Role in spanish


pronunciation: pɑpel part of speech: noun
In gestures

role1 = papel, función, rol. 

Example: The role of analytical entries in an online catalogue is less clear.


» alpha role = función dominante, papel dominante.

Example: The author explores the myths about female leaders; they are either too soft due to their predisposition as nurturers and thus are pushovers; or they are too assertive when they assume an alpha role in the organization.

» articulate + a role = desempeñar una función.

Example: The failure of librarians to articulate their educational role has marginalized the librarian's contribution to teaching and learning.

» assert + Posesivo + role = imponer + Posesivo + papel.

Example: Iran shows no interest in budging a single inch, and continues to assert its role in the region.

» assume + a role = asumir un papel, hacerse cargo de, hacerse responsable.

Example: By virtue of standing an easy first among the libraries of the region -- first in size of collection, first in financial support, and first in that mysterious quality known as 'excellence' -- Dorado was asked to assume the role.

» blurring of roles = desaparición de las diferencias.

Example: The article concludes that there will be a blurring of roles among local institutions, libraries and regional networks.

» blur + roles = confundir los papeles, desdibujar los papeles.

Example: Recent developments in information technology and networking have, in some ways, blurred the roles of these 2 entities.

» formulate + a role = definir una función.

Example: Once the public library's mission and roles have been formulated, the planning process can effectively begin.

» fulfil + Posesivo + role = desempeñar un papel.

Example: One of the objectives is to produce a statement of the role of the Library, showing in priority order the steps the Library will need to take to fulfill that role.

» gender role = rol establecido en función del sexo.

Example: The article is entitled 'Fear of women in suits: dealing with gender roles in librarianship'.

» in its role = por su papel.

Example: In its role in formulating search profiles, weighted term logic may be introduced either as a search logic in its own right, or as a means of reducing the search output from a search whose basic logic is Boolean.

» investigate + role = examinar la función de Algo, examinar el papel de Algo.

Example: A survey of music librarians was carried out to investigate the role of the Institute of Popular Music, UK, as a source of information on popular music.

» leading role = papel principal, papel de líder, protagonista.

Example: Health librarians are taking a leading role in the development of the library and information profession in the emerging information society.

» lead role = protagonista principal, actor principal, personaje principal, papel principal.

Example: If she knew I was going to be married, something she did not highly approve of, she might not give me all the lead roles, she might think I was a lost cause and not worth her time.

» perform + a role = desempeñar una función, desempeñar un papel.

Example: I think we should all take to heart Lady Wootton's classic cutting of this Gordian knot, when she points out that social workers are not medicos, not psychologists, not sociologists, they are essentially experts in communication, performing a 'middleman' role.

» pivotal role = papel esencial, papel fundamental, papel central.

Example: Libraries play a pivotal rale in the social, cultural, educational and economic life of the community.

» play + an instrumental role in = contribuir a, ayudar a.

Example: Many people played an instrumental role in preparing this new FAO manual.

» play + a role = desempeñar una función, jugar un papel, desempeñar un papel.

Example: Role operators reflect the role that each concept plays in the context of this particular subject.

» play + the role of = hacer el papel de, desempeñar el papel de, hacer de.

Example: I'm an actor playing the role of a balloonist and I want to be able to explain in scientific terms why helium and hydrogen make balloons rise.

» project + Reflexivo + into + role = identificarse con un papel.

Example: They project themselves more easily into the roles of the characters who must frequently attempt to influence their superiors, rather than hand down decisions.

» reversal of roles = inversión de papeles, inversión de funciones, inversión de roles.

Example: The French Revolution was a drama in itself with the reversal of roles (royalists and revolutionaries).

» role ambiguity = ambigüedad de funciones.

Example: Over the past 10 years, role conflict, role ambiguity, role clarity and job satisfaction have been given increased attention in the study of organisational behaviour for a number of occupational groups.

