Robe in spanish


pronunciation: tunikɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

robe1 = túnica, toga, bata. 

Example: It is widely known that black robes help the Bedouins to keep cool in the scorching heat of the desert.


» bathrobe = albornoz, bata de baño.

Example: They were little more than 'armchair analysts in their bathrobes with no serious interest in leaving their living rooms'.

» bridal robe = vestido de novia.

Example: She sat in the meadow by the river in her bridal robes and white veil and the wreath on her head, and from her thousand tears sprang the little brooks in the valley.

» christening robe = faldón bautismal, faldellín.

Example: When christening robes first came into fashion, they were invariably high-waisted and richly decorated with lace or embroidery.

» wardrobe = armario.

Example: In the bedroom there is a wardrobe, a bed, two bedside rugs, a chest of drawers, two bedside tables, and a coat-stand.

» white robe = bata blanca.

Example: The white robe worn by the priest at Mass has great significance, both Scripturally and historically.

robe2 = vestir. 

Example: They bathed her, robed her in a dress, anointed her with perfumes and decked her with flowers in a manner fit to meet some divinity.


» disrobe = quitarse la ropa, desvestirse, desnudarse. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]

Example: Sometimes undressing is virtually compulsory as at the airport where you may obliged to disrobe in order to board your flight.

Robe synonyms

vest in spanish: , pronunciation: vest part of speech: noun gown in spanish: , pronunciation: gaʊn part of speech: noun
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