Rolled in spanish


pronunciation: ɑroʊjɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

roll7 = rodar, dar vueltas, revolcarse. 

Example: The film-strip may roll sideways a little as a canister is removed if they are housed on flat shelves.


» head + roll = cabeza + rodar.

Example: He is quick to spot 'deadwood' among administrative officers, and has no qualms about recommending whose 'head should roll'.

» roll along = desarrollarse.

Example: Now that they are up to speed, Ron has tracked down the school's big guns to see how things have been rolling along.

» roll back = hacer retroceder, repeler, quitar, eliminar.

Example: Some Russia specialists say President Putin is rolling back liberal economic and political reforms ushered in by his predecessor.

» roll back + prices = bajar los precios.

Example: The Minister is firm about not rolling back oil prices insisting that the price hike was 'very marginal'.

» roll back to = volver a, regresar a.

Example: You can resolve these issues by rolling back to Windows Media Player 10.

» roll in = revolcarse en, retozar en, disfrutar de.

Example: You can transform yourself completely through such luxury holidays where you can roll in the lap of comfort and enjoy each moment like never before.

» roll in + Dinero = tener dinero a punta pala.

Example: The article is entitled 'Our other customers -- the super rich: they also read who roll in dough'.

» roll on = continuar, seguir, pasar.

Example: But to make matters worse, and as the drought rolls on, it is very likely that it won't rain again until October or November.

» roll out = presentar, introducir, poner en marcha, poner en funcionamiento.

Example: I don't need to tell those of you from higher education institutions how course management systems are starting to really proliferate and roll out in higher education.

» roll out of + bed = caerse de la cama.

Example: She had very hard floors in her room at the time and I was worried about her rolling out of bed and hitting her head.

» roll out of + bed = levantarse.

Example: His son often had trouble rolling out of bed in the morning and making it to school on time.

» roll over = pasar al siguiente año fiscal.

Example: Basketing, in a publishing context, is the practice whereby there is agreement between publisher and author that unearned royalty balances from previous contracts are rolled over and accounted jointly with the royalties to be earned by that author's new book.

» roll over = rodar sobre, rodar por encima, pasar por encima.

Example: Thus the paper, which was fed sheet by sheet into grippers on the cylinder by an operator, was printed as the cylinder rolled over the forme.

» roll over in + Posesivo + grave = revolcarse en + Posesivo + tumba, revolverse en + Posesivo + tumba.

Example: Glo would be rolling over in her grave if she knew what we are doing to her house.

» roll over to + zero = ponerse a cero.

Example: Problems are caused because PC BIOS chips are hardwired to return to 4 Jan 80 when the year rolls over to zero, i.e 2000.

» roll + Posesivo + eyes = poner los ojos en blanco.

Example: Shariel sighed and rolled her eyes a little, as Akanan clearly didn't catch her drift.

» roll together = mezclar, combinar.

Example: They are made using just raw fruits and nuts rolled together -- without the need for any baking.

» roll up = enrollar, liar.

Example: Occasionally charts or maps are rolled up and stored in cardboard rolls housed in a structure like an umbrella stand.

» roll with + the punches = aceptar las cosas (tal y) como vienen; poner al mal tiempo buena cara; si te dan limón, haz limonada.

Example: Life doesn't always turn out how you plan, but I've realized that I need to just roll with the punches.

Rolled synonyms

bound in spanish: , pronunciation: baʊnd part of speech: verb, adjective rolling in spanish: , pronunciation: roʊlɪŋ part of speech: noun involute in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnvəlut part of speech: adjective coiled in spanish: , pronunciation: kɔɪld part of speech: adjective folded in spanish: , pronunciation: foʊldəd part of speech: adjective furled in spanish: , pronunciation: fɜrld part of speech: adjective trilled in spanish: , pronunciation: trɪld part of speech: adjective pronounceable in spanish: , pronunciation: prənaʊnsəbəl part of speech: adjective rolled-up in spanish: , pronunciation: roʊldəp
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