» role clarity = claridad de funciones, claridad de responsabilidades.

Example: Over the past 10 years, role conflict, role ambiguity, role clarity and job satisfaction have been given increased attention in the study of organisational behaviour for a number of occupational groups.

» role-conditioned = condicionado por la función que uno desempeña.

Example: This article demonstrates that recognition of role-conditioned attributes of acquisitions departments can lead to expanded concepts of coordination and more sensitive management practices in the library.

» role conflict = conflicto de funciones, conflicto de responsabilidades.

Example: Over the past 10 years, role conflict, role ambiguity, role clarity and job satisfaction have been given increased attention in the study of organisational behaviour for a number of occupational groups.

» role indicator = indicador de función. [Símbolo de una lista especial que se le une a un descriptor para indicar el sentido que tiene]

Example: A role indicator is an auxiliary symbol that may be chosen from a special list and attached to a descriptor to indicate in which sense the descriptor is being used.

» role model = modelo a imitar, ejemplo a imitar, ejemplo, modelo a seguir, ejemplo a seguir.

Example: In either case, library managers should recognise their own part in being role models for reference staffs.

» role modelling = modelo a imitar.

Example: When adults are nonreaders, the role modeling for the enjoyment of reading as an intellectual and recreational activity is missing.

» role-play = juego de rol.

Example: Role-plays can be used in many educational settings as a means of engaging students actively with an issue or debate.

» role-play = practicar con juegos de rol, hacer un juego de rol, representar, simular.

Example: It is easy for me to role-play very different kinds of characters or personalities.

» role playing = juegos de rol.

Example: This article stresses that teaching methods are also to be updated to include, for example, individual tuition and role playing.

» role relationships = relaciones jerárquicas.

Example: How do we manage working arrangements and role relationships so that people's needs for self-worth, growth, and development are significantly met in our libraries?.

» role reversal = inversión de papeles, inversión de funciones, inversión de roles.

Example: Role reversal seeks to answer some of these questions by having ordinary men and women switch genders for a month.

» secondary role = papel secundario, papel de reparto, actor secundario.

Example: They are usually assigned secondary roles in the majority of the films they appear in.

» shoulder + a role = asumir un papel, hacerse cargo de una función, hacerse responsable de una función.

Example: Even if she hadn't shouldered that role, few would have questioned her authority to rule the roost.

» starring role = papel estelar, papel de protagonista.

Example: For 20 years and counting, 'Law & Order' has made Gotham not just its base of operations, but has given it a starring role in the show.

» step into + the role of = asumir el papel de, hacer las veces de.

Example: Sidel, who was raised by a single father, said the difference is that single fathers are lionized for stepping into the role while single mothers can be vilified as welfare queens or worse.

» step up to + a role = adaptarse a una función, adoptar una función.

Example: The author warns that if academic libraries do not step up to this educational role, other units on campus or commercial enterprises will fill the breach.

» swap + roles = intercambiar papeles, intercambiar funciones. [También escrito swop roles]

Example: Lyrically this song is about a man telling his lady they are going to trade places and swap roles.

» take + a role = adoptar una actitud, adoptar un papel.

Example: Employers should take a preventive role in protecting women's general health, for example, screening women workers for cervical cancer.

» take upon + Reflexivo + role = asumir una función.

Example: By so doing the public library might well take upon itself a distinctive role in the community's pattern of communication.

» title role = papel protagonista, papel principal.

Example: Marie-Nicole Lemieux in the title role provides a blazing star performance.

» vital role = papel esencial, papel vital, función esencial, función vital.

Example: Ironclad battleships played a vital role during the Civil War assault on Charleston.

role2 = operador de función. 

Example: Roles were codes assigned to concepts to represent the role that a specific concept played in a given document.


» role operator = indicador de relación.

Example: Operators, also called role operators, are numbers and letters which are assigned to terms in a string to specify their grammatical function or role within that string.

Role synonyms

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