Roll in spanish


pronunciation: roʊdɑɹ̩ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

roll1 = bollo, panecillo. 

Example: Morning goods such as baps and rolls are covered separately.


» bread roll = bollo, panecillo.

Example: These bread rolls take a little time to make but the end product is worth it.

» ring-shaped sweet roll = rosco.

Example: These ring-shaped sweet rolls are available in two flavours: chocolate for the die-hard sweet tooth, and sugar for the most select palates.

» sticky roll = panecillo dulce, suizo.

Example: One of the recipes I've most wanted to master over the past couple years has been a gooey sticky roll.

» sweet roll = panecillo dulce, suizo.

Example: A good sweet roll can literally change the course of a day!.

roll2 = rollo. 

Example: The results appear there and then not only on the VDU screen but also on a roll of paper which spills out of the attached printer at a rate of knots.


» acetate roll = rollo de acetato. [Rollo de plástico que en los primeros años de los retroproyectores se colocaba de tal manera que al desenrollarse se deslizaba por encima del cristal de proyección para que el usuario pudiese dibujar o escribir sobre el plástico a modo de transparencia continua]

Example: The teacher writes or draws directly on to the acetate roll covering the glass platen of the projector using a water-based pen.

» be on a roll = estar inspirado, andar inspirado, estar de suerte, andar de suerte, estar en racha, andar de buena racha, estar de buena racha, tener una buena racha, tener la suerte de cara.

Example: Britain is on a roll -- the world's second military power and, by some recent estimates, the world's fourth economic power.

» cardboard roll = tubo de cartón.

Example: Occasionally charts or maps are rolled up and stored in cardboard rolls housed in a structure like an umbrella stand.

» credit roll = títulos de créditos.

Example: I will include a credit roll at the end of your DVD if you send me an email that list each member of the wedding party and their function arranged in the order you would like them to appear.

» fig roll = pan de higo.

Example: I love fig rolls anyway, and can easily munch my way through a whole packet in a day (though it's not really much good for the weight!).

» go for + a roll in the hay = darse un revolcón, echar un polvo, echar un casquete, hacer el amor, tener sexo.

Example: So, the next time you and your partner go for a roll in the hay, don't just keep those thoughts to yourself -- tell your person what you're thinking, what you're thinking about doing, and why.

» have + a roll in the hay = darse un revolcón, echar un polvo, echar un casquete, hacer el amor, tener sexo.

Example: Two-thirds of men and 30 percent of women say they'd rather have a roll in the hay than get a gift on Valentine's Day.

» kitchen roll = rollo de papel de cocina, rollo de toallitas de papel.

Example: The advert is about proving that Bounty kitchen roll is stronger than other brands even when it is wet.

» kitchen roll holder = dispensador de papel de cocina, dispensador de toallitas de papel.

Example: Smarten up your kitchen with this handy wooden kitchen roll holder.

» loo roll = rollo de papel higiénico.

Example: When I went to the little boys/girls room to relieve myself I was suprised to see the amount of loo rolls stashed in the corner.

» rock and roll [rock'n'roll] = rock and roll, rocanrol.

Example: Their music redefined rock and roll for an entire generation, leaving an imprint that endures to this day.

» roll-call = lista.

Example: This is a non-bibliographic data base which records the complete roll-call of voting by members of Congress.

» roll film = rollo de película.

Example: The microfilm is a common form for catalogues and indexes, in either 35 mm or 16 mm roll film, usually but not always packaged in a cassette.

» roll of honour = lista de honor, cuadro de honor, lista de ganadores.

Example: The creation of the Roll of Honour began at the end of the 19th century and proceeded well into the 20th century.

» roll of thunder = tronido, trueno.

Example: Suddently the felt a shock, as if the entire earth had woken up with a start, and then they heard a roll of thunder.

» roll-up [rollup] = enrollable, que se enrolla.

Example: The roll-up roof vent provides a ventilation rate about 3 times greater than the continuous roof vent.

» take + roll = pasar lista.

Example: Responsibilities include taking roll, counting noses after each stop and keeping the children and youth on the bus safe.

» tax roll = registro fiscal.

Example: The tax roll generally lists the owner of each piece of property, a description of the property and other details that affect the property's assessed value.

