Right in spanish


pronunciation: deɹ̩etʃɑ part of speech: adjective, noun, adverb
In gestures

right? = ¿verdad?. 

Example: This is Archie Bunker crap, right?.

right, the1 = derecha, la. [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: The functions on the left side are used more frequently than those on the right.


» at right angles = en ángulo recto, horizontalmente.

Example: There was an ink table at each end of the bed, and two sets of inking rollers were fixed in the frame at right angles to its movement, with the platen between them = Había una mesa de tinta a cada extremo de la mesa y dos juegos de rodillos entintadores sujetos sobre la estructura en ángulo recto respecto a su movimiento, con la platina entre ambos.

» at right angles across = perpendicular a.

Example: Like their predecessors (which were mostly news presses) they had carriages with ink tables at the end and inking rollers fixed at right angles across the frame.

» at the right = a la derecha.

Example: The subfield codes are at the extreme left of the display; the information belonging to each subfield is at the right.

» be + Posesivo + right hand = ser + Posesivo + mano derecha.

Example: Not only was he her right hand, he was accepted throughout the store as a manager who was firm, who would stand no nonsense, but who was fair.

» bottom right = esquina inferior derecha.

Example: The icon that appears at the bottom right of the screen is really bugging me.

» bottom right(-hand) corner = esquina superior derecha.

Example: The origin of the word is shown in the bottom left-hand corner, and the modern meaning in the bottom right-hand corner of the card.

» cross at + right angles = cruzarse en ángulo recto.

Example: The streets are broad and straight, crossing at right angles and are well macadamised.

» drive on + the right = conducir por la derecha, circular por la derecha.

Example: The United Kingdom drives on the left, but the overseas territory of Gibraltar drives on the right.

» execute right! = ¡derecha!. [Usado en el contexto de la instrucción militar]

Example: We were instructed how to stand at ease, stand to attention, how to march, execute left, right and about turns and how to come to a halt.

» extreme right, the = extrema derecha, la; ultraderecha, la.

Example: In these times of social and economic crises, and although the extreme left has witnessed a revival of sorts, there is no doubt that the extreme right has become the fastest growing political party.

» far right = extrema derecha.

Example: This means that the religious far right was unwilling to have a democratic vote on the floor of the convention.

» form + right angles with = hacer esquina con.

Example: The new library extension is in the style of the old farm houses and forms right angles with the old, now restored, main building which houses offices and local history collection.

» from left to right = de izquierda a derecha.

Example: It is not just many humans who read numbers from left to right, a new study shows, birds do too.

» from right to left = de derecha a izquierda.

Example: Until the 1980s Korean was usually written from right to left in vertical columns.

» get out of + bed on the right side = levantarse con el pie derecho.

Example: They say that if you get out of bed on the right side, the day will go well for you.

» give + Posesivo + right arm = dar el brazo derecho, dar la mano derecha, hacer cualquier cosa, dar el oro y el moro, dar todo el oro del mundo.

Example: I can't help but feel gutted that people who would give their right arm to be there probably won't get tickets.

» go to + the right = ir a la derecha, girar a la derecha.

Example: He then decided whether to go to the right or to the left by tossing heads or tails at every street corner.

» justify + right = justificar a la derecha, alinear a la derecha.

Example: The length is a 5-digit decimal number justified right with zero fill if necessary.

» left, right and centre = sin dar basto, todo el tiempo, por todos lados.

Example: It hasn't helped that the Americans are being so unilateralist and pulling out of treaties left, right and centre.

» lower right = parte inferior derecha.

Example: The brightness can be adjusted by turning the two knobs at the lower right of the screen.

» on the right = a la derecha, por la derecha, en la derecha.

Example: The fact is, before the Revolution, the aristocracy travelled on the left of the road, forcing the peasantry over to the right.

» on the right side of = a la derecha de, a mano derecha de.

Example: The number of documents indexed by each of the cross-reference terms is shown on the right side of the display.

» on the right side of + Edad = menos de + Edad.

Example: On the contrary, those who are on the right side of forty know what their juniors do not, namely that life really does begin at forty!.

» overtake on + the right = adelantar por la derecha.

Example: Overtaking on the right is especially dangerous, as drivers in Europe do not expect this.

» overtake on + the right side = adelantar por el lado derecho.

