Rim in spanish


pronunciation: boʊɹ̩de part of speech: noun
In gestures

rim1 = borde, cerco, aro. 

Example: Standing in the early morning on the balcony of her apartment, she was smote as she always was by the grandeur of the sky turning to scarlet as the rim of darkness in the east released the sun for its sluggish trek through the heavens.


» fill + Nombre + to the rim = llenar hasta el borde.

Example: Then pour some boiling distilled water in each eyecup almost filling it to the rim.

» Pacific rim, the = países de la costa del Pacífico.

Example: This article notes some of the on-line data bases covering business information about countries of the Pacific Rim.

rim2 = llanta. 

Example: Wheel covers are are clipped on to an otherwise dull and boring steel wheel or rim to make them flashier and sportier.

Rim synonyms

flange in spanish: , pronunciation: flændʒ part of speech: noun lip in spanish: , pronunciation: lɪp part of speech: noun brim in spanish: , pronunciation: brɪm part of speech: noun
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