Roam in spanish


pronunciation: bɑgɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

roam (about/around) = vagar, deambular, desplazarse libremente, errar, ir de un lado para otro. 

Example: Unless children are given time to roam about unhindered among books of many kinds, left alone to choose for themselves, and to do what any avid adult reader does, then maybe we labor in vain.


» roam + free = vagar libremente, deambular libremente.

Example: While in traditional working society, everybody was kept busy, and out of trouble, a leisured society would be one in which people roamed free and unfettered, and capable of absolutely anything.

» roam + freely = vagar libremente, deambular libremente, andar al antojo de Uno.

Example: He saw elephants, and camels, and cheetahs, and horses, roaming freely across the continent.

» roam over = mirar, consultar, ojear. [De una manera rápida y sin profundidad]

Example: According to Tim Berners-Lee's vision of the semantic web, intelligent agent software will have the ability to understand the meaning (semantics) of the information they are roaming over in order to make the users' searches more inherently meaningful and efficient = De acuerdo a la visión de Tim Berners-Lee de la web semántica, el software de los buscadores tendrá la capacidad de comprender el significado (semántica) de la información que se está consultando con el fin de hacer la búsquedas más intrínsecamente significativa y eficaz para los usuarios.

» roam over + topics = divagar sobre varios temas.

Example: During the nearly hour long interview the interviewing board and the candidate had roamed freely over an enormous range of topics, much of it in the vein of small-talk.

» roam + the seven seas = surcar los siete mares, navegar por el mundo.

Example: Like, roaming the seven seas with a cutlass between your teeth, killing and stealing and raping as you go?.

Roam synonyms

cast in spanish: , pronunciation: kæst part of speech: verb, noun range in spanish: , pronunciation: reɪndʒ part of speech: noun drift in spanish: , pronunciation: drɪft part of speech: noun, verb wander in spanish: , pronunciation: wɑndɜr part of speech: verb swan in spanish: , pronunciation: swɑn part of speech: noun stray in spanish: , pronunciation: streɪ part of speech: noun, verb vagabond in spanish: , pronunciation: vægəbɑnd part of speech: noun ramble in spanish: , pronunciation: ræmbəl part of speech: noun, verb rove in spanish: , pronunciation: roʊv part of speech: verb
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