Riot in spanish


pronunciation: ɑlboʊɹ̩oʊtoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

riot1 = disturbio, desorden, alboroto, conmoción, revuelta. 

Example: The subjects referred to recur frequently in the writings of the 'socially committed' -- drugs, sex, racism, student unrest, riots, scandals in government, conservation, the role of women in society are among them.


» anti-riot = antidisturbios.

Example: Iran has imported high-tech armored anti-riot vehicles equipped with water cannons that can douse people with boiling water or tear gas.

» be a (real) riot = ser la monda, ser para morirse de risa, ser para desternillarse, ser muy divertido, ser divertidísimo, ser muy cachondo, ser cachondísimo.

Example: These guys were a real riot and I enjoyed my brief encounter with them, even though I had to tolerate their noxious cigarette smoke.

» imagination + run riot = imaginación + desbocarse.

Example: When she sees a picture of a missing child in an old newspaper that looks just like her, her imagination runs riot and she begins to suspect that she and the snatched baby are one and the same.

» let + Nombre + run riot = dar rienda suelta a + Nombre.

Example: In this woeful film, under the mantle of a 'bitter-sweet romantic comedy,' Poliakoff lets his maudlin sentiments and fears run riot.

» let + Posesivo + imagination run riot = dar rienda suelta a + Posesivo + imaginación.

Example: She feels most alive when she's writing, and delights in letting her imagination run riot.

» prison riot = motín en la cárcel.

Example: Robots equipped with cameras & other sensors may deal with prison riots & perform guard duties.

» riot control = control de disturbios, control de masas.

Example: Topics include bicycle safety, riot control, drug abuse, criminal investigations, and national security.

» riot gear = uniforme antidisturbios, vestimenta antidisturbios.

Example: Many guards view the detainees as criminals and get togged up in riot gear prepared to use force in situations best controlled by simply talking to people.

» riot police = policía antidisturbios.

Example: The movie is a reenactment of the violent clash between striking coal miners and riot police outside a coking plant on June 18, 1984.

» riot shield = escudo antidisturbios.

Example: Despite its representation in videogames, most riot shields cannot block bullets from large caliber firearms.

» run + riot = desmadrarse, desmandarse, insolentarse.

Example: Most kids these days are not scared of a telling off and they are running riot.

» war riot = disturbio ocasionado por la guerra.

Example: Force Majeure: SWETS shall not be liable for any interruption of service resulting from any circumstance beyond its reasonable control, including acts of god, war riot, embargoes, strikes or labour shortages or failure of equipment = Fuerzas Mayores: SWETS no será responsable de cualquier interrupción del servicio resultante de cualquier circunstancia más allá de su control, incluidas las causas de fuerza mayor, los disturbios ocasionados por las guerras, embargos, huelgas o escasez de mano de obra o fallos del equipo.

riot2 = alborotar, causar desórdenes, causar disturbios, amotinarse. 

Example: About 20000 workers rioted over high food prices and low wages on Saturday close to the Bangladesh capital Dhaka, police said.

Riot synonyms

debauchery in spanish: , pronunciation: dəbɔtʃɜri part of speech: noun wow in spanish: , pronunciation: waʊ part of speech: noun scream in spanish: , pronunciation: skrim part of speech: noun, verb orgy in spanish: , pronunciation: ɔrdʒi part of speech: noun saturnalia in spanish: , pronunciation: sɑtɜrnɑliə part of speech: noun carouse in spanish: , pronunciation: kɜraʊz part of speech: noun, verb howler in spanish: , pronunciation: haʊlɜr part of speech: noun bacchanal in spanish: , pronunciation: bəkeɪnəl part of speech: noun roister in spanish: , pronunciation: rɔɪstɜr part of speech: verb debauch in spanish: , pronunciation: debɔk part of speech: noun, verb bacchanalia in spanish: , pronunciation: bækəneɪljə part of speech: noun thigh-slapper in spanish: , pronunciation: θaɪslæpɜr part of speech: noun rioting in spanish: , pronunciation: raɪətɪŋ part of speech: noun belly laugh in spanish: , pronunciation: belilæf part of speech: noun sidesplitter in spanish: , pronunciation: saɪdɪsplɪtɜr part of speech: noun drunken revelry in spanish: , pronunciation: drʌŋkənrevəlri part of speech: noun public violence in spanish: , pronunciation: pʌblɪkvaɪələns part of speech: noun
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