Roof in spanish


pronunciation: tetʃoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

roof1 = tejado, techo. 

Example: The design of roof spaces, floors, walls and columns should all be considered in terms of their use for IT purpose.


» be through the roof = estar por las nubes.

Example: The one justified reason to hate Valentine's Day is that chocolate prices are through the roof -- the bane of all chocolate addicts.

» cover + the roof with tiles = tejar.

Example: He covered the roof with tiles, installed new waterwheels and grinding stones, and produced flour that was white as snow.

» find + Posesivo + own roof = encontrar + Posesivo + propio techo.

Example: My friend's boyfriend picked me up at the airport and he let me crashed at his place until I can find my own roof.

» go through + the roof = dispararse. [Aplicado a precios o cantidades]

Example: These days, prices for gasoline and diesel are going through the roof and we haven't hit rock bottom yet.

» go through + the roof = poner el grito en el cielo, ponerse (hecho/como) un energúmeno, montar un número, montar un cirio, armar un escándalo, armar un lío, armar una bronca, armar la de San Quintín, armar bulla, hacer bulla, meter bulla, armarla, ponerse (como/hecho) un diablo, llevar a Uno el diablo, llevar a Uno (todos) los diablos, ponerse (hecho/como) un demonio, llevar a Uno el demonio, llevar a Uno (todos) los demonios.

Example: Harry was out of the country when the contract was signed, and he went through the roof when he found out about it.

» have + a roof over + Posesivo + head = tener un techo sobre la cabeza.

Example: At least he let her have a roof over her head by staying in one of the bunkhouses that were for the railroad workers.

» hipped roof = tejado a cuatro aguas.

Example: A hipped roof is stronger in windstorms than a gabled one.

» hip roof = tejado a cuatro aguas.

Example: One of the two most popular roof designs, if not the most popular is the hip roof.

» hit + the roof = poner el grito en el cielo, ponerse (hecho/como) un energúmeno, montar un número, montar un cirio, armar un escándalo, armar un lío, armar una bronca, armar la de San Quintín, armar bulla, hacer bulla, meter bulla, armarla, ponerse (como/hecho) un diablo, llevar a Uno el diablo, llevar a Uno (todos) los diablos, ponerse (hecho/como) un demonio, llevar a Uno el demonio, llevar a Uno (todos) los demonios.

Example: When she heard that, she hit the roof -- and she was still hitting the roof about it almost fifty years after it had happened.

» hit + the roof = dispararse, subir como la espuma. [Aplicado a precios o cantidades]

Example: Netbooks have hit the roof in terms of sales and popularity because their ability to ensure productivity on the go.

» lean-to roof = tejadillo.

Example: I would like to install a lean-to roof over the back door of our house.

» live under + one roof = vivir bajo el mismo techo.

Example: The troubled housing market, the recession and high unemployment are forcing more people to live under one roof.

» live under + the same roof = vivir bajo el mismo techo.

Example: As the credit crunch bites families are rediscovering the benefits of all living under the same roof.

» make + the roof fall in on + Pronombre = hacer que se paguen las consecuencias.

Example: If we turn Albert down, the union could make the roof fall in on us and you, as a member of the union, may become something of a pariah.

» price + go through the roof = precio + ponerse por las nubes, precio + dispararse.

Example: And, just as many people had predicted, prices went through the roof.

» price + soar through the roof = precio + ponerse por las nubes, precio + dispararse.

Example: With the price of milk soaring through the roof lots of folks are reconsidering powdered milk for it's economy.

» put + a roof over + Posesivo + head = dar techo, dar cobijo, dar amparo, amparar.

Example: Wealthy Lilian will honour her promise and put a roof over Melissa's head, but only if she can earn her keep.

» raise + the roof = subir el techo.

Example: To do so, he raised the roof of the house and added a second story.

» raise + the roof = causar furor, causar sensación, ser todo un éxito, ser todo un exitazo.

Example: It's impossible to know where her big voice comes from, but she raised the roof and earned a standing ovation.

» raise + the roof = poner el grito en el cielo, ponerse (hecho/como) un energúmeno, montar un número, montar un cirio, armar un escándalo, armar un lío, armar una bronca, armar la de San Quintín, armar bulla, hacer bulla, meter bulla, armarla, ponerse (como/hecho) un diablo, llevar a Uno el diablo, llevar a Uno (todos) los diablos, ponerse (hecho/como) un demonio, llevar a Uno el demonio, llevar a Uno (todos) los demonios.

Example: I understand he raised the roof when he read the report.

» roof garden = terraza ajardinada.

Example: Roof gardens challenge the designer to come up with an environment in which plants can survive freezing winter conditions.

» roof gutter = canalón.

Example: A dirty roof gutter can get clogged and flood over the side of your house, causing more problems.

» roof guttering = canalones.

Example: We've been getting roof guttering quotes but they all seem to be extremelly expensive.

» roofline = horizonte dibujado por un edificio.

Example: The building isn't particularly photogenic, but its staggered roofline is remarkable.

» roof of the mouth, the = paladar, el; cielo de la boca, el.

Example: The roof of the mouth (palate) is divided into two parts. The front part has ridges and is hard (hard palate); the back part is relatively smooth and soft (soft palate) .

» roof rack = baca, portaequipajes.

Example: All roof racks will add drag and therefore slightly increase petrol consumption.

» roof ridge = caballete, caballete del tejado.

Example: Once the last shingle is placed on the roof ridgeº of your building you will need to seal it to protect it from the weather elements.

» roof terrace = azotea, terraza.

Example: Roof terraces are increasingly common as urban dwellers seek to make the most of outside space.

» roof tile = teja.

Example: The determination of Cypriot provenances for amphorae and roof tiles provide important evidence regarding the economic status of Cyprus at that time.

» rooftop = tejado, azotea.

Example: You'll be scaling walls, jumping between rooftops, swinging on ropes, hanging from pipes, sliding under 4WDs and doing anything you can to avoid those zombies.

» roof vent = rejilla de ventilación del tejado.

Example: The roll-up roof vent provides a ventilation rate about 3 times greater than the continuous roof vent.

» sunroof = techo solar.

Example: Michoud was the smallest of the three, so volunteered to try getting in through the partially-open sunroof but she became stuck.

» thatch + a roof = hacer un tejado de paja.

Example: A conical roof is easiest to thatch because the thatcher simply starts at the bottom and goes around until he has circled the entire structure.

» thatched roof = tejado de paja.

Example: The region is further characterized by centuries-old mansions and farm houses with thatched roofs.

» thatch roof = tejado de paja.

Example: Urban dwelling types are appearing in the rural environment; wood is replaced by brick and cement and thatch and shingle roofs are replaced by sheet iron.

» the roof of the world = el techo del mundo.

Example: Tibet, a land veiled in secrecy for centuries, 'the roof of the world' full of mystery, grandeur and overwhelming sights.

» tiled roof = techo de tejas, tejado de tejas.

Example: Tile roofs are an economical and stylish way to protect your home from the elements.

» under one roof = bajo un mismo techo, bajo el mismo techo.

Example: A new building is planned which will rehouse most of the British Library's present functions under one roof.

» under the same roof = bajo el mismo techo, bajo un mismo techo.

Example: There is no easy way to deal with being under the same roof after the divorce has been filed.

roof2 = techar, poner techo a. 

Example: Sharp ridges or other projections above the surface shall be removed before roofing.


» re-roof = cambiar el techo de un edificio. 

Example: The new 3,000 square feet library has been completely re-roofed and rewired.
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