Rocker in spanish


pronunciation: bɑlɑnθin part of speech: noun
In gestures

rocker1 = roquero. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: The author discusses the prospects for the autobiography of rocker Marilyn Manson, formerly a boy, which has made the bestseller lists.


» be off + Posesivo + rocker = estar loco, estar chiflado, estar chalado, estar pirado, ser estúpido, estar zumbado, estar sonado, estar majareta.

Example: Nobody with any sense whatsoever would voluntarily swim in the waters of San Francisco Bay unless they were off their rocker.

» go off + Posesivo + rocker = volverse loco, volverse chiflado, volverse chalado, volverse estúpido, volverse majareta.

Example: I mean everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but they went off their rocker embracing our enemies.

» off + Posesivo + rocker = loco, chiflado, pirado, chalado, estúpido, zumbado, sonado, majareta.

Example: I find it fascinating how Bradley can be perfectly reasonable one moment, and off his rocker the next.

rocker2 = graneador. 

Example: The most usual tools (which were generally made of brass, set in wooden handles like chisels) were simple design units such as lines set on curved rockers (pallets).


» go (right) off + Posesivo + rocker = perder la cabeza, perder la chaveta.

Example: The Chinese seem to have gone off their rocker with the recent street protests against revisions of Japanese schoolbooks.

Rocker synonyms

rocking chair in spanish: , pronunciation: rɑkɪŋtʃer part of speech: noun
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