Ring in spanish


pronunciation: ɑnijoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

ring1 = círculo, anillo, aro. 

Example: This is a sort of microform measles appearing as minute reddish rings.


» bullring = plaza de toros, ruedo.

Example: Bullrings are often associated with Spain, but they can also be found in neighboring countries and the New World.

» chainring = plato. [De bicicleta]

Example: If you're sitting on your bike, the shifter on your left controls shifting over the chainrings.

» circus ring = arena del circo.

Example: The article 'The art librarians in the circus ring' deals with the promotion of art and artists through art centres.

» crime ring = banda de delincuentes, banda criminal, banda delictiva, grupo delictivo.

Example: A local computer whiz has been given a 7 year jail sentence for masterminding an international crime ring.

» double gas ring burner = hornillo de dos fuegos.

Example: Most of your cooking will be done around the campfire but if there are fire restrictions there is a double gas ring burner provided.

» dressage ring = pista de doma, picadero.

Example: The outside ring measures 40x80 meters and thus makes a nice dressage ring.

» drug ring = red de narcotraficantes, red de narcotráfico, cártel. [En español, también se puede escribir sin acento cartel]

Example: A gang of money launderers have had over two and a half million pounds confiscated following their involvement in a highly organised drug ring.

» gas ring = quemador de gas, fuego de gas.

Example: The kitchen is equipped with a cooker with four gas rings and an oven, a refrigerator with freezer compartment and all the utensils needed for cooking.

» gas ring burner = quemador de gas, fuego de gas.

Example: The cooker is in really good and clean condition and has 4 gas ring burners, a grill and a oven.

» gas ring cooker = hornilla de gas.

Example: Fully fitted kitchen with a gas ring cooker with oven, electric hotplate and fridge freezer.

» gas ring stove = hornilla de gas.

Example: On the ground floor there is a kitchen with a 4 gas ring stove, dishwasher, a wood-burning stove and an extractor fan.

» growth ring = anillo de crecimiento.

Example: 90% of the examples considered were poplar, which has too few growth rings to permit dating.

» horse exercise ring = picadero.

Example: Concerts are held in a 200-seat, converted horse exercise ring, which has excellent acoustics and spectacular mountain views through the windows.

» keyring = llavero.

Example: A whistle from the owner activates the bleeper and light in this keyring, enabling lost keys to be found.

» life ring = rosco salvavidas.

Example: The mother of a young man who drowned yesterday has called for an end to the vandalism of life rings along local river banks.

» napkin ring = anillo servilletero.

Example: The design of these napkin rings is inspired by natural patterns in semi-precious agate stone.

» onion ring = aro de cebolla, anillo de cebolla.

Example: I've eaten Burger King onion rings on road trips and they always hit the spot.

» paedophile ring = red de pederastas.

Example: There are up to 20 prominent public figures in alleged paedophile ring covering Parliament and judiciary.

» piston ring = segmento, segmento del pistón, anillo del pistón, aro del pistón.

Example: Located between the cylinder and the piston, piston rings are necessary components that allow the engine to operate efficiently.

» portable gas ring = hornillo.

Example: The other thing you can do is look for a portable gas ring that uses bottled gas for your wok.

» portable ring burner = hornillo.

Example: These pans are available in any number of sizes along with portable gas ring burners for outdoor cooking.

» prostitution ring = red de protistución.

Example: He was accused of orchestratig a prostitution ring that trafficked women from overseas to work in makeshift brothels.

» ring binder = carpeta de anillas, archivador de anillas.

Example: It is common practice to file a single copy of each handout in classified sequence in a series of ring binders.

» ringmaster = jefe de pista, maestro de ceremonias. [Generalmente de un circo. Femenino ringmistress]

Example: After the show, we got a little backstage tour led by the ringmaster himself.

» ring-necked dove = tórtola.

Example: Ring-necked doves are terrible at constructing nests and the eggs often fall out.

» ring pull can = lata abrefácil de anilla.

Example: Nine subjects were chosen, including cardiac pacemakers, quadrophonic systems, ring pull cans, hovercraft, and magnetic bubble memories = Se eligieron nueve materias entre las que se incluían marcapasos, sistemas de sonido cuadrofónico, latas abrefácil de anilla, hidrodeslizadores y memorías de burbuja magnética.

» ring road = ronda, circunvalación, carretera de circunvalación, ronda de circunvalación, redonda.

Example: He lived in a tent pitched on the central reservation of the Wolverhampton ring road for over 30 years.

» ring-shaped = en forma de anillo, con forma de anillo, anular.

Example: The rash slowly becomes ring-shaped, with a red-colored, raised border and a clearer center.

» ringworm = tiña, tinea, dermatofitosis.

Example: Ringworm is a common skin disorder otherwise known as tinea that can affect the skin on the body, the scalp, the feet or the groin.

