Rock in spanish


pronunciation: roʊkk part of speech: noun
In gestures

rock1 = roca, piedra. 

Example: The Museum's scientific research draws on unique fossil, rock and mineral collections.


» be at rock bottom = estar por los suelos, haber tocado fondo, estar a bajos mínimos.

Example: I was at rock bottom, being abused by different men, drinking heavily and taking more and more drugs.

» bedrock = base, fundamento, cimiento, pilar.

Example: We are the bedrock of our profession and the standards that we attain fundamentally affect the status of the profession.

» bedrock = roca madre, lecho de roca.

Example: In addition to streams and thermal springs, groundwater discharges from alluvium, bedrock, and karstified tufa.

» be + Posesivo + rock = ser + Posesivo + sostén, ser + Posesivo + soporte.

Example: He is her rock and will help guide her through the process of being a mother.

» between a rock and a hard place = entre la espada y la pared.

Example: As for me, I sit, as the saying goes, between a rock and a hard place.

» cock-of-the-rock = gallito de las rocas.

Example: The cock-of-the-rock is Peru's national bird and it can be found in tropical and subtropical rain forests close to rocky areas, where they build their nests.

» crystalline rock = roca cristalina.

Example: This book discusses the aspects of petrological theory necessary to understand the development of crystalline rock texture.

» Dome of the Rock, the = Cúpula de la Roca, la.

Example: In this study, tourists' visitation patterns to four heritage sites of religious significance (the Wailing Wall, the Temple Mount, the Dome of the Rock, and the Holy Sepulchre) are explored.

» falling rocks = desprendimiento de rocas.

Example: A family of four were airlifted to hospital after being hit by falling rocks while they were fossil hunting on a beach.

» flint rock = roca de pedernal, roca de sílex.

Example: After a few strikes with a flint rock, a spark ignited the gunpowder just enough to get some fine twigs burning.

» igneous rock = roca ígnea.

Example: The rocks formed from molten magma are called igneous rocks.

» lava rock = piedra volcánica.

Example: It is an old legend that taking lava rocks from Hawaii results in being followed by bad luck.

» morale + be at rock bottom = moral + estar por los suelos, moral + haber tocado fondo, tener la moral por los suelos.

Example: By then, the political state of affairs in Taiwan was a shambles and morale was at rock bottom.

» on the rocks = a punto de irse a pique, en crisis, en situación de crisis.

Example: Marriage is on the rocks in Britain, with the proportion of unmarried people exceeding that of married people as more men and women opt to live together without constraints.

» phosphate rock = fosforita.

Example: Global demand for phosphate rock is predicted to rise at 2.3% per year in order to produce crops for biofuel production.

» rock art = arte rupestre.

Example: This volume on Saharan rock art is an important addition to the increasing amount of studies on Saharan pictographs.

» rock-bottom = básico, primordial, esencial, el más bajo; el punto más bajo.

Example: The rock-bottom element seems to be the confidence in facing life.

» rockbound = rocoso.

Example: After the conference, excursions have been arranged to the quaint rockbound seacoast towns north of Boston.

» rock climber = alpinista, escalador.

Example: Even though canyoneering started in Europe during the 1970s, Utah is the capital of the sport, attracting rock climbers and mountaineers.

» rock climbing = escalada.

Example: Includes an annotated bibliography of books covering rock climbing, winter sports, water sports, backpacking and mountain biking.

» rock cod = gallineta, rosada.

Example: One of the rock cod fishing tips is to use a sinker, so that the line goes down till the rocks, where the cod is.

» rock face = acantilado, farallón.

Example: The article is entitled 'View from the rock face: survey of overseas students currently studying in the UK'.

» rock garden = rocalla.

Example: Some purists feel that a rock garden should contain only those plants which grow naturally on rocky slopes in poor soil.

» rock-hard = duro como una piedra, durísimo.

Example: In this article we have discussed the most popular and efficient workout program to get rock-hard abs and gain muscle.

» rock painting = pintura rupestre.

Example: Rock paintings there may perform the same function as the sacrificial aspersion of rocks with blood & chyme.

» rock phosphate = fosforita.

Example: A peak in worldwide production of rock phosphate is expected by 2030, which lends fears over how much food the world will be able to grow in the future.

» rock pigeon = paloma.

Example: Rock pigeons and turtle doves are the birds most commonly seen in Japan.

» rock pool = posa entre las rocas de la orilla.

Example: Rock pools are found in the intertidal zone, covered in seawater when it is high tide and exposed to the wind and sun at low tide.

» rock-pool = buscar en las posas entre las rocas de la orilla.

