Ripping in spanish


pronunciation: eksθelente part of speech: adjective
In gestures

rip3 = rasgar, desgarrar, arrancar, romper. 

Example: He punched her in the head and forced her to another room where he pinned her to the floor and ripped her shirt trying to remove it.


» rip + Nombre + apart = desgarrar, arrancar, despedazar, destrozar.

Example: An 18-month-old girl was 'ripped apart like a doll' by a dog in a horrific attack at a family home, witnesses have disclosed.

» rip + Nombre + off = timar, estafar, engañar, usurpar, afanarse.

Example: Thee reader is being ripped off by bookselling chains demanding so-called 'bungs' for prime space.

» rip + Nombre + open = arrancar, abrir arrancando.

Example: The tidal wave ripped open the steel security shutters of the shops.

» rip + Nombre + to shreds = hacer trocitos, hacer trizas, hacer pedazos.

Example: It detonated underwater and he was well away from the blast zone, and yet he was still ripped to shreds.

» rip + Nombre + up = despedazar, desgarrar, descuartizar.

Example: He drew out his knife and ripping the otter up he began to flay him.

» rip off = arrancar, romper. [Especialmente las hojas de una publicación]

Example: Within the social sciences psychology journals are the most ripped off.

» rip out = arrancar.

Example: When she refused, Sandler let her have it with a stream of expletives and yelled, 'I'm going to rip your throat out!'.

» rip through = arrasar, destrozar.

Example: Storms in this part of the world are common and the people didn't seem to bat an eyelid at the prospect of a 135km wind ripping through their town.

Ripping synonyms

cacophonous in spanish: , pronunciation: kækəfɑnəs part of speech: adjective splitting in spanish: , pronunciation: splɪtɪŋ part of speech: adjective rending in spanish: , pronunciation: rendɪŋ part of speech: adjective cacophonic in spanish: , pronunciation: kækəfɑnɪk part of speech: adjective
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