Road in spanish

La carretera

pronunciation: lɑkɑreteɹ̩ɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

road = carretera, camino. 

Example: Use of Woolston Library has declined slightly: the area is isolated by the River Itchen, a busy main road, and a natural escarpment.


» a pit stop on the road = un alto en el camino.

Example: Then again, it may turn out to be nothing more than a pit stop on the road to more powerful technologies.

» asphalt road = carretera de asfalto, carretera asfaltada.

Example: Road Department officials said that using paver tiles to cover potholes on asphalt roads was slipshod.

» a stop on the road = un alto en el camino.

Example: Insulin resistance is a stop on the road to type 2 diabetes and a possible heart attack.

» back road = carretera secundaria, camino vecinal.

Example: This area is renowned for biking with lots of back roads winding their way through covered bridges and past historic buildings.

» beaten road = camino trillado.

Example: He then came across a beaten road, where he saw many tracks of human feet, and some of cows, but most of horses.

» be on the road = ponerse en camino.

Example: Television reporters must be able to look danger squarely in the face, be willing to work long hours, forego weekends, holidays, and special occasions, and be ready to be on the road at a moment's notice.

» be on the road = estar viajando de aquí para allá.

Example: Since high-protein vegetarian foods aren't always easy to get when you're in a hurry or on the road, adding protein powder to a smoothie can make the task much easier.

» be on the road to = estar de camino a, estar encaminado a, estar en vías de, ir rumbo a.

Example: Follow each of these tips, and you'll be on the road to success in no time.

» be on the road to recovery = estar en vías de recuperación.

Example: Britain's services sector almost ground to a standstill last month, dampening hopes that the economy is on the road to recovery.

» be the end of the road = marcar el final, ser el punto final, ser el final del camino.

Example: She had sucked enough from Ness, and she knew that was the end of the road for her.

» bumpy road = camino lleno de baches.

Example: The article is entitled 'European approaches to the information society: a gold rush over bumpy roads?'.

» by road = por carretera.

Example: London City Airport is easily accessible by road.

» come off + the road = salirse de la carretera, salirse del camino.

Example: A man has died after his car came off the road, hit and wall and overturned.

» come out on + the roads = echarse a la calle, lanzarse a la calle.

Example: Seething with anger, hundreds of people yesterday came out on the roads waving banners, shouting slogans and waving their fists in the air, demanding justice.

» come to + the end of the road = alcanzar el límite, llegar al límite, llegar al final del camino.

Example: Whenever he felt that he had come to the end of the road in his work, he would take refuge in music.

» country road = camino rural, carretera rural, camino vecinal.

Example: Sitting on a tailgate drinking a beer with a good friend can be better than going to a swanky martini bar, especially if you know where the good country roads are.

» crossroads = cruce de caminos, encrucijada.

Example: When George Washington was born, Junctionville was no more than a tiny crossroads settlement of 37 families.

» dirt road = camino de tierra.

Example: Her experiences in Namibia involved cycling along dirt roads through the bush to village schools in order to read stories and help children make their own books = Sus experiencias en Namibia supusieron ir en bicicleta por caminos de tierra por el campo a las escuelas de las aldeas para leer cuentos y ayudar a los niños a hacer sus propios libros.

» down the road = en el futuro, más adelante.

Example: It's not an academic problem; it's not a problem for ten years down the road; it's a problem that people are struggling with now.

» down the road = en otro sitio.

Example: You can very frequently go into a large library and have extreme difficulty finding somebody to help you because there are 40 people sitting out in back doing something which somebody else is doing down the road.

» down the road = camino abajo.

Example: We followed this guy down the road for a good while.

» down this road = por este camino.

Example: Continue down this road, crossing various traffic lights, in a southerly direction, until the Rondebult intersection = Continúe por este camino, cruzando varios semáforos, en dirección sur, hasta la intersección Rondebult.

» drive all over + the road = hacer eses, zigzaguear, conducir haciendo eses.

Example: She was apparently pulled over after driving all over the road.

» drive on + the left-hand side of the road = conducir por la izquierda de la carretera.

Example: Australians drive on the left-hand side of the road, with the steering wheel on the right-hand side of the car.

» drive on + the right-hand side of the road = conducir por la derecha de la carretera.

Example: Today approximately two thirds of the world's countries drive on the right hand side of the road and a third, including the UK, drive on the left.

» droving road = cañada real, vía pecuaria.

Example: This ancient route of droving roads established some 5000 years ago was used to take animals and goods between the market towns of the region.

» explore + roads = explorar métodos.

