Room in spanish


pronunciation: ɑbitɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

room1 = habitación, sala, cuarto, cámara. 

Example: The open-plan flexible library can be enonomical since overseeing is facilitated by the openness rather than be dividing the building into rooms or halls, thereby requiring less staff.


» aerate + the room = airear la habitación.

Example: The smell of smoke still hung heavily in the room the next morning, despite our efforts to aerate the room.

» air + the room = airear la habitación.

Example: I aired the room when we arrived and pulled back the net curtains to let the light in.

» art-room = aula de arte.

Example: I have used the following as structures on which to mount displays: art-room drawing tables and sketch boards, metal- and woodwork-shop benches and materials, tailor's dummies and stage platforms.

» art-room drawing table = mesa de dibujo.

Example: I have used art-room drawing tables as structures on which to mount displays.

» art-room table = mesa de dibujo.

Example: The theater for the puppet show was made of three draped art-room tables.

» assembly room = salón de actos.

Example: On the first day of classes the students gathered in the assembly room and began their day with the singing of the national anthem.

» at room temperature = a temperatura ambiente.

Example: When removed from the sink the items were left to drain off for half an hour at room temperature, then packaged in polythene in separate bundles and placed in a domestic refrigerator for 7 weeks.

» attic room = ático.

Example: Armed with a skeleton key that unlocks every door, she discovers a hidden attic room that holds a deadly and terrifying secret.

» audiovisual room = sala de material audiovisual.

Example: The building includes seminar rooms, lecture theatres and a well-equipped library which houses audio-visual rooms, study carrels, display and reading rooms and stacks.

» baby changing room = cambiador de bebés, sala para cambiar bebés, habitación para cambiar bebés.

Example: The new building is open-plan and single storey, with a children's section, public toilet and baby changing room.

» back room = trastero.

Example: For example, suppose that I set up a theory and develop some projects that will run on a whole collection of microcomputers in my back room.

» backroom = interno, de puertas adentro, de puertas hacia dentro, en la trastienda.

Example: For many years, we have used the new technology to tinker with the existing system, to achieve cost savings in the backroom processes, and to produce paper products more cheaply and rapidly.

» backroom = trastienda.

Example: A well-organized backroom is a foundation block in a well-run store.

» ballroom = salón de baile, sala de fiestas.

Example: His work is an early example of the use of ballroom and theater scenes in baroque painting.

» banqueting room = sala para celebraciones, salón de celebraciones.

Example: This event will be held in the hotel's banqueting room, on the 37th floor.

» barroom = taberna, bar, cantina.

Example: The author describes the cowboys, barrooms, variety theaters, and bawdy houses and their patrons in an attempt to separate historical reality from local myth.

» bathroom = cuarto de baño, aseo, servicio.

Example: This article presents a brief guide to collection development in the area of renovating kitchens and bathrooms = This artículo presenta una guía breve para el desarrollo de la colección en los temas relacionados con la reforma de cocinas y cuartos de baño.

» bedroom = dormitorio, alcoba.

Example: Tom Jones hiding in a particular copse with Molly Seagrim, Marvell lying in a certain garden, Dimitri Karamazov in that prison cell, Will and Anna in that cottage bedroom.

» boardroom [board room] = sala de juntas.

Example: After a quick tour of the facilities and after meeting a few staff members, Bibeau was ushered into the 'Board Room,' where he was introduced to the other remaining trustees.

» boiler room = sala de calderas.

Example: Maybe Juan and his merry companions would be happy to relegate us to the boiler room, or a janitor's closet!.

» book + a room = reservar una habitación.

Example: Rooms are booked for such purposes as the giving of public lectures on subjects of current interest and concern.

» box room = trastero.

Example: Box rooms can accommodate all your belongings and with some fittings and sleek sliding doors can be seamlessly turned into a walk-in wardrobe.

» browsing room = salón de lectura. [En una biblioteca, sala de lectura de ambiente relajado, libre de algunas de las normas bibliotecarias y especialmente dedicada a la promoción de la lectura]

Example: What this means is that the browsing room can in fact add to that catalog those items quickly and easily without having to worry about the authority files, for instance.

» change room = vestuario, probador.

Example: Everything was going smoothly until she realized that there was a dress she forgot to pick up and try on whilst in the change room = Todo marchaba sobre ruedas hasta que se dio cuenta, cuando ya estaba en el probador, de que se había olvidado de coger un vestido para probárselo.