Example: When there is a traffic jam ahead, and traffic is going slower, you overtake on the right side.

» right angle = angulo recto.

Example: In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the more usual position for the horse was on the near side of the press, set out at slightly less than a right angle from the fore-end of the ribs = En los siglos XVII y XVIII, la posición más habitual del banco era al lado más cercano de la prensa, casi en angulo recto rspecto a los extremos delanteros de las escaleras.

» right-angled

» right atrium = aurícula derecha.

Example: In the fetus, the right atrium pumps blood into the left atrium, bypassing the pulmonary circulation.

» right bottom corner = esquina inferior derecha.

Example: The card counter area at the right bottom corner contains the card sequence number, if the catalog record requires more than one card.

» right cerebral hemisphere = hemisferio cerebral derecho.

Example: The right cerebral hemisphere appears to be more activated than the left cerebral hemisphere during navigational learning in a virtual environment.

» right-click = hacer clic con el botón derecho, pinchar con el botón derecho, pulsar el botón derecho.

Example: By right-clicking on the image, you can zoom in or zoom out the image.

» right-footed = diestro. [De pies]

Example: He's right-footed although he plays the left wing.

» right hand = derecha, mano derecha.

Example: The examples cited to date have used right hand truncation, which results in the amalgamation of words with different suffixes.

» right-handed = diestro. [De manos. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: All subjects were right-handed except for three left-handed men and one ambidextrous male.

» right hemisphere = hemisferio derecho. [Mitad derecha del cerebro]

Example: This paper considers the recent thinking on the activities of the left and right hemispheres of the brain and their relevance to planning processes.

» right here = aquí mismo.

Example: He got whipped by policemen right here in Montgomery.

» right hook = gancho de derecha.

Example: On the second round, He beautifully countered and dropped Henderson with a right hook to the temple.

» right lane = carril derecho, carril de la derecha.

Example: Mind you some of right lane road hogs should be put in front of a firing squad.

» right/left arrows = flechas de desplazamiento del cursor hacia la izquierda/derecha.

Example: The left/right arrows on the keyboard move the cursor to a new position on the line so you can Insert or Delete a character or overtype a new character.

» right margin = margen derecho.

Example: Even in more mainstream publishing, despite the ubiquity of word processors, which can so easily produce justified text, ragged right margins are becoming more common, even fashionable.

» rightmost = último de la derecha.

Example: Thus, the number on the rightmost column can be read as the number of Nobel laureates a country possesses for every 10 million people.

» right parenthesis = paréntesis que cierra.

Example: Don't forget to reenter the right parenthesis.

» right side, the = lado derecho, el; costado derecho, el. [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: The right side of the top three lines is used for error messages.

» right turn = giro a la derecha.

Example: 'Right Turn on Red' is a policy that was enacted in the 1970s to help save drivers fuel and money at the pump.

» right ventricle = ventrículo derecho.

Example: The right ventricle is a heart chamber responsible for pumping deoxygenated blood to the lungs.

» right-wing = de derechas, derechista.

Example: The criterion for book selection is thus user demand rather than left- or right-wing cultural preferences.

» right-wing extremist = ultraderechista.

Example: Five suspected right-wing extremists have been detained after they hurled petrol bombs at a Turkish mosque over the weekend.

» right wing party = partido de derechas.

Example: Both left and some right wing parties support the gratis principle and agree that the stagnation of the library service must be reversed.

» right wing, the = derecha, la.

Example: Politically, the right wing favours private cultural initiative; the left wing wants state involvement in the arts.

» signal to + the right = indicar a la derecha, poner el intermitente a la derecha.

Example: When I signal to the left, the flasher blinks normally but when I signal to the right, the flasher blinks real fast.

» start + Nombre + off on the right foot = empezar Algo con buen pie, comenzar Algo con buen pie, entrar con buen pie.

Example: Nobody likes to see the end of summer; but if you can end it on a high note, it will start the new school and work year off on the right foot.

» start + Nombre + on the right footing = comenzar con buen pie, empezar con buen pie, entrar con buen pie.

Example: Following from a previous article on how to start projects on the right footing by defining objectives, the author considers the next step, planning the project properly to help sidestep further pitfalls.

» to the right = a la derecha.

Example: What ever is to the left of you is your first name, what ever to the right is your last name.

