Rome in spanish


pronunciation: roʊmɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

Rome = Roma. 

Example: Julius Caesar had the idea of founding a national or public library in Rome 'to open to the public the greatest possible libraries of Greek and Latin books'.


» ancient Rome = antigua Roma, la.

Example: It is known that in ancient Rome the complexity of the administrative job evoked considerable development of management techniques.

» be more Catholic/papist than the Pope (himself/of Rome) = ser más papista que el Papa.

Example: She will take an ultra hard line position on everything because she will feel that to be accepted in her new circle she will be have to be more Catholic than the Pope.

» fiddle while + Rome burns = quedarse de brazos cruzados ante un problema, perder el tiempo con nimiedades ignorando el verdadero problema.

Example: American political theorists are basically fiddling while Rome burns, talking about pie-in-the-sky versions of democracy, when they can't even figure out how to keep crazy people out of positions of significant power.

» Rome Treaty, the = Tratado de Roma, el.

Example: Some local authorities are currently under investigation for their alleged contravention of the Rome Treaty by their imposition of a 'buy British' requirement.

» Rome wasn't built in a day = no se ganó Zamora en una hora.

Example: Her husband is still as thick as a brick and he still thinks he's been the model husband but Rome wasn't built in a day.

» Treaty of Rome, the = Tratado de Roma, el. [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: The promulgation of Community law represents the culmination of an often tortuous legal process whose main features are laid down in the Treaty of Rome.

» when in Rome (do as the Romans do) = donde fueres haz lo que vieres.

Example: 'When in Rome do as the Romans do,' the key word being integrate within the society you live in = "Donde fueres haz lo que vieres", la idea clave es que debemos integrarnos en la sociedad en la que vivamos.

Rome synonyms

roma in spanish: , pronunciation: roʊmə part of speech: noun eternal city in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪtɜrnəlsɪti part of speech: noun italian capital in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪtæljənkæpətəl part of speech: noun capital of italy in spanish: , pronunciation: kæpətəlʌvɪtəli part of speech: noun
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