» changing room = vestuario.

Example: It is a maze-like photomontage of pictures of the changing rooms and corridors of an indoor swimming pool.

» chat room [chatroom] = sala de chat.

Example: Furthermore, deception is common when subjects use e-mail and chat rooms.

» classroom = aula, clase.

Example: Teaching is done through lectures, seminars, tutorials and practical work both in the classroom and the library.

» common room = salón común.

Example: The school design consisted of five classrooms, two seminar rooms, and a resource room grouped around a common room.

» community room = salón social.

Example: The retreat, held in an off-campus community room during the Christmas break following an unusually hectic autumn term, lasted a full day.

» composing room = sala de composición.

Example: 'Stab' (establishment) hands on weekly wages were also employed in the composing room, but more frequently in the late than in the early nineteenth century, and always in relatively small numbers.

» computer room = sala de informática.

Example: There is still the need to have the centralised computer room with special air-conditioning, power supply and raised floor.

» conference room = sala de conferencias, salón de grados.

Example: The building encloses an art gallery, tourist office, conference room, concert hall and cinema.

» courtroom = sala de justicia, sala del tribunal.

Example: Industry standards are increasingly used in courtrooms as proof that manufacturers comply with nationally accepted rules for the quality of their products.

» darkroom = cuarto oscuro.

Example: The decision was taken to replace the conventional darkroom equipment with modern, digital equivalents.

» delivery room = sala de partos, paritorio.

Example: Okay dads-to-be, we know you're scared to be there but honestly your wife wants you in that delivery room for support.

» dining room = comedor, salón comedor.

Example: Dining rooms tend to be stagnant spaces where the interior decoration never changes.

» dorm room = habitación de residencia de estudiantes.

Example: This article discusses the process of implementing a telecommunications system in a universtiy campus which affected every office, dorm room, and family-residence on campus = Este artículo trata del proceso de implementación de un sistema de telecomunicaciones en un campus universitaria que afectó a todos y cada uno de los despachos, las habitaciones de residencia de estudiantes y las residencias para estudiantes con familia del campus.

» double room = habitación de matrimonio, habitación con cama doble. [Habitación para dos personas con un cama doble]

Example: Apart from its single rooms, Villa Isis has one double room and three twin rooms with en-suite bathrooms.

» drawing room = sala de estar.

Example: The mementoes from far off lands in drawing rooms and museums constitute another imaginary land in which the idea of foreign cultures is shaped.

» dressing room = vestuario, probador, camerino.

Example: Minimum requirements for all programs are locker space, dressing rooms, library and reference materials, and eating facilities.

» drying room = secadero.

Example: Racks for this purpose were fixed below the ceiling of the warehouse or other drying room and doublings of one or two dozen sheets were lifted on to them two at a time with a wooden peel, a tool similar to the peel with which bakers used to load and unload their ovens = Con este propósito se colocaban estantes por debajo del techo del almacén u otro tipo de secadero y los paquetes de folios impresos a dos caras de una o dos docenas de hojas se ponían sobre ellos de dos en dos con una pala de madera, una herramienta similar a la pala que usaban los panaderos para llenar y vaciar sus hornos.

» emergency room = sala de urgencias, sala de primeros auxilios.

Example: This article contains information on the frequencies of drugs associated with drug abuse episodes reported by emergency rooms.

» exhibition room = sala de exposiciones.

Example: The planned library will be part of a complex including a civic hall, information lobby, exhibition rooms and a restaurant.

» faculty common room = sala de profesores, sala del profesorado.

Example: His experience of intellectual community in the faculty common room serves as a model for faculty renewal.

» family room = habitación familiar.

Example: Stay the night in our cosy and lively family rooms, perfect for parents travelling with children.

» fitness room = gimnasio.

Example: The third floor of our building features an endless swimming pool and fitness room for the health and enjoyment of our employees.

» fitting room = probador.

Example: Fitting rooms are a much neglected area of most retail stores.

» game(s) room = sala de juegos, salón de juegos.

Example: Facilities include open-air pool, heated pool, ballroom, games room, TV lounge, gymnasium with sauna, squash courts and jacuzzi.

