roots in = tener su origen en, remontarse a.

Example: Swedish public libraries have their roots in the idea of voluntary education.

» historical root = raíz histórica.

Example: Knowing the historical roots of their misfortune may not make it easier for them to escape the fine kettle of fish they are in.

» lie at + the root of = encontrarse en el trasfondo de, ser la razón de.

Example: Telecommunications technology lies at the root of formal concepts such as Inter-Information Subjects Networks (IISNs) and National Information Systems (NISs), developed in the last few years.

» money is the root of all evil = el dinero es la fuente de todos los males, el dinero es el origen de todos los males.

Example: Be that as it may, to paraphrase George Bernard Shaw, money is not the root of all evil, it is poverty which is the worst of crimes of humanity.

» plant + roots in = echar raíces en.

Example: The days when a family plants roots in a town and spend the rest of their lives there seem to be quickly dwindling.

» pluck + Nombre + out by the root = arrancar de raíz, arrancar de cuajo.

Example: Whenever I see a gray hair, I pluck it out by the root.

» root canal = endodoncia, tratamiento de conducto radicular.

Example: Oral surgery is slightly more invasive than your typical cavity filling or root canal since it usually requires some sort of anesthesia.

» root canal surgery = endodoncia, tratamiento de conducto radicular.

Example: Given a choice between losing a tooth or having root canal surgery, I would opt for a root canal.

» root canal treatment = tratamiento de conducto radicular, endodoncia.

Example: The use of an antibiotic in adjunct with a root canal treatment is based on the judgement of the dentist treating a patient.

» root cause = causa, raíz, origen, germen.

Example: This article highlights the root causes of nativism against both immigrants and U.S. immigration policy arising from increasing legal and illegal immigration.

» root element = raíz.

Example: The structure of a hierarchical file can be represented as a tree with a single root element at the top, plus node elements at the ends of the branches that spread out from the top to the bottom.

» root of all evil, the = fuente de todos los males, la; origen de todos los males, el.

Example: In this documentary, Professor Richard Dawkins embarks on a highly controversial journey to show that religion is the root of all evil.

» root of the problem, the = raíz del problema, la.

Example: The root of the problem lies in the simple rule of the number of possible combinations in which a given set of concepts may be sought.

» roots + lie = las raíces se remontan a.

Example: Its roots, however, lay at least two millenia in the past.

» rootstock = rizoma, planta madre.

Example: The behaviour of genotypes differed significantly before and after budding on different rootstocks.

» Root Thesaurus = Macrotesauro, Tesauro Raíz.

Example: The British Standards Institution Root Thesaurus is an important attempt to provide a standard list of terms from which terms for thesauri and indexing languages can be selected, and more application-oriented lists derived.

» root word = palabra raíz.

Example: Basque is an agglutinative language -- meaning that multiple prefixes or suffixes can be added to a root word to create phrases or even sentences.

» square root = raíz cuadrada.

Example: Is it possible that the issue is not whether you and Mr. Kilgour disagree about the onlineness of it all or whether you use 3,3, or 5,4, or twice the square root of pi as the key?.

» tear + Nombre + out by the roots = arrancar de raíz, arrancar de cuajo.

Example: Unless you cut the plant down to the ground and tear it out by the roots, it'll probably recuperate.

» uproot [up-root] = arrancar de raíz.

Example: Some birch trees on the edges of the blown-down zone were not uprooted, merely bent over.

root2 = raíz. [Unidad de significado que puede usarse por sí sola o que aparece en combinación con otras unidades de significado]

Example: The procedure begins by matching strings of characters in the title word with roots, or stems, of words stored in computer memory.

root3 = raíz. [Planta]

Example: There will be occasions when it is difficult to see any helpful principle; for example, in what order should we arrange grain crops, root crops, legumes, etc. in the crops facet in Agriculture?.


» root crop = tubérculo.

Example: The notation 633.4 is used to specify particular types of root crop, eg 633.49 Tubers, which is itself extended to specify Potatoes at 633.491.

» root vegetable = tubérculo.

Example: A whole roasted chicken with root vegetables is a classic dinner and your oven will do all the work!.

» rootworm = gusano de la raíz.

Example: SA (see also) references may also be made to an entire group of headings as an economy measure, for instance, Cranberries - Diseases and Pests SA names of pests eg Cranberry rootworm.

» take + root (in) = arraigar, prevalecer, tomar carta de naturaleza, adquirir carta de naturaleza.

Example: If this provision takes root in libraries, the open learning industry will be presented with a new market.

root4 = echar raíces, arraigar, enraizar. 

Example: Even in mathematics the examples are all practical, rooted in the garden behind the school where the children grow crops.


» root for = apoyar, alentar, animar, ser partidario de, ser hincha de, estar con + Pronombre.

Example: I didn't know her from Adam but started rooting for her from day 1 of the competition.

root5 = escarbar, hozar, rebuscar, husmear. 

Example: We let our 4 hens loose to root in the garden but I think it's not a good idea in the long run, as they would kill raspberries and other plants.


» root around (for) = hurgar, rebuscar, revolver, andar buscando.

Example: Thieves do not like to root around for valuables, so they typically strike places where they know there are goods to be had.

» root out = eliminar, erradicar.

Example: Libraries should root out unproductive and obsolete activities.

» root out = buscar, encontrar.

Example: The article has the title 'Rooting out journals on the Net'.

» root through = rebuscar.

Example: The library would send out squads of trained personnel to root through the piles looking for worthwhile items to be catalogued and shelved.

Root synonyms

base in spanish: , pronunciation: beɪs part of speech: noun side in spanish: , pronunciation: saɪd part of speech: noun stem in spanish: , pronunciation: stem part of speech: noun, verb radical in spanish: , pronunciation: rædəkəl part of speech: adjective solution in spanish: , pronunciation: səluʃən part of speech: noun source in spanish: , pronunciation: sɔrs part of speech: noun theme in spanish: , pronunciation: θim part of speech: noun rout in spanish: , pronunciation: raʊt part of speech: noun basic in spanish: , pronunciation: beɪsɪk part of speech: adjective origin in spanish: , pronunciation: ɔrədʒən part of speech: noun beginning in spanish: , pronunciation: bɪgɪnɪŋ part of speech: noun root word in spanish: , pronunciation: rutwɜrd part of speech: noun rootle in spanish: , pronunciation: rutəl part of speech: verb tooth root in spanish: , pronunciation: tuθrut part of speech: noun
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