Example: This seminar brought together librarians, educators, publishers and community activists to explore 'New Roads to Promoting Reading'.

» farm road = camino agrícola.

Example: The contrast from the previous week had us grinning from ear to ear, as we meandered north along farm roads toward home.

» fatal road accident = accidente mortal de carretera, accidente mortal de tráfico.

Example: Driver error was responsible for 86% of all fatal road accidents in Ireland last year.

» fire road = cortafuegos.

Example: The reason for the confusion is clear: many of the fire roads have definitely become trails, with evidence of a wide road nearly nonexistent in places.

» follow + the yellow brick road to = seguir el camino hacia, seguir el camino de. [Generalmente usado en sentido metáforico y referido a la felicidad o el éxito]

Example: I had bariatric surgery over ten years ago and since then I've followed the yellow brick road to healthier living.

» fork in the road = cruce de caminos, encrucijada.

Example: The progress of education for librarianship and information studies has reached a fork in the road.

» get back on + the road = volver a su camino, retomar su camino.

Example: Her intentions were to find her bearings and get back on the road, but when she totalled her car after encountering an oversized wolf, she had no choice but to extend her stay.

» go along + this road = seguir este camino, hacer esto.

Example: Higher education needs to go along this road because of financial incentives.

» go off + the road = salirse de la carretera, salirse del camino.

Example: Suddenly, the smell struck his nostrils -- the pungency of processed corn syrup, as if the car had gone off the road and fallen into the neck of a gigantic bottle of syrup.

» go out on + the road = tirarse a la calle, hacer campaña.

Example: He simply blew a fuse and decided to go out on the road, spitefully apologizing again and again, until he got it right.

» grit + the road = echar salitre en la carretera. [Generalmente en el invierno para evitar/disolver el hielo que se forma en las carreteras]

Example: We constantly monitor the weather and will grit roads whenever road temperatures are forecast to fall below zero with a hoarfrost.

» have + a long road ahead = quedar mucho camino por delante, quedar mucho camino por andar, quedar mucho camino por recorrer, quedar mucho, quedar mucho por andar, quedar mucho por recorrer, tener mucho por andar, tener mucho por recorrer.

Example: I took an antidepressant earlier this afternoon and can notice feeling just that bit calmer, although I know I have a long road ahead.

» have been down this road before = haber pasado por aquí antes.

Example: Because your uterus has already been down this road before, and your abdominal muscles might not be as taut as they were the first time around, your second pregnancy will start showing sooner.

» hit + the road = ponerse en camino, ponerse en marcha, iniciar una gira.

Example: Before packing up and hitting the road, one thing none of us likes to stop and really think about is how to keep watch over our home while away.

» hog + the road = conducir de un modo inconsiderado para los demás. [Generalmente ocupando la carretera de tal modo que nadie puede adelantar]

Example: Sometimes we cyclists are at fault for hogging the road, so we have to be really mindful about staying no more than two abreast.

» kick + the can (down the road) = andarse con dilaciones, dar largas.

Example: Governments have been indecisive and playing for time -- kicking the can down the road, rather than addressing the root causes of the crisis.

» lead + Pronombre + down the road to = llevar por el camino de, llevar, conducir.

Example: The catalog's deterioration is leading us down the road to lesser quality library service.

» long and winding road = camino largo y tortuoso.

Example: The article is entitled 'The long and winding road: the FCC paves the path with good intentions'.

» look down + the road = meditar sobre el futuro, pensar en el futuro, mirar al futuro.

Example: Today, as he looks down the road for new challenges, he only half-mockingly suggests he might become a death row lawyer.

» major road = carretera principal.

Example: In spite of the fact that over 98% of roads are minor roads, over 90% of all barn owl road casualties are found dead on major roads (such as motorways and dual carriageways).

» middle-of-the-road = medio, normal, moderado.

Example: The solution to these problems is to take a middle-of-the-road approach to politics and to encourage others to do the same thing.

» middle road = camino intermedio, solución intermedia.

Example: I really do believe wholeheartedly that the middle road is the way to go -- anything extreme is not long-lasting.

» minor road = carretera secundaria, camino vecinal.

Example: The verges of these minor roads have had, in some cases, hundreds of years for native flora to become established.

» off-road = campo a través, por caminos apartados.

Example: Experience the thrill of rock climbing, mud crawling and off-road adventure in Hot Springs, Arkansas.

» on the road to = de camino a, en camino a.

Example: Well, for starts, he give four conflicting accounts of what happened on the road to Damascus.

» paved road = camino pavimentado, carretera asfaltada.