» go to + the ladies(' room) = ir al baño, ir al servicio, ir al aseo, ir al váter. [Usado para las mujeres]

Example: She raised her hand and asked for permission to go to the ladies' room.

» guest room = habitación de hotel.

Example: The hotel features 428 newly renovated guest rooms with upscale southwestern décor and private balconies with gorgeous mountain views = El hotel ofrece 428 habitaciones renovadas recientemente con una decoración de lujo al estilo del suroeste del país y balcones con magníficas vistas a las montañas.

» guest room = cuarto de invitados, cuarto de huéspedes, cuarto para visitas.

Example: Our guest room sleeps up to 4 people and has a full en-suite bath.

» in-room minibar = minibar en la habitación.

Example: Most guests already know that hotels charge inflated prices for items available for purchase from their in-room minibar.

» interview room = sala de reuniones.

Example: The caravan had a seated waiting room lined with leaflet dispensers and display boards and two interview rooms.

» junk room = trastero, cuarto de los trastos.

Example: My approach to decluttering junk rooms is to do it little by little over several months.

» ladies' room = lavabo de señoras, servicio de señoras, aseo de señoras, baño de señoras.

Example: But there is no advantage to having men's and ladies' rooms far apart, since they are used by different people, so they are almost always next to each other.

» laundry room = lavadero.

Example: Americans spend more time in the laundry room than in the bathroom: an average of eight hours a week, collectively doing some 35 billion loads of laundry a year.

» lecture room = sala de conferencias.

Example: A lecture room, a bookseller's shop and a snack bar will be added later to the library.

» listening room = sala de escucha.

Example: The lower level consists of the general workroom, librarian's office, bindery, stackroom, staff restroom, and soundproof listening rooms for students.

» little boys room = servicio, aseo, baño, lavabo.

Example: When I went to the little boys/girls room to relieve myself I was suprised to see the amount of loo rolls stashed in the corner.

» little girls room = servicio, aseo, baño, lavabo.

Example: When I went to the little boys/girls room to relieve myself I was suprised to see the amount of loo rolls stashed in the corner.

» living room = sala de estar.

Example: We only have to listen to each other talking, anywhere from the bedroom to the lecture hall, from the street to our living rooms, to witness the fact that people are language-made, and that we all use language in the form of story all the time in order to tell each other about ourselves.

» locker room = vestuario, vestuario con taquillas.

Example: This article provides checklists of items to look for in safe washrooms and locker rooms.

» lunch room = comedor.

Example: Works dealing with employee lunch rooms, sometimes called canteens, are entered under the heading Restaurants, Lunch Rooms etc..

» machine room = sala de máquinas.

Example: This area contains a milking parlour, facilities for cooling and storage of the milk and a machine room for the mechanical equipment.

» mail room = sala del correo.

Example: The young librarian was immensely depressed as she pattered down the hall towards the mail room.

» Manuscript and Local History Room = Sala de Manuscritos e Historia Local.

Example: The use of clear armoured glass walls gives excellent visual supervision in the Rare Book Room and in the Manuscript and Local History Reading Room.

» meeting room = sala de reuniones.

Example: This institution offers not only a wide range of information but also the facility of a meeting room, a drop-in lounge for social gatherings, meetings, workshops, exhibitions, displays, playgroups, coffee breaks, informal chats, seminars, study groups, films and slide shows.

» men's room = lavabo de caballeros, lavabo de hombres, servicio de caballeros, servicio de hombres, aseo de caballeros, aseo de hombres, baño de hombres, baño de caballeros.

Example: But there is no advantage to having men's and ladies' rooms far apart, since they are used by different people, so they are almost always next to each other.

» multipurpose room = salón multiuso.

Example: Our multipurpose room can be divided in to two smaller rooms which can each accommodate 50 people.

» multi-use room = salón multiuso.

Example: Work has been ongoing for a month now on converting the underused workshop into a functional and comfortable multi-use room.

» newspaper reading room = hemeroteca.

Example: The areas surveyed included the circulation and reference areas, the book stacks, the computer terminals, the newspaper reading room, the benches outside of the entranceway, and all other public seating areas.

» newspaper room = hemeroteca.

Example: Soon he found himself fronting a door, on which were elaborately patterned the words 'Newspaper Room'.