» turn + right = girar a la derecha, hacer un giro a la derecha, torcer a la derecha, doblar a la derecha.

Example: You must overtake on the right unless the vehicle you want to overtake is waiting to turn right and giving a right-turn signal.

» turn to + the right = girar a la derecha, hacer un giro a la derecha, torcer a la derecha, doblar a la derecha.

Example: While driving straight, my steering wheel is turned to the right approximately 15 degrees.

» upper right corner = esquina superior derecha, ángulo superior derecho.

Example: The system displays an error message in the upper right corner of the screen if an invalid answer is entered at any point in the command chain.

right2 = derecho. 

Example: Access to information is a fundamental right of citizenship, in fact, the fourth right, following in the footsteps of civil rights, political rights and social rights.


» access right = derecho de acceso.

Example: University or industrial employment contracts seldom promise email accounts, space on servers, or other access rights.

» as of right = por derecho (propio).

Example: In some cases there is an appeal as of right and a slightly different procedure applies.

» basic right = derecho básico.

Example: All persons in the United States, including foreign nationals, have certain basic rights that must be respected.

» birthright = derecho de nacimiento, derecho inalienable.

Example: The frontier and opportunist nature of Australia had tended to promote social advancement either in terms of good fortune, hard work, or ingenuity rather than by virtue of birthright.

» breach of + Posesivo + human rights = infracción de + Posesivo + derechos humanos.

Example: I showed one of the staff the video and he got quite bolshie with me, as my taping her was, according to him, a breach of her human rights.

» by right = por derecho (propio).

Example: The pension entitlements they have earned are theirs by right.

» civic right = derecho público.

Example: Here it is at last, the public library as a civic right.

» community right = derecho de la comunidad.

Example: The questionnaire was trying to determine whether users thought library services were a favour bestowed by the authorities, or a community right.

» constitutional right = derecho constitucional.

Example: Prisoners rely on inadequate legal resources in prison law libraries to prepare legal cases to protect their constitutional rights.

» divine right = derecho divino.

Example: The article is entitled 'The Divine Right of Kings: academic status viewed'.

» equality of rights = igualdad de derechos.

Example: The data serves to show that the traditional model of non-remunerated work persists despite the equality of rights enshrined in the Constitution.

» eternal right = derecho eterno.

Example: One of the eternal truths is that happiness is created and developed in peace, and one of the eternal rights is the individual's right to live.

» exclusive right = propiedad exclusiva, derecho exclusivo.

Example: Cleopatra, considered the most beautiful woman in the world during her day, went to great expense to obtain exclusive rights over the Dead Sea.

» exercise + Posesivo + right = ejercer un derecho.

Example: Access to information and freedom of information are very important to them in exercising their rights as citizens = Para ellos, el acceso a información y la libertad de información son muy importantes para poder ejercer sus derechos como ciudadanos.

» exercise + Posesivo + right to vote = ejercer + Posesivo + derecho al voto.

Example: In these situations, if the employer refuses to allow the employee leave in order to exercise her right to vote, then the employer has violated that right.

» have + a right to = tener derecho a.

Example: Moreover, the citizens of Europe have a right to know about the various measures and decisions taken in their name and which can have a direct impact upon their private or professional lives.

» have + every right to = tener todo el derecho a.

Example: He has every right to feel sore about his treatment at the hands of the police officers.

» have + the right of way = tener preferencia. [Aplicado en circulación]

Example: Henry filed suit against the city and the driver, alleging the driver failed to yield to plaintiff even though he had the right of way.

» have + the right of way = tener derecho de paso.

Example: The new owner doesn't like it, but hikers have had the right of way through these woods for decades.

» have + the right to = tener derecho a, tener el derecho de, tener la potestad de.

Example: Members have the right to correct the texts of their speeches within one day of receipt of the provisional edition.

» have + the right to vote = tener derecho al voto, tener derecho a votar.

Example: A democratic society is one in which people have the right to vote and elect their country's leadership and to hold those leaders accountable for the actions and decisions.

» inalienable right = derecho inalienable.

Example: Anyone who is denied access to needed information cannot truly pursue the happiness that is everyone's inalienable right.

» individualisation of rights = individualización de los derechos.

Example: This policy should facilitate the individualization of rights, even if this should result in the further demise of the traditional nuclear family.