» toilet roll = rollo de papel higiénico.

Example: Toilet roll is something most of us use every day, and yet it's rarely discussed in public.

» voters' roll = censo electoral.

Example: This verification might be achieved by checking the voters' roll, or examining the applicant's driving licence or some other documentation which will prove he is who he claims to be.

roll3 = rueda. [En encuadernación manual, diseño de una de las herramientas utilizadas para ornamentar las cubiertas]

Example: Some of the most usual designs used in binding consisted of lines set on curved rockers (pallets); wheels with lines on the circumference (fillets); and wheels with elaborate designs on the circumference (rolls).


» dandy roll = rodillo filigranador. [Uno de los elementos de la máquina continua de papel cuya función es la presionar ligeramente sobre la pasta de papel para mejorar su formación y que dejaba sobre éste una huella en forma de filigrana o verjurado]

Example: The first dandy rolls were made in the laid pattern, and thus produced a machine-made laid paper, but wove dandies were also in use from 1828.

» roll stool = peldaño de biblioteca. [En una biblioteca o centro de documentación, pieza de mobiliario con forma de cono invertido y con ruedecitas usado para alcanzar el material situado en las estanterías superiores]

Example: This article describes the advantages for these users of bookrests, mobile height-adjustable tables, sloped writing surfaces, roll stools, long-handled reachers, adjustable chairs with armrests, and D-shaped handles on card catalogue drawers.

roll4 = rollo de pergamino. [En la antigüedad, tira de papel enrollada de considerable longitud que se utilizaba para escribir]

Example: The rolls, which it was customary to keep in the bosom, contained exhortations, messages and promises and were considered very valuable as physical objects.


» papyrus roll = rollo de papiro.

Example: Thus, libraries of ancient times stored clay tablets, papyrus rolls, parchment scrolls and so on.

roll5 = rollo. [En archivística, grupo de documentos de un mismo tipo que forman una unidad en virtud de estar enrrollados juntos por pertenecer a un mismo período o a una misma letra del abecedario]

Example: For example, bundles, files, volumes or rolls are clearly items because they are physically appropriate for handling.

roll6 = rollo. [En música, uno de los primeros soportes que tenía forma de rodillo]

Example: Chapter 6 covers discs, tapes, piano rolls and sound recordings on film.


» piano roll = rollo de piano.

Example: The first is the catalogue of piano rolls and the second is a catalogue of commercial sound records.

» roll in = llegar, aproximarse, acercarse, venir.

Example: With the summer rolling in, many of you might be looking for instructions on how to make fresh iced tea.

roll7 = rodar, dar vueltas, revolcarse. 

Example: The film-strip may roll sideways a little as a canister is removed if they are housed on flat shelves.


» head + roll = cabeza + rodar.

Example: He is quick to spot 'deadwood' among administrative officers, and has no qualms about recommending whose 'head should roll'.

» roll along = desarrollarse.

Example: Now that they are up to speed, Ron has tracked down the school's big guns to see how things have been rolling along.

» roll back = hacer retroceder, repeler, quitar, eliminar.

Example: Some Russia specialists say President Putin is rolling back liberal economic and political reforms ushered in by his predecessor.

» roll back + prices = bajar los precios.

Example: The Minister is firm about not rolling back oil prices insisting that the price hike was 'very marginal'.

» roll back to = volver a, regresar a.

Example: You can resolve these issues by rolling back to Windows Media Player 10.

» roll in = revolcarse en, retozar en, disfrutar de.

Example: You can transform yourself completely through such luxury holidays where you can roll in the lap of comfort and enjoy each moment like never before.

» roll in + Dinero = tener dinero a punta pala.

Example: The article is entitled 'Our other customers -- the super rich: they also read who roll in dough'.

» roll on = continuar, seguir, pasar.

Example: But to make matters worse, and as the drought rolls on, it is very likely that it won't rain again until October or November.

» roll out = presentar, introducir, poner en marcha, poner en funcionamiento.

Example: I don't need to tell those of you from higher education institutions how course management systems are starting to really proliferate and roll out in higher education.

» roll out of + bed = caerse de la cama.

