Roller in spanish


pronunciation: roʊdijoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

roller = rodillo entintador. 

Example: When balls were compared with rollers in the ninenteenth century, their chief disadvantage was seen to be their cost: they were relatively uneconomical of ink.


» be a/one hell of a roller coaster (ride) = pasarlas canutas, pasarlas putas, pasarlas moradas, pasarlas negras, pasar las de Caín.

Example: It's been a hell of a roller coaster ride, but one thing I learned from this is, all you can do is take one day at time.

» fountain roller = rodillo del tintero.

Example: Fountain solution (ie water with additives which make it less miscible with ink and slow down evaporation) is transferred from the fount tray via a series of fountain rollers until it comes into contact with the plate.

» high roller = jugador de grandes apuestas.

Example: You can receive massive casino bonuses and perks at online casinos if you are a high roller.

» high roller = empresa de grandes derroches.

Example: The current buying elite, the 1,500 or so high rollers who attended the London sale, are a diverse, cosmopolitan bunch.

» inking roller = rodillo entintador. [En imprenta, rodillo manejado a mano o accionado mecánicamente utilizado para aplicar la tinta directamente sobre la forma de impresión]

Example: Like their predecessors (which were mostly news presses) they had carriages with ink tables at the end and inking rollers fixed at right angles across the frame.

» paint roller = rodillo, rodillo para pintar.

Example: It was the portrait of a woman standing against a wall with a paint roller.

» roller bearing = rodamiento, cojinete.

Example: Tapered roller bearings are particularly designed to carry combined (radial and axial) loads.

» roller-blading = patinaje en línea.

Example: An analysis is made of the incidence of accidents during roller-skating (predominantly roller-blading) broken down by age, sex, treatment required, type of injury and causes of the accident.

» roller blind = persiana.

Example: Particular problems with reflections in VDU screens may need special diffused lighting or roller blinds, for example.

» roller coaster = montaña rusa, sucesión de cambios bruscos, torbellino.

Example: The book likens the early adolescent years to a roller coaster, often unpredictable but exciting and filled with possibility.

» rollerskater = patinador sobre ruedas. 

Example: This study compares injuries among ice-skaters with those among skateboarders, rollerskaters, and inline skaters, to determine the need for mandatory helmet use.

» roller-skating = patinaje sobre ruedas.

Example: An analysis is made of the incidence of accidents during roller-skating (predominantly roller-blading) broken down by age, sex, treatment required, type of injury and causes of the accident.

» roller stock = material del rodillo.

Example: The solution was found to be a composition of glue and treacle which could be cast at first on to a cloth backing and later directly on to the roller stock.

Roller synonyms

roll in spanish: , pronunciation: roʊl part of speech: noun, verb tumbler in spanish: , pronunciation: tʌmblɜr part of speech: noun curler in spanish: , pronunciation: kɜrlɜr part of speech: noun hair curler in spanish: , pronunciation: herkɜrlɜr part of speech: noun rolling wave in spanish: , pronunciation: roʊlɪŋweɪv part of speech: noun tumbler pigeon in spanish: , pronunciation: tʌmblɜrpɪdʒən part of speech: noun
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