» infringe + right = infringir un derecho, violar un derecho.

Example: The Act was finally allowed to lapse in 1695 and the Stationers' Company was unable to protect its members' rights against those who chose to infringe them.

» in + Posesivo + own right = por sí mismo, por lo que es, por lo que son, por su propio derecho, por derecho propio, por su parte, de pleno derecho, a título propio.

Example: Each of these is sufficiently significant that they repay study in their own right.

» international human rights law = derecho internacional sobre los derechos humanos, derecho internacional humanitario.

Example: The main overarching argument that we make in this statement is that this would be a retrogressive measure under international human rights law.

» invasion of people's right to + Nombre = violación del derecho de la gente a + Nombre.

Example: This may be an invasion of people's right to privacy.

» labour right = derecho laboral, derecho del trabajador.

Example: Labor rights are still a prickly subject in Wisconsin.

» legal right = derecho legal.

Example: The public lending right (PLR) is based on the idea that cultural protection, social welfare and legal rights are promoted if authors are compensated for the library use of their books.

» lending right = derecho de préstamo.

Example: These include: the lending right; the reprographic right in published works; certain cable television rights; the private reading right; and the off-air recording right.

» Library Bill of Rights = Declaración de los Derechos del Usuario.

Example: The response of libraries in some of these cases has been poor, taking the path of least resistance and not upholding the ALA's Library Bill of Rights.

» licensing rights = derechos de licencia.

Example: To understand photography licensing rights you must first understand that unless you are selling a print, you are not 'selling a photo' as such.

» natural right = derecho natural, derecho básico.

Example: In fact, Bentham said: 'The idea of rights is nonsense and the idea of natural rights is nonsense on stilts'.

» off-air recording right = derecho de grabación de ondas sonoras o televisivas.

Example: These include: the lending right; the reprographic right in published works; certain cable television rights; the private reading right; and the off-air recording right.

» privacy right = derecho a la privacidad.

Example: Laws relating to privacy rights have to be considered.

» public lending right (PLR) = derecho sobre el préstamo al público (PLR). [Ley que obliga a las bibliotecas a compensar económicamente a los autores por el préstamo que se haga de sus libros]

Example: The public lending right (PLR) is based on the idea that cultural protection, social welfare and legal rights are promoted if authors are compensated for the library use of their books.

» rental right = derecho de alquiler.

Example: The author focuses on the new rental right as it affects public libraries and educational libraries.

» reprographic right = derecho de reproducción.

Example: These include: the lending right; the reprographic right in published works; certain cable television rights; the private reading right; and the off-air recording right.

» reserve + the right to = reservarse el derecho de.

Example: The library reserves the right to obtain and distribute bookmarks with or without advertising from any sources.

» respect + a right = respetar un derecho.

Example: I am not suggesting that everyone should become a bookworm; there are plenty of healthy, happy and good people who do not want to read books and their right to not read must be respected.

» right of access to information = derecho de acceso a la información.

Example: The right of access to information is part of the right of free speech.

» right of entry = derecho de paso.

Example: The right of entry is reserved during reasonable hours for inspection or repair deemed necessary.

» right of free speech = derecho a la libertad de expresión.

Example: The right of access to information is part of the right of free speech.

» right to die = derecho a la muerte.

Example: This article reviews a selection of valuable books, periodical articles, organizations and agencies providing information on euthanasia and right-to-die laws of US states.

» right to free speech = derecho a la libertad de expresión.

Example: The film, intended to stress the right to free speech, was severely criticised as having definite racist overtones.

» right to live = derecho a la vida, derecho a vivir.

Example: It is argued that materials that endanger lives should be banned from the Internet on the basis that every right, even free speech, needs to be balanced with others, especially the right to live.

» right to read = derecho a la lectura, derecho a leer.

Example: In the library world leaders should have the courage to defend the right to read and the other high principles of the library profession.

» right to refuge, the = derecho al refugio, el.

Example: The Convention itself considers the violation of human rights a factor that excludes the right to refuge.

» right to secede, the = derecho a independizarse, el.

Example: Indeed, the constitution of India, while recognizing that India is a multiethnic state, does not give any regional group the right to secede.

» right to vote, the = sufragio, derecho a voto, derecho al voto, derecho de voto, derecho a votar.