Example: She had very hard floors in her room at the time and I was worried about her rolling out of bed and hitting her head.

» roll out of + bed = levantarse.

Example: His son often had trouble rolling out of bed in the morning and making it to school on time.

» roll over = pasar al siguiente año fiscal.

Example: Basketing, in a publishing context, is the practice whereby there is agreement between publisher and author that unearned royalty balances from previous contracts are rolled over and accounted jointly with the royalties to be earned by that author's new book.

» roll over = rodar sobre, rodar por encima, pasar por encima.

Example: Thus the paper, which was fed sheet by sheet into grippers on the cylinder by an operator, was printed as the cylinder rolled over the forme.

» roll over in + Posesivo + grave = revolcarse en + Posesivo + tumba, revolverse en + Posesivo + tumba.

Example: Glo would be rolling over in her grave if she knew what we are doing to her house.

» roll over to + zero = ponerse a cero.

Example: Problems are caused because PC BIOS chips are hardwired to return to 4 Jan 80 when the year rolls over to zero, i.e 2000.

» roll + Posesivo + eyes = poner los ojos en blanco.

Example: Shariel sighed and rolled her eyes a little, as Akanan clearly didn't catch her drift.

» roll together = mezclar, combinar.

Example: They are made using just raw fruits and nuts rolled together -- without the need for any baking.

» roll up = enrollar, liar.

Example: Occasionally charts or maps are rolled up and stored in cardboard rolls housed in a structure like an umbrella stand.

» roll with + the punches = aceptar las cosas (tal y) como vienen; poner al mal tiempo buena cara; si te dan limón, haz limonada.

Example: Life doesn't always turn out how you plan, but I've realized that I need to just roll with the punches.

Roll synonyms

cast in spanish: , pronunciation: kæst part of speech: verb, noun wind in spanish: , pronunciation: waɪnd part of speech: noun wheel in spanish: , pronunciation: wil part of speech: noun revolution in spanish: , pronunciation: revəluʃən part of speech: noun wrap in spanish: , pronunciation: ræp part of speech: noun, verb hustle in spanish: , pronunciation: hʌsəl part of speech: noun, verb coil in spanish: , pronunciation: kɔɪl part of speech: noun roster in spanish: , pronunciation: rɑstɜr part of speech: noun bun in spanish: , pronunciation: bʌn part of speech: noun pluck in spanish: , pronunciation: plʌk part of speech: verb, noun peal in spanish: , pronunciation: pil part of speech: noun roller in spanish: , pronunciation: roʊlɜr part of speech: noun scroll in spanish: , pronunciation: skroʊl part of speech: noun rolling in spanish: , pronunciation: roʊlɪŋ part of speech: noun curl in spanish: , pronunciation: kɜrl part of speech: noun, verb revolve in spanish: , pronunciation: rivɑlv part of speech: verb gyre in spanish: , pronunciation: dʒaɪr part of speech: noun seethe in spanish: , pronunciation: sið part of speech: verb rotation in spanish: , pronunciation: roʊteɪʃən part of speech: noun undulate in spanish: , pronunciation: ʌndʒəleɪt part of speech: verb, adjective whorl in spanish: , pronunciation: wɜrl part of speech: noun roll out in spanish: , pronunciation: roʊlaʊt part of speech: verb ringlet in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪŋlɪt part of speech: noun curlicue in spanish: , pronunciation: kɜrlɪkju part of speech: noun paradiddle in spanish: , pronunciation: perədɪdəl part of speech: noun turn over in spanish: , pronunciation: tɜrnoʊvɜr part of speech: verb bankroll in spanish: , pronunciation: bæŋkroʊl part of speech: noun, verb gyration in spanish: , pronunciation: dʒaɪreɪʃən part of speech: noun drum roll in spanish: , pronunciation: drʌmroʊl part of speech: noun pealing in spanish: , pronunciation: pilɪŋ part of speech: noun rolling wave in spanish: , pronunciation: roʊlɪŋweɪv part of speech: noun

Roll antonyms

unwind pronunciation: ənwaɪnd part of speech: verb unroll pronunciation: ənroʊl part of speech: verb wind off pronunciation: waɪndɔf part of speech: verb
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