Risk in spanish


pronunciation: riesgoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

risk1 = riesgo, peligro. 

Example: This is viewed as a mechanism for data base producers to become hosts, and to share the cost and risk participating in an international host service.


» against all risks = contra todo (tipo) de riesgo.

Example: This is sometimes called all risks cover, because that is what it is intended to protect your property against all risks of loss or damage.

» all-risk insurance = seguro a todo riesgo.

Example: All-risk insurance covers direct physical loss to property insured unless the policy specifically excludes or limits the coverage.

» all risks cover = póliza de seguro a todo riesgo, póliza multirriesgo.

Example: This is sometimes called all risks cover, because that is what it is intended to protect your property against all risks of loss or damage.

» at + Posesivo + own risk = por su cuenta y riesgo.

Example: The article 'Licence at your own risk' describes the complexities of negotiating licensing agreements.

» at + Posesivo + (own) risk = bajo + Posesivo + propio riesgo, bajo + Posesivo + propia cuenta (y riesgo).

Example: Participants attending this field trip do so at their own risk.

» at risk = en peligro.

Example: Consumer advice centres were not used to any great degree by the working classes or those groups most at risk as consumers -- the elderly, divorced, widowed and separated.

» avoid + a risk = evitar un riesgo, evitar un peligro.

Example: The effects of eating peanut products as a baby to avoid the risk of allergy have been backed up by new research.

» bear + a risk = asumir un riesgo.

Example: Syndicates tended to become smaller as their members gained in financial strength and in the ability to bear greater proportions of the risk.

» be at risk = estar en peligro, correr peligro, peligrar, estar en riesgo, correr riesgo.

Example: The on-line information industry may be at risk from such moves.

» biological risk = riesgo biológico, peligro biológico.

Example: The results strengthen the view that suffering from recurrent major depression confers per se an important biological risk for suicide.

» business risk = riesgo comercial.

Example: As ecommerce grows, maintaining control over online transactions and business risks creates challenges that may not be apparent to end users.

» calculated risk = riesgo calculado.

Example: The trick, it seems to me, is to develop a sense of calculated risk, even if on an intuitive level.

» calculate + risk = calcular un riesgo.

Example: Previous studies had calculated the risks as 87 per cent for breast cancer and 44 per cent for ovarian cancer.

» cancer risk = riesgo de cáncer.

Example: Electricity pylons and power lines do pose a cancer risk, a heavyweight panel of American experts has concluded.

» cut + Posesivo + risk = reducir el riesgo, disminuir el riesgo.

Example: Women who have been on the pill for 10 or more years cut their risk of ovarian cancer by about 45%.

» duck + a risk = evitar un riesgo.

Example: In our opinion, what CAS did was to duck the risk and to try to get the best of all worlds.

» face + the risk = correr el riesgo.

Example: Otherwise it faces the risk that the large investment required in creating digital collections will fail to realise a high return.

» financial risk = riesgo económico, riesgo financiero.

Example: Some of the financial risks must be removed from the publisher and distributed among the other participants in the publishing process.

» fire risk = peligro de incendio, riesgo de incendio.

Example: Consumers still need to keep in mind that increased fire resistance does not mean there is no fire risk.

» health risk = riesgo para la salud.

Example: The head of the circulation was asked to investigate the desirability of theft detection devices and to answer questions about their legality and health risk.

» lower + a risk = disminuir un riesgo, reducir un riesgo.

Example: Cross-trainers are a great way to get fit without putting any excess pressure on your joints, lowering the risk of injuries.

» low-risk = de bajo riesgo, poco arriesgado.

Example: In both these cases, what is needed is the ability to provide a low-risk acces method.

» minimise + risk = mitigar el riesgo.

Example: Precautions that may be taken to minimise risks are described including the use of software protection programs.

» political risk = riesgo político.

Example: The article is entitled 'Political risk: sources that assess or advise on risks in foreign country business or investment'.

» pose + a risk = presentar un riesgo, poner en peligro, hacer peligrar.

Example: Exhibition of original documents, books, and artifacts in libraries can pose risks to these materials.

» put + Nombre + at risk = poner en peligro, poner en riesgo.

Example: The article 'Security and automated library systems: a ticking time bomb?' considers ways in which records might be put at risk and outlines a security action plan.

» put + Posesivo + life at risk = poner la vida en peligro.

Example: These people put lives at risk and they should face the consequences of their unlawful actions if they kill people.

» reduce + Posesivo + risk = disminuir el riesgo, reducir el riesgo.

Example: Perhaps the 2 most important factors in capitalising on opportunities and reducing risks in the acquisition of information companies is the application of a careful screening procedure = Quizás los dos factores más importantes para aprovechar oportunidades y reducir riesgos en la adquisición de empresas dedicadas a la información es la aplicación de un procedimiento cuidadoso de selección.

» risk analysis = análisis de riesgos.

Example: Theoretically an information system designer should conduct a detailed risk analysis to minimize exposure to catastrophes.

» risk assessment = análisis de riesgos, evaluación de riesgos.

Example: The interweaving of 3 different sorts of software based on different algorithms and applied on a file (in the field of risk assessment through the introduction of transgenic plants) has enabled the provision of 3 types of results.

» risk-averse = reacio a la toma de riesgos, conservador.

Example: This is typical of the old corporate forms of hierarchy-based processes and of the 'risk-averse systems that crush new ideas'.

» risk evaluation = análisis de riesgos.