Example: The only real hazard in rock-pooling is a bad fall off a slimy rock, so make sure you wear suitable footwear.

» rock salmon = rosada.

Example: The best fish I remember eating as a child in UK was a lovely solid white fish called huss or rock salmon.

» rock salt = sal de roca, sal gema, sal gruesa.

Example: They use gritters to sprinkle rock salt on roads and snowploughs to ensure motorists are able to drive safely in poor conditions.

» rocks and shoals = escollos.

Example: Though these suggestions, taken separately or together, cannot guarantee that we will successfully ford the current crisis, they may help us avoid some of the rocks and shoals on which other private institutions have foundered.

» rock solid = sólido como una piedra, sólido, macizo, consistente, firme, concluyente.

Example: The numbers in the ad, which are quite eye-opening, are rock-solid.

» rock stratum = estrato sedimentario.

Example: To reconstruct palaeoclimates, palaeoclimatologists analyse tree rings, ice cores, sea sediments and even rock strata which may hold clues to the state of the climate millions of years ago.

» Scotch on the rocks = whisky con hielo, güisqui con hielo.

Example: Drinking Scotch on the rocks is a fairly common practice here in America.

» sedimentary rock = roca sedimentaria.

Example: Science topics include weathering, erosion, streams, sedimentation, sedimentary rocks.

» stand like + a rock = mantenerse firme como una roca.

Example: It was Thomas Jefferson who said: 'On matters of style, swim with the current; on matters of principle, stand like a rock'.

» steep rock face = acantilado, farallón.

Example: Following the narrator across endless ash fields, lava fields and steep rock faces, the reader easily gets lost in a dream in which the mysterious and the familiar merge.

» volcanic rock = roca volcánica.

Example: This paper describes an oscillating chemical reaction, and discusses numerous parallels to it in research, such as in fibrillation of the heart, body-clock rhythms of animals and plants, the self-assembly of multicellular organisms, and certain stripes in volcanic rock.

rock2 = rock, música rock. 

Example: Craig wants to listen to rock while girlfriend Charlotte likes dance music.


» rock and roll [rock'n'roll] = rock and roll, rocanrol.

Example: Their music redefined rock and roll for an entire generation, leaving an imprint that endures to this day.

» rock band = grupo de rock, banda de rock.

Example: It is important to note that our list of top ten highest earning bands is dominated by rock bands.

» rock company = compañía de música rock.

Example: This article briefly describes the development of rock video since the 1950s and the types of video the rock companies now market.

» rock group = grupo de rock.

Example: Such programs as rock groups, big name entertainers, and jazz concerts were excluded.

» rock music = música rock.

Example: When Ed Blume was asked at a meeting about LC's failure to have established a heading for rock music for so long, he remarked: 'Today's horse may be tomorrow's carrion'.

» rock musician = rockero, músico de rock.

Example: It is an engagingly rhapsodical book devoted to the poet Rimbaud, to songwriter and rock musician Morrison, and to Fowlie himself.

» rock star = estrella de rock.

Example: Public executions used to be a form of entertainment and executioners were like rock stars.

» rock video = vídeo de música rock.

Example: This article briefly describes the development of rock video since the 1950s and the types of video the rock companies now market.

» rock world, the = mundo del rock, el; mundo de la música rock, el.

Example: I can hardly believe you've got a brother who's such a big cheese in the rock world.

rock3 = conmocionar, sacudir, estremecer. 

Example: The earth tremor that rocked the centre of Melbourne was one of three quakes that hit Australia in the one day.


» rock + the boat = hacer olas, levantar olas, perturbar la paz, levantar ampollas.

Example: It's very often easier to just 'go with the flow' and 'not rock the boat' by revealing that you disagree with some of the most fundamental beliefs of those around you.

» rock + the world = conmocionar el mundo.

Example: Foul-smelling and ill-tempered, camels might have gained a few admirers among atheists this month after helping science further rock the world of religion.

rock4 = mecer, acunar. 

Example: Calm a colicky baby by rocking the baby, burping the baby over your shoulder or massaging the tummy in a clockwise motion.


» rock + Nombre + to sleep = mecer a Alguien hasta que quede dormido.

Example: When Amy's mother or maternal grandmother rocked her to sleep, if they sang a song that she didn't like, she would start crying.

» the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world = la mano que mece la cuna es la mano que domina el mundo, la mano que mece la cuna gobierna el mundo. [Proverbio usado para resaltar el papel tan importante que desempeña la mujer en el mundo]

Example: The saying, 'The Hand that Rocks the Cradle Rules the World' is indeed the insignia of us 'Women' -- it makes me feel worthy to be born a woman .

Rock synonyms

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