» run + rings (a)round = dar cien/mil vueltas a, hacer lo que Uno quiere con. [En español se puede decir dar cien vueltas a o dar mil vueltas a o dar cien mil vueltas a]

Example: As for Putin, he only runs rings around the West because our leaders are so feeble and directionless.

» Saturn's rings = anillos de Saturno, los.

Example: Saturn's rings have posed a big challenge ever since Galileo first laid eyes on them in 1610 through his telescope.

» serviette ring = anillo servilletero.

Example: Napkin rings -- occasionally called a serviette ring -- are an invention of the European bourgeoisie, the wealthy middle-upper class.

» smoke ring = anillo de humo.

Example: He adjusted himself comfortably in the chair, overlapped his legs, and blew a smoke ring that dissolved two feet above her head.

» smuggling ring = red de contrabando.

Example: This concern will likely increase due to the breakup of the Soviet Union and dispersal of its nuclear arsenal and the growth of global nuclear smuggling rings.

» teething ring = mordedera, anillo de dentición.

Example: Teething rings have had a bad rap of late, but recent studies suggest they may not be as bad as we once thought and may even be beneficial.

» the rings of Saturn = los anillos de Saturno.

Example: The rings of Saturn are the most extensive planetary ring system of any planet in the solar system.

» tree ring = anillo de crecimiento. [Visible al cortar el tronco de un árbol]

Example: To reconstruct palaeoclimates, palaeoclimatologists analyse tree rings, ice cores, sea sediments and even rock strata which may hold clues to the state of the climate millions of years ago.

ring2 = anillo, sortija. 

Example: Does she take her rings off to sleep or in the shower?.


» anal ring = anillo anal.

Example: She bent forward and sighed as the head of his cock pushed past her anal ring and imbedded itself in her shitter.

» clit ring = anillo del clítoris, anillo para el clítoris.

Example: Once in a while I feel like getting a clit ring.

» earring = arete, pendiente, zarcillo.

Example: The author discusses the social and economic role of jewelry and traces cultural differences in the forms of jewels, focusing on fibulas and earrings.

» engagement ring = anillo de compromiso.

Example: A long-lost engagement ring still divides childhood sweethearts who are now in their golden years.

» finger ring = anillo.

Example: This collection of finger rings is a must-have for all women.

» nipple ring = anillo de pezón.

Example: Nipple rings are one of Hollywood's sexiest little secrets, and the trend is everywhere -- even though you may not know it!.

» nose ring = pendiente para la nariz, anillo para la nariz, aro para la nariz, nariguera.

Example: Nose rings may seem new and trendy in the west, but they have existed for centuries in many parts of the world.

» ring finger = dedo anular.

Example: Curious minds want to know what kind of bling is Posh Spice wearing on her ring finger?.

» signet ring = sello.

Example: Wearing a signet ring proved the wearer's credibility and authenticity, and symbolized their power in the community.

» wedding ring = anillo de boda, alianza.

Example: In out search for Mom's wedding ring, we left no stone unturned.

ring3 = cuadrilátero, ring. 

Example: With blood trickling from his mouth, his glazed eyes staring up at the ring lights, and his left foot quivering, the Swede was counted out.


» boxing ring = cuadrilátero.

Example: The two men are about to step into a professional boxing ring on Saturday for the heavyweight championship of the world.

» ringside = junto al cuadrilátero, junto al ring.

Example: He was a medical doctor working ringside at boxing matches.

» throw + Posesivo + cap in(to) the ring = echarse al ruedo, lanzarse al ruedo, tirarse al ruedo, dar la cara, aceptar un reto, presentarse a una elección.

Example: He says he will accept whatever outcome the 2011 election brings even if he decides to throw his cap in the ring.

» throw + Posesivo + hat in(to) the ring = echarse al ruedo, lanzarse al ruedo, tirarse al ruedo, dar la cara, aceptar un reto, presentarse a una elección.

Example: Psychologist have found that unselfish workers who are the first to throw their hat in the ring are also among those that coworkers most want to, in effect, vote off the island.

» toss + Posesivo + cap in(to) the ring = echarse al ruedo, lanzarse al ruedo, tirarse al ruedo, dar la cara, aceptar un reto, presentarse a una elección.

Example: She's ever willing to help and never afraid to toss her cap into the ring when the need arises.

» toss + Posesivo + hat in(to) the ring = echarse al ruedo, lanzarse al ruedo, tirarse al ruedo, dar la cara, aceptar un reto, presentarse a una elección.

Example: With the war dragging on in Europe, it became apparent that the United States was going to 'toss its hat in the ring' and send troops to the war zone.

ring4 = sonido. 

Example: Pricing is a difficult concept for librarians since we hear no clear ring of the cash register, but it is also problematic for retailers.


» have + a hollow ring = sonar falso, carecer de valor.