» newsroom = sala de redacción. [De un periódico o agencia de noticias]

Example: It manages multiple newswires received by the newsroom which include not only text but also graphics and video clips.

» newsroom = sala de lectura de periódicos. [Sala de una biblioteca dedicada exclusivamente a la lectura de los periódicos]

Example: This study seeks to establish the origin of the newsroom in the UK.

» ocean view room = habitación con vistas al océano, habitación con vistas al mar.

Example: Our ocean view rooms have a king size bed that can be split into twins if you require.

» one-room, one-person operation = operación de poca monta.

Example: From 1892 to 1932, this small library was directed by Genevieve Walton, who developed a one-room, one-person operation into a fully-fledged academic library.

» operating room = quirófano, sala de operaciones.

Example: Using reconstituted blood -- red cells and plasma that are mixed in the operating room -- for heart bypass surgery works better than using fresh blood.

» playroom = cuarto de juegos, cuarto de los juguetes.

Example: Once again, the children's playroom was brilliant, gave them some time to relax in a safe environment without constant need for supervision.

» poky little room = cuartucho, cuchitril.

Example: At £75 per night this is significantly overpriced for a poky little room, with worn furniture, and a mattress that had definitely seen better days.

» presentation room = sala de conferencias.

Example: Each presentation room will be staffed with an audiovisual technician, who will assist in starting each presentation.

» press room [pressroom] = sala de impresión.

Example: Having imposed a forme, the compositor carried it to the press room, where a press crew was required to pause in its work and pull a proof for him, often on an old press kept for the purpose.

» quartering room = sala de despiece.

Example: All samples came from cattle slaughtered and processed in the same slaughterhouse and quartering room.

» rare book room = sala de libros raros.

Example: The use of clear armoured glass walls gives excellent visual supervision in the Rare Book Room and in the Manuscript and Local History Reading Room.

» reading room = sala de lectura.

Example: In an academic library, for instance, students of a given discipline can expect to find all books and serials on their subject grouped together, sometimes in a 'reading room'.

» reception room = recibidor.

Example: This article describes the damage caused to the library by a fire in a reception room, including furniture and fittings and smoke damage to the 19th century collection of monographs.

» reference room = sala de referencia.

Example: Placing CD-ROM equipment in a reference room poses wiring difficulties that the flexibility of carpet tiles and flat wire installation should alleviate.

» renovate + a room = renovar una habitación.

Example: Making the choice to renovate any room in your home is not all easy breezy but not all doom and gloom either.

» reserve book room = reserva de libros.

Example: The library has purchased all of the modules, including: acquisitions; circulation control; cataloguing; periodicals control, reserve book room and online public access catalogue (OPAC).

» reserve book room = fondo de consulta en sala.

Example: The article is entitled 'Anatomy of a small step forward: the Reserve Book Room at San Diego State University'.

» reserve room = sección para el fondo de consulta en sala.

Example: Dbase was used to expedite many of the labour-intensive activities associated with reserve room processing and provide a stop gap measure until an integrated system was purchased.

» reserve room book = libro de consulta en sala.

Example: Reserve room books may be borrowed for two hours by undergraduates.

» resource room = laboratorio.

Example: The school design consisted of five classrooms, two seminar rooms, and a resource room grouped around a common room.

» restroom [rest room] = aseo, servicio, baño, lavabo.

Example: Airport restrooms have become popular meeting places for men looking for sexual trysts with other men.

» room and board = cama y comida, pensión completa.

Example: The state of Illinois has been pursuing lawsuits against its own inmates to pay for their room and board.

» room for music-making = habitación para practicar con instrumentos musicales.

Example: Facilities include 2 rooms for music-making, a recording studio, an audio centre and organisation of public concerts.

» roommate = compañero de habitación, compañero de cuarto, compañero de piso.

Example: Several recent studies have found that having a roommate of a different race can reduce prejudice.

» room occupancy rate = tasa de ocupación.

Example: This paper reports on a study about applying neural networks to the forecasting of room occupancy rates.

» room rate = precio de la habitación.

Example: To that end, Marriott has announced its room rates will include everything up front; no hidden taxes or fees to jack up the price at the end of your stay.

» room service = servicio de habitaciones.

Example: You can call for personal room service at any time of the day or night.

» room temperature = temperatura ambiente, temperatura ambiental del edificio, del tiempo.

