Roar in spanish


pronunciation: ruxidoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

roar1 = bramido, rugido, estruendo, clamor, fragor, crepitación. 

Example: All of a sudden we heard the roar of jet engines and looked up to see two military jets lifting off the runway in hot pursuit of this object.


» cause + a roar = causar clamor, causar estruendo.

Example: Matches between pugilists were settled in front of a roaring crowd in dirt fields and John L. Sullivan was often the one causing the roar.

» roar of thunder = tronido, trueno.

Example: Not even five minutes after the first roar of thunder, the trees were swaying and the palm leaves where fanning the skies.

roar2 = rugir, bramar. 

Example: The article was entitled 'The New York Public Library: the lions roar again' = El artículo se titulaba "La Biblioteca Pública de Nueva York: los leones rugen de nuevo".


» roar out of = salir rugiendo, salir bramando.

Example: Across the street, an American tank roared out of the monumental gates of the Defense Ministry, untouched by the looters presumably because they knew that the ministry, at least, would be under close guard by American troops = Al otro lado de la calle, un tanque estadounidense salio rugiendo de las enormes puertas del Ministerio de Defensa, al margen de los saqueadores, probablemente porque sabían que el ministerio, por lo menos, estaría bajo estrecha vigilancia por las tropas estadounidenses.

» roar with + laughter = reírse a carcajadas.

Example: She has made people quake with fear and roar with laughter since 1986, when her first horror novel hit bookstores.

Roar synonyms

boom in spanish: , pronunciation: bum part of speech: noun thunder in spanish: , pronunciation: θʌndɜr part of speech: noun holler in spanish: , pronunciation: hɑlɜr part of speech: verb, noun bellow in spanish: , pronunciation: beloʊ part of speech: noun, verb wail in spanish: , pronunciation: weɪl part of speech: noun, verb howl in spanish: , pronunciation: haʊl part of speech: noun, verb yawl in spanish: , pronunciation: jɔl part of speech: noun ululate in spanish: , pronunciation: jululeɪt part of speech: verb holla in spanish: , pronunciation: hɑlə part of speech: noun roaring in spanish: , pronunciation: rɔrɪŋ part of speech: noun yowl in spanish: , pronunciation: jaʊl part of speech: noun, verb holloa in spanish: , pronunciation: hɑloʊ part of speech: noun bellowing in spanish: , pronunciation: beloʊɪŋ part of speech: noun hollo in spanish: , pronunciation: hɑloʊ part of speech: noun hollering in spanish: , pronunciation: hɑlɜrɪŋ part of speech: noun yowling in spanish: , pronunciation: joʊlɪŋ part of speech: verb, noun
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