Example: What began as a paved road on a slight incline soon became a narrow and near-vertical path through woods, with hairpin bends every 50 yards.

» pave + the road (for/towards/to) = preparar el terreno, facilitar, preparar el camino.

Example: Together, these technologies pave the road for the introduction of interactive television to fully exploit the benefits of the conversion to digital.

» put + Nombre + on the (right) road to = poner en el buen camino hacia, encaminar a, orientar a, conducir a, llevar a, guiar a.

Example: This book is a virtual encyclopaedia of information on success that will put you on the right road to a bright future.

» railroad(s) = ferrocarril, línea de ferrocarril.

Example: The article 'Libraries and the railroads -- or sitting on a siding watching the freight trains go by' compares the possible future of libraries and information centres with the state of US railways.

» reach + the end of the road = alcanzar el límite, llegar al límite, llegar al final del camino.

Example: Until you reach the end of the road, there is still time to change the path you've chosen.

» ring road = ronda, circunvalación, carretera de circunvalación, ronda de circunvalación, redonda.

Example: He lived in a tent pitched on the central reservation of the Wolverhampton ring road for over 30 years.

» road accident = accidente de carretera, accidente de tráfico.

Example: Central Government holds a vast amount of information on pollution, road accidents, and weather patterns.

» road ahead, the = futuro, el; camino por recorrer, el.

Example: The conference topic, the future of library and information studies education, was a means for determining the road ahead through the three Cs of continuity, culture and competition.

» road asphalt = asfalto.

Example: This is a selection of US museums dedicated to some rather unusual and extraordinary subjects and exhibits, including beverage cans, sugar packets, band aids, hygiene products, road asphalt and navel fluff.

» road bank = parapeto del camino, parapeto de la carretera.

Example: The tanks led the way and the remaining infantrymen trailed behind, using the tanks, trees and road bank as cover from the fire coming from the city.

» roadbed = firme, lecho del camino, lecho del ferrocarril.

Example: Drainage facilities under or immediately adjacent to the roadbed must be maintained and kept free of obstruction.

» road bike = bicicleta, bicicleta de cambios, bicicleta de carreras.

Example: If you are in doubt, you can always go for a recce on the road bike and design yourself a route with manageable hills.

» roadblock = obstáculo, impedimento.

Example: The roadblock to increasing book translations into English is not that there is insufficient funding but that few publishers know about grant schemes that are available.

» roadblock = control de carretera.

Example: There are many arguments both for and against the use of roadblocks in our effort to reduce drunk driving.

» road bump = badén, resalto.

Example: The road bumps may have contributed towards the crash.

» road capacity = capacidad de las carreteras.

Example: Up to the 1980s, the general attitude to road congestion in Britain was to increase road capacity by building new roads.

» road casualty = víctima de la carretera.

Example: In spite of the fact that over 98% of roads are minor roads, over 90% of all barn owl road casualties are found dead on major roads (such as motorways and dual carriageways).

» road check = control de carretera.

Example: Of those surveyed, 3% had been stopped during road checks and involved in road accidents.

» road conditions = estado de las carreteras.

Example: Weather, road and traffic conditions change rapidly, and those relying on information presented on this site do so at their own risk.

» road congestion = congestión de las carreteras.

Example: Up to the 1980s, the general attitude to road congestion in Britain was to increase road capacity by building new roads.

» road construction = construcción de carreteras, construcción de caminos.

Example: This new Act states conditions to prevent danger, damage, or nuisances, although it does not cover building construction, demolition, road construction.

» road decongestion = descongestión de las carreteras.

Example: That amount of bicycle travel would deliver $147.3 million in health benefits and $97.8 million in road decongestion over the next three decades.

» Road Department, the = Ministerio de Obras Públicas, el.

Example: Road Department officials said that using paver tiles to cover potholes on asphalt roads was slipshod.

» road haulage = transporte por carretera, transporte terrestre.

Example: Christa Kranzl, the Austrian Transport Secretary, said complete denationalisation of road haulage would harm competition.

» road haulage strike = huelga de transportistas, huelga de camioneros, huelga del transporte.

Example: Many of Douala's three million people stayed indoors and kept stores closed after a road haulage strike was announced for Monday, fearing that the protest could turn violent.

» road hog = conductor inconsiderado, motorista inconsiderado. [Generalmente cuando se ocupa la carretera de tal modo que nadie puede adelantar]

Example: Mind you some of right lane road hogs should be put in front of a firing squad.

» roadhouse = bar de carretera.

Example: Around 1925, in a particularly close brush with the law, Poole was nearly killed when police raided a roadhouse in which he was performing.

