Roasting in spanish
pronunciation: ɑsɑdoʊ part of speech: noun
pronunciation: ɑsɑdoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures
roast3 = asar, tostar.
Example: This method requires no basting because the turkey roasts covered, sealing in juices for extremely tender meat.roast4 = meterse con, censurar, criticar, ridiculizar.
Example: The critics, however, roasted her for playing a tragic French heroine with a flat Midwestern accent.roasting
» coffee roasting = tueste de café.
Example: The author describes the approach and its application to 2 different processes: coffee roasting and decaffeination in a Nestle plant.» give + Nombre + a good roasting = echar una buena bronca, censurar, criticar, ridiculizar, meterese con.
Example: What impressed me was that the rest of the board gave him a good roasting for wasting peoples time.