Example: The right to vote and cast a secret ballot should be the foundation of democracy.

» secure + the right to = obtener el derecho a/de.

Example: Olsson went on to add that she was considering pressing her claim in court and secure the right to exhume the tomb.

» sovereign right = derecho soberano.

Example: They must take resolute measures for the abolition of this dictatorial regime and ardently defend the sovereign rights of its people.

» stand up for + Posesivo + rights = defender los derechos de Uno.

Example: This article briefly reviews some of the research on stress and links this back to assertiveness -- standing up for one's rights without violating the rights of others -- as a stress-reducing technique which might be applicable in the library situation.

» stick up for + Posesivo + rights = defender + Posesivo + derechos, hacer valer + Posesivo + derechos.

Example: She sometimes finds it hard to stick up for her rights because she is so reserved.

» the right of way = preferencia de paso, derecho de paso.

Example: Most drivers stop at stop signs: Some do under duress -- there may be a policeman concealed in nearby bushes, others as a matter of prudence -- a fast car with the right of way can be injurious.

» unalienable right = derecho inalienable.

Example: The first principle of unalienable rights recognizes that everyone is naturally endowed by their Creator with certain rights that cannot be infringed or given away.

» uphold + Posesivo + right = defender + Posesivo + derecho, respetar + Posesivo + derecho.

Example: Her lawyer had asked the High Court to uphold her client's right to die at the time of her choosing but she died naturally.

» violate + a right = violar un derecho, infringir un derecho.

Example: This article briefly reviews some of the research on stress and links this back to assertiveness -- standing up for one's rights without violating the rights of others -- as a stress-reducing technique which might be applicable in the library situation.

» voting rights = sufragio, derecho a voto, derecho al voto, derecho de voto, derecho a votar. [Generalmente usado en plural]

Example: A flyer was also provided with the letter explaining voting rights for felons.

» win + the right to = conseguir el derecho para, obtener el derecho para.

Example: In this case a publisher won the right to republish 'white pages' telephone directory information on the basis that there was no originality in the creation of the original directory information.

» yield + (the) right of way = ceder el paso.

Example: When an emergency vehicle approaches with its siren on you must yield the right of way as quickly as possible.

right3 = correcto, apropiado. 

Example: The last figure I saw was 828, but you're in the right realm.


» all right = de acuerdo.

Example: Compassion shadowed the trustee's face -- she could see he was desperate -- and compassion was in her voice as she answered: 'all right, I'll go over this afternoon'.

» all right [alright] = correcto, bien.

Example: So the system apparently works all right and no one is suggesting that it needs a major overhaul.

» aright = bien, correctamente, acertadamente.

Example: Another wise precaution at this preliminary stage is to make sure that he has heard aright.

» as of right now = por ahora.

Example: But, as of right now, despite all of the interest, I do not know of a library relying exclusively on an online catalog.

» a step in the right direction = por buen camino, bien encaminado, por buena dirección.

Example: However, revenues to publishers from photocopying articles are not yet sufficient to compensate for lost revenue from the decline in circulation of established journals but are, luckily, seen as a step in the right direction.

» at the right price = a su precio justo.

Example: If you find the right house at the right price, buy it.

» at the right time = en el momento adecuado, en el momento oportuno.

Example: The information worker can overcome this indifference by monitoring his clients' needs attentively and providing the right product at the right time.

» be all right = ser correcto.

Example: The lead term 'metallurgy' is all right but you have then gone on to qualify this by the subordinate term in the chain 'assaying' and indexed this for the class number 669.

» be all right with + Persona = no importar, parecer bien.

Example: As head of a committee, and being recognized as such, it's perfectly all right with me if I'm called the chairman rather than the chairwoman.

» be a right laugh = ser muy gracioso.

Example: Harry was a right laugh. I remember finding him in my bath one night, pissed as a lord, laughing his head off... and then weeping throughout till dawn.

» be a right pair = estar hecho el uno para el otro, juntarse el hambre con las ganas de comer.

Example: They're a right pair, always getting into trouble with the family with whom they live.

» be (as) right as rain = sentirse como nuevo, encontrarse perfectamente, encontrarse como nuevo, venir como anillo al dedo, venir de perlas, como si tal cosa, como si nada.