» road hump = badén, resalto.

Example: Road humps are placed only on residential streets with not more than two lanes and with a speed limit of 30 mph.

» road kill [roadkill] = animal víctima de la carretera. [Exclusivamente referido a los animales que mueren atropellados o en choque con los vehículos que circulan por las carreteras]

Example: The article is entitled 'Libraries on the superhighway: rest stop or roadkill?'.

» road-level = nivel de la calle.

Example: The customers preferred to go in by a glazed door set in the shop-front and giving onto the street, even though this meant going down some steps, the floor of the workshop being below road-level.

» road link = red viaria.

Example: Coupled with these road links you also have easy access to the local rail network with trains to major cities such as London, Birmingham and Milton Keynes.

» road map [roadmap] = mapa de carreteras.

Example: Planning can be viewed as a road map.

» road map [roadmap] = guía, itinerario, hoja de ruta, plan de actuación.

Example: The Computing Information Directory (CID) has been a road map to the computing literature since 1981.

» road median = mediana de la carretera.

Example: Mud and stagnant water around the road medians was only one reason for the many accidents.

» road network = red de carreteras, red arterial de carreteras.

Example: The UK road network faces critical problems over the next decade.

» road rage = violencia al volante.

Example: The article 'The new road rage' reviews some of the developments in telematics applied to motor vehicles as a means of providing a constant stream of useful information to help drivers.

» road report = informe sobre el estado general de las carreteras.

Example: Index pages are provided so normally the user will initially key in the number of the main index page in order to discover the page numbers of the required subject area, whether it is sports results, the latest news, weather or road reports or cookery recipes.

» road safety = seguridad vial, seguridad en (la) carretera.

Example: Pedestrian crossings are provided to improve road safety for pedestrians when crossing a road.

» roadshow = gira.

Example: A Document Management roadshow has been touring some major cities in the UK, promoting the benefits of Electronic Document Management Systems (EDMS).

» roadside = borde de la carretera, borde del camino.

Example: Today's electronic systems, both in-car and on the roadside, offer the drivers of the next decade the chance for a peaceful revolution in road transport.

» road(side) ditch = cuneta, cuneta de la carretera, cuneta del camino.

Example: A man was badly injured after he dozed off and drove his motorbike into a roadside ditch early this morning.

» road sign = señal de tráfico, señal de circulación, señal vial, señal de carretera.

Example: The same set of standardized road signs are used all over Europe.

» road signage = señalización de tráfico, señalización de circulación, señalización vial, señalización de carreteras.

Example: One thing to note when driving in this area is that the road signage is rather poor and inadequate.

» road surface = calzada, pavimento, firme.

Example: Hot bitumen is sprayed on the prepared road surface and immediately covered with clean stone chips which are rolled in to ensure adhesion.

» road sweeper = barrendero, barredora mecánica, barredera mecánica.

Example: From each district selected about 50% of road sweepers volunteered to participate in the investigation.

» road tanker = camión cisterna, camión-tanque.

Example: Our warehouse shelter nearly 150 vehicles ranging from locomotives to road tankers.

» road tax = impuesto de circulación.

Example: Perhaps if the council used less money on laying the many many sleeping policeman on our roads, then there would be no need to increase our council and road tax each year.

» road tax disc = distintivo de impuesto de circulación. [Pegatina que se coloca en el limpiaparabrisas con el año de pago del impuesto de circulación]

Example: Road tax discs must be displayed at all times on the car windscreen and can be purchased at main post offices.

» road test = examen de conducir.

Example: Remember, if you take the road test on your motorbike, scooter or moped, you will receive a driver's licence that allows you to operate these types of vehicles only.

» Posesivo + road to Damascus = punto crítico, coyuntura decisiva, momento crucial, momento decisivo, momento clave.

Example: His road to Damascus moment came when he realised that at 42 he is the same age Elvis was when he died.

» road to stardom = camino hacia la fama, camino hacia el estrellato.

Example: In this section, you'll read about artists' roads to stardom -- find out what they did before they started their singing career.

» road traffic = circulación por carretera.

Example: An additional benefit comes from the fact that trains can take on extra long articulated lorries that by law are prohibited in road traffic.

» road transport = transporte por carretera.

Example: Into this category would come the regulations covering social provisions in respect of road transport, such as drivers' hours and the use of tachographs, which have an impact on the provision of public transport.

» road trip = viaje en coche, viaje por carretera.

Example: I've eaten Burger King onion rings on road trips and they always hit the spot.

» roadway = carretera, calzada.

