Rocket in spanish


pronunciation: koʊete part of speech: noun
In gestures

rocket = cohete. 

Example: The fighter pilot said he was ordered to fire a full salvo of rockets at the UFO moving erratically over the North Sea.


» launch rocket = cohete lanzadera.

Example: Sitting on top of a launch rocket waiting for somebody to push a button and send you hurtling off into outer space is a doddle when compared with diving.

» not (exactly) rocket science = no es una ciencia exacta, no es un misterio.

Example: Successful economic development is not exactly rocket science.

» rocket launcher = lanzacohetes, lanzador de cohetes.

Example: Examples range from guns -- revolvers, pistols, carbines, and assault rifles -- to grenade launchers, anti-tank guns, rocket launchers, and anti-aircraft missile launchers.

» rocket science = astronáutica.

Example: The exhibition presented the work of four artists whose projects examine the fields of natural science, nuclear physics and rocket science, zoology, and genetic engineering.

» rocket scientist = lumbrera, genio.

Example: In economic reports month after month, the Democrats and rocket scientists scratch their heads and wonder why job creation is too low.

» rocket scientist = ingeniero astronáutico.

Example: Rocket scientists, long considered the gold standard in intelligence among all professionals, are not nearly as smart as originally thought.

» skyrocket = dispararse, subir como la espuma. [Aplicado a precios o cantidades]

Example: The amount and value of information has skyrocketed.

» space rocket = cohete espacial.

Example: In many subjects we find a steady development from basic ideas to their most complex application, a good example being air travel: balloon, aircraft, space rockets.

» wild rocket = rúcula, rúcula salvaje.

Example: Aromatic, with a lively peppery punch, wild rocket can be grown all year round but it is especially useful in the hotter months.

Rocket synonyms

arugula in spanish: , pronunciation: ɑrugjulə part of speech: noun skyrocket in spanish: , pronunciation: skaɪrɑkət part of speech: verb, noun roquette in spanish: , pronunciation: rəkwet part of speech: noun eruca sativa in spanish: , pronunciation: erukəsɑtivə part of speech: noun garden rocket in spanish: , pronunciation: gɑrdənrɑkət part of speech: noun rocket engine in spanish: , pronunciation: rɑkətendʒən part of speech: noun rocket salad in spanish: , pronunciation: rɑkətsæləd part of speech: noun eruca vesicaria sativa in spanish: , pronunciation: erukəvezɪkɑriəsɑtivə part of speech: noun
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