Roast in spanish


pronunciation: ɑsɑdoʊ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

roast1 = asado. 

Example: This roast pork loin and potatoes is a snap to prepare.


» hotdog roast = barbacoa de perritos calientes.

Example: Librarians are 'throwing away books with enough vigor to make book burnings under the Inquisition look like a hotdog roast at school picnic'.

» pig roast = barbacoa de cerdo, cerdo a la barbacoa.

Example: The judge ruled that a magazine that published a photograph of a woman baring her breasts at a pig roast did not intrude on her privacy.

» roast beef = rosbif.

Example: The way you carve roast beef can affect how chewy the slices are.

» roast chestnut = castaña caliente.

Example: There will be mince pies, roast chestnuts, mulled wine and Christmas music as well as a Christmas hamper raffle and tombola.

» roast(ed) chicken = pollo asado.

Example: A whole roasted chicken with root vegetables is a classic dinner and your oven will do all the work!.

roast2 = tueste. [De café]

Example: Nothing makes a fresher, tastier and more aromatic cup of coffee than a fine roast and the perfect coffee grinder.

roast3 = asar, tostar. 

Example: This method requires no basting because the turkey roasts covered, sealing in juices for extremely tender meat.

roast4 = meterse con, censurar, criticar, ridiculizar. 

Example: The critics, however, roasted her for playing a tragic French heroine with a flat Midwestern accent.

Roast synonyms

joint in spanish: , pronunciation: dʒɔɪnt part of speech: adjective, noun knock in spanish: , pronunciation: nɑk part of speech: verb, noun cooked in spanish: , pronunciation: kʊkt part of speech: adjective roasted in spanish: , pronunciation: roʊstəd part of speech: adjective
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