Example: As Klaus's acute observations are unhampered by romantic ideals, his eye catches the plastic trash by the roadway as well as the colors of moss on the landing strip.

» road worker = peón caminero.

Example: Unfortunately, in some countries job advertisements for librarians are still very similar to those of school porters and road workers.

» road works = obras en la carretera.

Example: Eastbound traffic will be detoured as a result of the road works.

» roadworthy = apto para circular. 

Example: Many of the surviving mobiles are becoming obsolete or are no longer roadworthy.

» run + Nombre + off the road = echar de la carretera, hacer salir de la carretera.

Example: Today, on my way to class to take my final exam a lady almost ran me off the road -- I got pissed, honked my horn and flipped her off.

» salt + the road = echar salitre en la carretera. [Generalmente en el invierno para evitar/disolver el hielo que se forma en las carreteras]

Example: They don't salt the roads in winter there so the salt doesn't run off and contaminate the drinking water.

» scenic road = ruta turística.

Example: With a stunningly diverse range of landscapes and climates, the U.S. is filled with countless scenic roads from coast to coast.

» service road = vía de servicio, callejón de servicio.

Example: The back entrance is off of Huntington Avenue in a service road/side lane behind the Prudential Tower.

» Silk Road, the = ruta de la seda, la.

Example: It was called the Silk Road because one of the major products traded was silk cloth from China.

» state road = carretera estatal, carretera nacional.

Example: There have been fewer fatalities on state roads this holiday weekend than last year.

» take + the high road = comportarse como todo un caballero, comportarse como toda una señora, adoptar la postura moral correcta, seguir el camino más ético.

Example: Of course her initial reaction was to blow her lid, but she didn't -- instead she took the high road and simply just left.

» take to + the road = hacerse un vagabundo, echarse a la calle, vivir en la calle.

Example: Sometimes, individuals, often alcoholics, bastards or others stigmatized by society, 'took to the road'.

» the road to hell is paved with good intentions = el camino del infierno está empedrado de buenas intenciones, el infierno está empedrado de buenas intenciones, el camino al infierno está empedrado de buenas intenciones.

Example: One of my mother's favorite expressions was 'the road to hell is paved with good intentions'.

» the road to nowhere = camino sin rumbo.

Example: The article 'On the fast track or the road to nowhere' points to the growing practice of subsuming public libraries into larger departments headed by non-librarians = El artículo "A la vanguardia o en un camino sin rumbo" pone de manifiesto la costumbre cada vez más frecuente de incluir las bibliotecas públicas dentro de órganismos más grandes dirigidos por personal no bibliotecario.

» the road (to/towards) + Nombre + is paved with + Nombre = el camino hacia + Nombre + está plagado de + Nombre, el camino hacia + Nombre + está lleno de + Nombre.

Example: The road towards the electronic library is paved with challenges.

» the road to ultimate ruin = el camino a la perdición.

Example: It is the arrogance and superiority of the godless secular society that is leading us all down the road to ultimate ruin.

» the road travelled so far = el camino recorrido.

Example: While the story of growth so far has been exciting, the road travelled so far and the road ahead are not without bottlenecks.

» toll road = carretera de peaje.

Example: Major toll roads around the country typically charge less than 15¢ per mile.

» travel + a long way down the road = avanzar mucho.

Example: It has to be said, however, that the world's bibliographers and librarians have travelled a long way down the road to practical fulfilment of the basic concepts.

» twisting road = carretera con muchas curvas, camino sinuoso, camino tortuoso, camino serpenteante.

Example: It is one of my favorite twisting and winding roads and in places, it runs quite near the waters of Newfound Lake.

» up the road = camino arriba.

Example: I watched as he lumbered up the road toward the mountains.

» variable road sign = panel luminoso de tráfico, panel luminoso de información de tráfico.

Example: Variable road signs with solar panels can go dead when, for. instance, snow covers the power source.

» walk all over + the road = hacer eses, zigzaguear, andar haciendo eses.

Example: It feels like a completely different car, and doesn't walk all over the road like it did.

» winding road = carretera con muchas curvas, camino sinuoso, camino tortuoso, camino serpenteante.

Example: It is one of my favorite twisting and winding roads and in places, it runs quite near the waters of Newfound Lake.

Road synonyms

route in spanish: , pronunciation: rut part of speech: noun itinerant in spanish: , pronunciation: aɪtɪnɜrənt part of speech: adjective moving in spanish: , pronunciation: muvɪŋ part of speech: adjective traveling in spanish: , pronunciation: trævəlɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective touring in spanish: , pronunciation: tʊrɪŋ part of speech: adjective
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