Example: Justification has a hollow ring without a firm rationale for existence and survival in this fluid society.

» ring of bells = carrillón.

Example: As part of our journeys it was decided to go and look at some of the churches that had contained rings of bells that were now lost.

» ring of bells = repique de campanas.

Example: Every time I hear a ring of bells, it makes me think the same thing, that there is hope, that life goes on.

» ringtone = sonido de llamada.

Example: There are several companies that offer ringtones and screensavers via download.

ring5 = sonar. 

Example: The timer will ring when the countdown is finished.


» bell + ring (out) = campana + sonar, campana + tañer, campana + repiquetear.

Example: After the bell rang he got to his feet and walked out into the media center, the Dellaquila matter unresolved.

» cry + ring out = protesta + no hacerse esperar.

Example: 'But,' the cry may ring out, 'how can anyone hope to devote the time and energy that this in depth service would require?'.

» ring + a bell = sonar conocido, ser familiar, sonar familiar.

Example: These names ring a bell related to using HTML and CGIs as an interface to a database.

» ring in = celebrar la llegada de, celebrar el comienzo de.

Example: Here are some tips to keeping toasty warm as you ring in 2015.

» ring in + Posesivo + ears = resonar en los oídos.

Example: She closed her eyes and felt the emotion and memories flood through her as each note rang in her ears.

» ring in + sick = llamar al trabajo para ausentarse por enfermedad.

Example: I never ring in sick but on this occasion i'm feeling horrible.

» ring in + the New Year = celebrar el Año Nuevo.

Example: It seems like the smartest plan for ringing in the New Year: staying in instead of going out.

» ring out = resonar, retumbar, repicar, repiquetear.

Example: At one point, gunshots ringing out in the distance forced them to take cover until it was safe to continue.

» ring out + the old year = despedir el año.

Example: And while many people attend parties to ring out the old year and ring in the new, others enjoy spending a quiet New Year's Eve at home.

» ring + the changes = introducir cambios, hacer cambios, introducir variaciones, hacer variaciones.

Example: With the festive season upon us, it's time to ring the changes with a few new wines, that are just hitting the shelves.

» ring + the (door)bell = llamar al timbre.

Example: Those who got home after that time had to ring the bell to be let in by the janitor.

» ring + the tocsin = tocar a rebato, dar la voz de alarma.

Example: All over the world at different times the tocsin has been rung in order to warn people of intending revolution or of revolution itself.

» ring + true = ser válido, cumplirse.

Example: The old axiom 'there's no substitute for experience' still rings true.

» shots + ring out = sonar disparos, escucharse disparos, oírse disparos.

Example: Around 1:30 p.m. Sunday, shots rang out inside Allsups convenience store sending customers and clerks scrambling for cover.

» telephone + ring = sonar el teléfono.

Example: Emily Tournquist had just returned to the reference desk when the telephone rang.

Ring synonyms

round in spanish: , pronunciation: raʊnd part of speech: adjective, noun, adverb call in spanish: , pronunciation: kɔl part of speech: verb, noun band in spanish: , pronunciation: bænd part of speech: noun pack in spanish: , pronunciation: pæk part of speech: noun, verb circle in spanish: , pronunciation: sɜrkəl part of speech: noun phone in spanish: , pronunciation: foʊn part of speech: noun echo in spanish: , pronunciation: ekoʊ part of speech: noun, verb halo in spanish: , pronunciation: heɪloʊ part of speech: noun mob in spanish: , pronunciation: mɑb part of speech: noun gang in spanish: , pronunciation: gæŋ part of speech: noun surround in spanish: , pronunciation: sɜraʊnd part of speech: verb peal in spanish: , pronunciation: pil part of speech: noun knell in spanish: , pronunciation: nel part of speech: noun hoop in spanish: , pronunciation: hup part of speech: noun reverberate in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪvɜrbɜrət part of speech: verb telephone in spanish: , pronunciation: teləfoʊn part of speech: noun doughnut in spanish: , pronunciation: doʊnət part of speech: noun annulus in spanish: , pronunciation: ænjələs part of speech: noun resound in spanish: , pronunciation: risaʊnd part of speech: verb encircle in spanish: , pronunciation: ensɜrkəl part of speech: verb environ in spanish: , pronunciation: envaɪrən part of speech: verb tintinnabulation in spanish: , pronunciation: tɪntɪnæbjəleɪʃən part of speech: noun ringing in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪŋɪŋ part of speech: noun call up in spanish: , pronunciation: kɔlʌp part of speech: noun, verb anulus in spanish: , pronunciation: ænjələs part of speech: noun closed chain in spanish: , pronunciation: kloʊzdtʃeɪn part of speech: noun anchor ring in spanish: , pronunciation: æŋkɜrrɪŋ part of speech: noun

Ring antonyms

open chain pronunciation: oʊpəntʃeɪn part of speech: noun
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