Example: Such things as the minimum room temperature within one hour of starting work, the adequacy of light and ventilation, toilet provision, fire regulations and exits are all well covered in considerable detail.

» salesroom [saleroom] = salón de exposición y ventas.

Example: Models and displays set up in the salesrooms or as special exhibits are both decorative and interesting.

» secret room = cuarto secreto.

Example: Every kid talks about how they're going to have a secret room in his house when they grows up.

» seminar room = seminario.

Example: The building includes seminar rooms, lecture theatres and a well-equipped library which houses audio-visual rooms, study carrels, display and reading rooms and stacks.

» shower room = ducha.

Example: The school has recently added changing and shower rooms, a gym, and a student common room.

» show room [showroom] = sala de exposición y venta, sala de muestras.

Example: This is a report of a Branch and Mobile Libraries Group short course on stock election held at Askews' showroom on 18 June 86.

» single room = habitación sencilla.

Example: Apart from its single rooms, Villa Isis has one double room and three twin rooms with en-suite bathrooms.

» sleeping room = dormitorio.

Example: No sleeping room of a hotel shall include cooking facilities unless the they have been approved by the building department having jurisdiction over the hotel.

» smoking room = sala de fumadores, fumadero.

Example: Then, one foggy afternoon, waking after a doze, with a cold cigar in his mouth, Jack Herring noticed he was not the only occupant of the smoking room.

» spare room = cuarto de invitados, cuarto de huéspedes, cuarto para visitas.

Example: Are you considering letting a spare room to a male or female housemate in the UK or United States?.

» stackroom [stack room, stack-room] = estanterías, depósito.

Example: The lower level consists of the general workroom, librarian's office, bindery, stackroom, staff restroom, and soundproof listening rooms for students.

» staff room = sala de profesores.

Example: A teacher had the scare of her life yesterday when a man walked into the staff-room, held a knife at her and then demanded money.

» steam room = sauna.

Example: Other bath types include sand baths, where bathers are buried in naturally heated sand, mud baths and steam rooms.

» step out of + the room = salir de la habitación.

Example: They stepped out of the room and he punched her in the face, sending her sprawling and giving her a black eye that lasted for the rest of the tour.

» stockroom = almacén, depósito.

Example: Among the causes of damage to archival records, temperature, moisture content, and pollution of the air in stockrooms play an important role.

» storage room = almacén, depósito, trastero.

Example: All storage rooms where flammable liquids are stored should have restricted access and be properly identified.

» storeroom [store-room] = almacén, depósito.

Example: Mathematical models are presented that describe the diffusion of gaseous pollutants from the air in a storeroom into protective containers and the reaction with the documents lying in them.

» storing room = almacén, depósito.

Example: It is unlikely for libraries in poor countries to set up a special building or storing room and finance its maintenance.

» student common room = sala de estudiantes.

Example: The school has recently added changing and shower rooms, a gym, and a student common room.

» study room = sala de estudio, cuarto de estudio, despacho, oficina.

Example: At that time there were large numbers of intellectual families in the south of the province, most of whom set up study rooms for their children.

» teaching room = aula, aula de clase.

Example: A teaching room as well as a study room in a library can be practically placed on-site or off-site campus or as far away as on the desktop of a computer.

» the elephant in the room = el verdadero problema, el problema obvio. el problema que todos se empeñan en ignorar.

Example: When it comes to the question of bringing the Net and the Web into bibliographic control, the elephant in the room is that of preservation of the human record.

» town council meeting room = sala de juntas del ayuntamiento.

Example: This article describes the structure and interior design of the new community centre which combines the library with the town council meeting rooms.

» twin room = habitación doble. [Habitación para dos personas con dos camas individuales]

Example: Apart from its single rooms, Villa Isis has one double room and three twin rooms with en-suite bathrooms.

» utility room = lavadero, trastero.

Example: The utility room is the best place for the washing machine and tumble dryer.

» waiting room = sala de espera.

Example: It could even be arranged so that he can do this by a stylus scheme, such as is now employed in the teleautograph seen in railroad waiting rooms.

» weight room = sala de pesas.

Example: She rested her gaze on a group of students in the center of the weight room who were gathered around a very large and well-built boy.

» women's room = lavabo de señoras, servicio de señoras, aseo de señoras, baño de señoras.

