Roost in spanish


pronunciation: gɑjineɹ̩oʊ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

roost1 = lugar donde las aves pasan la noche. [Generalmente un árbol]

Example: Thanks to her we were alerted to a roost of pied wagtails in the grounds of a local hotel.


» king of the roost = amo del corral, amo del gallinero.

Example: Ten years ago Yahoo was king of the roost.

» ruler of the roost = amo del corral, amo del gallinero.

Example: I think she may have given Frittata a run for her money as ruler of the roost.

» rule + the roost = mandar, decidir, ser el mandamás, ser el jefe, tener la última palabra, tener el poder, tomar las decisiones, llevar la voz cantante, dirigir el cotarro, cortar el bacalo, partir el bacalo, tener la sartén por el mango, llevar la batuta, llevar el mando, tener el mando, partir la pana, ser (el) dueño y señor.

Example: Just as the 19th century belonged to England and the 20th century to America, so the 21st century will be China's turn to set the agenda and rule the roost.

roost2 = posarse. [Generalmente referido a los lugares donde habitualmente descansan las aves]

Example: In the semi-arid central plateau, tortoises are commonly preyed upon by raptors, some of which roost on ledges in the backs of small rock shelters.


» come + home to roost = pagar las consecuencias. [Generalmente usado en la expresión chickens come home to roost]

Example: I can't help but thinking that we are seeing the 'jobless recovery' of the 2001 recession coming home to roost.

» the chickens come home to roost = cría cuervos y te sacarán los ojos; el que la hace, la paga; donde las dan, las toman; cosechas lo que siembras; el mundo da muchas vueltas; siembra vientos y recogerás tempestades; aquellos polvos traen estos lodos. [Derivado de la expresión original "Curses, like chickens, come home to roost"]

Example: These particular chickens do come home to roost = Derivado de la expresión original "Curses, like chickens, come home to roost".

Roost synonyms

rest in spanish: , pronunciation: rest part of speech: noun perch in spanish: , pronunciation: pɜrtʃ part of speech: noun
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