Example: The steps of a risk management programme are the identification of risk, risk evaluation, risk treatment, selection and implementation, and monitoring.

» risk factor = factor de riesgo.

Example: Problem drinking, drink driving and criminality are important risk factors for receipt of disability pension and high levels of sickness absence in young men.

» risk-free = libre de riesgo. 

Example: He decided that he would not on principle refuse to earn undeclared income in the underground economy if a reasonably risk-free opportunity presented itself.

» risk-laden = cargado de riesgos, cargado de peligros, lleno de riesgos, lleno de peligros, plagado de riesgos, plagado de peligros.

Example: The mental attitude which best reflected the risk-laden world inhabited by those living off the sea was their belief in luck.

» risk management = prevención de riesgos.

Example: Risk management has to take account of the problems caused by human error, power failure, computer hackers, viruses, intercepted electronic mail and telephone fraud.

» risk + pay off = riesgo + valer la pena, riesgo + merecer la pena.

Example: For most of us the risk paid off; but think back: surely there were early moments when it may have seemed a mistake.

» risk premium = prima de riesgo.

Example: Risk premiums are an appropriate tool for judging the worthiness of your investments but do not forget that risk and returns go hand in hand.

» risk prevention = prevención de riesgos.

Example: All too often, risk prevention is a domain which is left to technical experts, scientists and possibly politicians.

» risk-return = riesgos-beneficios.

Example: Information owners and providers should first conduct a thorough, educated assessment of the factors that impact all risk-return parameters.

» risk taker = persona audaz, persona atrevida, persona temerosa.

Example: Librarians have accumulated a lot more capital than we think, and provosts want librarians to be risk takers.

» risk-taking = toma de riesgos.

Example: Calculated, moderate risk-taking in search of improvement and change must be the strategy of the dynamic librarian of the 1980s in the light of the crisis to be faced.

» risk-taking = arriesgado, que le gusta arriesgarse.

Example: The author characterizes librarians as flexible, collaborative, high energy, risk-taking visionaries.

» run + a risk = correr un riesgo, arriesgarse a.

Example: We run grave risks of being regarded as ivory tower navel-gazers if we ignore the widespread practical applications of bibliographical work.

» run + the risk of = correr el riesgo de, arriesgarse a.

Example: If one has reached a satisfactory level of success in a game, it is wiser to quit while the going is good rather than to keep pushing their luck and running the risk of it turning bad.

» security risk = peligro para la seguridad, riesgo para la seguridad.

Example: As Hartwick got older, the feds decided he was a major security risk and booted him out of the program.

» social risk = riesgo social.

Example: The article 'Facing social risks in IT development in South Africa' considers the development and implementation of information technology in South Africa.

» take + a risk = correr un riesgo, asumir un riesgo, arriesgar.

Example: Unfortunately, most librarians are unwilling to take limited risks to learn about new software.

» unnecessary risk = riesgo innecesario.

Example: He is practically minded, not taking unnecessary risks or deliberately hurting his victims if nothing is to be gained.

» weigh up + risks = sopesar riesgos.

Example: The article is entitled 'Biotech companies must get back to basics to weigh up risks'.

risk2 = arriesgar, correr el riesgo. 

Example: By conscious or unconscious fixation on this single, already passé, facet of data processing technology we risk totally ignoring the other functions of a catalog.


» risk it + all = jugárselo todo, arriesgarlo todo, apostarlo todo.

Example: If you're not willing to risk it all, then you don't want it bad enough.

» risk + life and limb = jugarse el todo por el todo, arriesgar la vida, jugarse la vida, poner en peligro la vida, jugarse la piel, jugarse el pellejo.

Example: The draw of earning up to 30 pounds per cadaver without risking life or limb proved too tempting for some of the more barbarous resurrectionists, however, leading them to commit murder.

» risk + Posesivo + life = arriesgar la vida, jugarse la vida, poner en peligro la vida, jugarse la piel, jugarse el pellejo, jugarse el tipo.

Example: Risking their lives, Iraqi shepherds venture into these deadly fields to dig up mines planted during the Iran-Iraq war two decades ago.

» risk + Posesivo + neck = arriesgar la vida, jugarse la vida, poner en peligro la vida, jugarse la piel, jugarse el pellejo, jugarse el tipo.

Example: And the news coverage of the girl named Katrina Kivi, who'd risked her neck to speak sense into a crowd of angry students, had just begun.

» risk + the consequences of = arriesgarse a las consecuencias de.

Example: George keeps sizing up for a real ding-dong and then backing down because he doesn't really want to risk the consequences of an argument.

Risk synonyms

chance in spanish: , pronunciation: tʃæns part of speech: noun adventure in spanish: , pronunciation: ædventʃɜr part of speech: noun hazard in spanish: , pronunciation: hæzɜrd part of speech: noun peril in spanish: , pronunciation: perəl part of speech: noun jeopardy in spanish: , pronunciation: dʒepɜrdi part of speech: noun danger in spanish: , pronunciation: deɪndʒɜr part of speech: noun gamble in spanish: , pronunciation: gæmbəl part of speech: noun, verb take a chance in spanish: , pronunciation: teɪkətʃæns part of speech: verb put on the line in spanish: , pronunciation: pʊtɑnðəlaɪn part of speech: verb take chances in spanish: , pronunciation: teɪktʃænsəz part of speech: verb run a risk in spanish: , pronunciation: rʌnərɪsk part of speech: verb lay on the line in spanish: , pronunciation: leɪɑnðəlaɪn part of speech: verb
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