Example: Before she could respond and follow up with a question about her distraught state, Feng escaped to the women's room.

» workroom = sala de trabajo, obrador.

Example: In the first configuration, the library's data base will be part of the LAN and will therefore be accessible online from terminals located throughout the organization in offices, workrooms, laboratories and so on.

room2 = espacio, sitio. 

Example: It then displays a screen with room to enter 28 copy numbers.


» allow + room for = permitir.

Example: Education in many developing countries is still dominated by an emphasis on memorization and rote learning, a central syllabus allowing little room for initiative, and an overemphasis on examinations and certificates.

» breathing room = libertad, respiro, espacio para respirar.

Example: This blog is about my life, and my battle with Hodgkin's lymphoma; a struggle for both literal and figurative breathing room.

» elbow room = espacio, sitio, libertad.

Example: People will work at a higher level when they have adequate elbow room for decision making.

» give + Nombre + (lots of/plenty of) room to = dar espacio para, dejar libre para, dar libertad para, dejar libertad para.

Example: Monitors are intelligent and curious so give them lots of room to climb, dig and bask.

» have + room for = tener cabida para, tener sitio para.

Example: No matter how stuffed you are after the main course you always have room for a little dessert.

» headroom = espacio, capacidad. [Literalmente, espacio sobre la cabeza y de ahí el significado de "espacio para crecer"]

Example: I was also encouraged to read a subscriber to this list has over 40,000 items meaning this software has plenty of headroom = También me sentí animado al leer que un miembro de esta lista tiene más de 40.000 registros lo que significa que este software tiene bastante capacidad.

» leave + little room for = dejar por espacio para, dejar poco sitio para, permitir apenas.

Example: The competition in Korean international telephone service market was mostly guided and controlled by the government leaving little room for active competition to market participants.

» leave + room for = dar lugar a, permitir, dar cabida a.

Example: Pavements is included in the American sense; as Sidewalks does not rate a mention at all, this could leave room for ambiguity.

» leave + room for = dejar espacio para, dar cabida a.

Example: In the former case, the layout of the text is adjusted to leave room for the graphics.

» legroom = sitio para las piernas, espacio para las piernas.

Example: Reading desks should have under them legroom of 60-65 cm. in height.

» make + room (for) = hacer sitio (a), dejar sitio (a), hacer hueco, hacerse a un lado, dar cabida a.

Example: A scheme should allow relocation, in order to rectify an inappropriate placement, to eliminate dual provision (more than one place for one subject) to make room for new subjects.

» no room to swing a cat = no caber ni un alfiler.

Example: Another nautical phrase is 'no room to swing a cat' and refers to the fact that on the cannon decks of most naval ships there was no room to administer punishment by use of the cat o'nine tails.

» room for manoeuvre = margen de maniobra, libertad de maniobra.

Example: It is this combination of vertical and horizontal autonomy which effectively determines the local room for manoeuvre in decision-making.

» spare room = espacio extra, espacio libre.

Example: I am reluctant to sell this cheap but I need to get rid of it as I have no spare room for it anymore.

» stacks of room = muchísimo espacio, muchísimo sitio.

Example: This bivvy has stacks of room for more than 2 people and I would recommend it to anybody that wants to invest in a bivvy.

» take up + room = ocupar espacio.

Example: Microform catalogs take up less room and are more sound ecologically since you don't have to chop down half of Canada everytime you make a large catalog = Los catálogos de microformas ocupan menos espacio y son más acertados desde un punto de vista ecológico ya que no tienes que talar la mitad de Canadá cada vez que hagas un catálogo grande.

» there + be + room for both ... = ser posible la coexistencia entre ....

Example: Just as libraries can exist alongside bookshops and video rental shops, so there is room for both libraries and private enterprise in the computer area.

» there + be + room for = existir la posibilidad de que.

Example: There is room for everyone to profit from academic software - both in royalties from sales and intellectually.

room (with)3 = compartir habitación, compartir apartamento, compartir piso, compartir vivienda, vivir con. 

Example: Some gay students may feel uncomfortable rooming with members of the same gender, especially if these roommates display signs of homophobia.

Room synonyms

way in spanish: , pronunciation: weɪ part of speech: noun board in spanish: , pronunciation: bɔrd part of speech: noun elbow room in spanish: , pronunciation: elboʊrum part of speech: noun
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