Ringing in spanish


pronunciation: θumbidoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

ring5 = sonar. 

Example: The timer will ring when the countdown is finished.


» bell + ring (out) = campana + sonar, campana + tañer, campana + repiquetear.

Example: After the bell rang he got to his feet and walked out into the media center, the Dellaquila matter unresolved.

» cry + ring out = protesta + no hacerse esperar.

Example: 'But,' the cry may ring out, 'how can anyone hope to devote the time and energy that this in depth service would require?'.

» ring + a bell = sonar conocido, ser familiar, sonar familiar.

Example: These names ring a bell related to using HTML and CGIs as an interface to a database.

» ring in = celebrar la llegada de, celebrar el comienzo de.

Example: Here are some tips to keeping toasty warm as you ring in 2015.

» ring in + Posesivo + ears = resonar en los oídos.

Example: She closed her eyes and felt the emotion and memories flood through her as each note rang in her ears.

» ring in + sick = llamar al trabajo para ausentarse por enfermedad.

Example: I never ring in sick but on this occasion i'm feeling horrible.

» ring in + the New Year = celebrar el Año Nuevo.

Example: It seems like the smartest plan for ringing in the New Year: staying in instead of going out.

» ring out = resonar, retumbar, repicar, repiquetear.

Example: At one point, gunshots ringing out in the distance forced them to take cover until it was safe to continue.

» ring out + the old year = despedir el año.

Example: And while many people attend parties to ring out the old year and ring in the new, others enjoy spending a quiet New Year's Eve at home.

» ring + the changes = introducir cambios, hacer cambios, introducir variaciones, hacer variaciones.

Example: With the festive season upon us, it's time to ring the changes with a few new wines, that are just hitting the shelves.

» ring + the (door)bell = llamar al timbre.

Example: Those who got home after that time had to ring the bell to be let in by the janitor.

» ring + the tocsin = tocar a rebato, dar la voz de alarma.

Example: All over the world at different times the tocsin has been rung in order to warn people of intending revolution or of revolution itself.

» ring + true = ser válido, cumplirse.

Example: The old axiom 'there's no substitute for experience' still rings true.

» shots + ring out = sonar disparos, escucharse disparos, oírse disparos.

Example: Around 1:30 p.m. Sunday, shots rang out inside Allsups convenience store sending customers and clerks scrambling for cover.

» telephone + ring = sonar el teléfono.

Example: Emily Tournquist had just returned to the reference desk when the telephone rang.

ringing1 = sonido, pitido. 

Example: The mere ringing of the telephone and the necessary conversation on it create a considerable level of noise.


» ringing in + Posesivo + ears = zumbido en los oídos.

Example: Last year more than 40 people requested and received euthanasia, including a depressed mother of two who said she couldn't continue living with persistent tinnitus, or ringing in her ears.

ringing2 = que suena, sonoro. 

Example: Simple courtesy requires that a person be given precedence over a ringing telephone.

ringing3 = altisonante, grandilocuente, resonante. 

Example: Some recent literature on higher education has attempted to reaffirm, with ringing rhetoric, the principle that the search for the truth is the foundation of academic ethics.

Ringing synonyms

ring in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪŋ part of speech: noun bright in spanish: , pronunciation: braɪt part of speech: adjective hollow in spanish: , pronunciation: hɑloʊ part of speech: adjective, noun brilliant in spanish: , pronunciation: brɪljənt part of speech: adjective resonance in spanish: , pronunciation: rezənəns part of speech: noun rolling in spanish: , pronunciation: roʊlɪŋ part of speech: noun resonant in spanish: , pronunciation: rezənənt part of speech: adjective resounding in spanish: , pronunciation: risaʊndɪŋ part of speech: adjective tintinnabulation in spanish: , pronunciation: tɪntɪnæbjəleɪʃən part of speech: noun vibrancy in spanish: , pronunciation: vaɪbrənsi part of speech: noun sonority in spanish: , pronunciation: sənɔrəti part of speech: noun tinkling in spanish: , pronunciation: tɪŋkəlɪŋ part of speech: adjective resonating in spanish: , pronunciation: rezəneɪtɪŋ part of speech: adjective reverberating in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪvɜrbɜreɪtɪŋ part of speech: adjective jingling in spanish: , pronunciation: dʒɪŋgəlɪŋ part of speech: adjective jingly in spanish: , pronunciation: dʒɪŋgli part of speech: adjective plangency in spanish: , pronunciation: plæŋgənsi part of speech: noun reverberant in spanish: , pronunciation: rivɜrbɜrənt part of speech: adjective clinking in spanish: , pronunciation: klɪŋkɪŋ part of speech: adjective tinkly in spanish: , pronunciation: tɪŋkli part of speech: adjective reverberance in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪvɜrbɜrəns part of speech: noun sonorousness in spanish: , pronunciation: sɑnɜrəsnəs part of speech: noun reverberative in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪvɜrbɜreɪtɪv part of speech: adjective reechoing in spanish: , pronunciation: rietʃwɪŋ part of speech: adjective

Ringing antonyms

nonresonant pronunciation: nɑnrezənənt part of speech: adjective unreverberant pronunciation: ənrɪvɜrbɜrənt part of speech: adjective
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