Example: Essentially this novel is about being right as rain for nearly a whole lifetime in a country full of light and sun, and tremendous goodwill.

» be dead right = estar complemente en lo cierto, tener completamente la razón.

Example: Tom Jefferson was dead right when he said anyone who expects to be ignorant and free expects what never was and never will be.

» be in the right = tener razón, llevar razón.

Example: She thinks she's always in the right and there is nothing wrong with how she's acting.

» be in the right place at the right time = estar en el lugar indicado en el momento indicado, estar en el lugar adecuado en el momento adecuado, estar en el lugar oportuno en el momento oportuno.

Example: She attributes her success to being in the right place at the right time.

» be in the right realm = no andar muy equivocado.

Example: The last figure I saw was 828, but you're in the right realm.

» be on the right track = ir bien encaminado, estar bien encaminado, ir por (el) buen camino.

Example: A quick scan of the headings and subheadings will indicate whether or not one is on the right track for the question.

» be right = ser adecuado, ser apropiado, ser perfecto.

Example: Scenes from books done in polished improvisations, for instance, or puppet plays adapted from stories are just right.

» be right = ser correcto.

Example: Your answer 'by containing more than one substitute for each document and arranging these in sequences differing from shelf order' is right.

» be right = tener razón, tener motivo, llevar razón.

Example: Publishers are right to be concerned about uncontrolled republication.

» be (right) on point = atinar, acertar, dar en el clavo, dar en el blanco, estar en lo cierto, ser perfecto, estar perfecto, estar acertado, tener razón, dar en la diana, hacer diana.

Example: Their statements were right on point and tugged at the heartstrings.

» be (right) on point = dar la talla, estar a la altura de las circunstancias, ser de calidad.

Example: She said that Jonah Lomu's humour was on point during one of his final public appearances.

» be (right) on the mark = atinar, acertar, dar en el clavo, dar en el blanco, estar en lo cierto, ser perfecto, estar perfecto, estar acertado, tener razón, dar en la diana, hacer diana.

Example: For a directorial debut with no big-name movie stars, the acting is right on the mark.

» be right on the nose = dar justo en el clavo, poner el dedo en la llaga.

Example: Your documentary sounds absolutely sensational and if there were anything I could do to help, I'd be glad to be a part of it -- it's right on the nose.

» be right on time = llegar justo a tiempo, llegar puntualmente, ser puntual.

Example: The waiting area is comfortable, and my appointments have been right on time.

» be right on track = estar acertado, ir por el buen camino, hacerlo bien.

Example: There is every indication from this study that the program is right on track in terms of employment.

» be right unless proven otherwise = tener razón a no ser que se demuestre lo contrario.

Example: This meant getting rid of my highly critical attitude, as well as my belief that 'I am always right unless proven otherwise'.

» be (right) up + Posesivo + alley = ser lo que a Uno le gusta, ser lo que a Uno le encanta, ser lo que a Uno le interesa, venir de perilla, venir de maravilla, venir de perlas, ser justo lo que Uno necesita, ser ideal para Uno, venir como anillo al dedo, ser lo que a Uno le va, ser lo de Uno, venir a(l) pelo, venir como agua de mayo.

Example: For them enough is never enough, and any kind of scam is right up their alley.

» be (right) up + Posesivo + street = ser lo que a Uno le gusta, ser lo que a Uno le encanta, ser lo que a Uno le interesa, venir de perilla, venir de maravilla, venir de perlas, ser justo lo que Uno necesita, ser ideal para Uno, venir como anillo al dedo, ser lo que a Uno le va, ser lo de Uno, venir a(l) pelo, venir como agua de mayo.

Example: She is known to be a good talker and listener so this role is right up her street.

» by (all) rights = en justicia, sin discusión alguna, lo propio es que, lo suyo es que.

Example: By all rights, he should have died that day; instead, this super-energetic entrepreneur is riding high!.

» do + Algo + right = hacer Algo correctamente, hacer lo correcto.

Example: As an association, we feel that doing it right is offering support to people affected by aphasia.

» do + the right thing = lo que hay que hacer, hacer lo correcto, actuar correctamente.

Example: Vendors should take this trouble not only because it is the right thing to do but also because it is a safeguard against consumer litigation.

» feel (as) right as rain = sentirse como nuevo, encontrarse perfectamente, encontrarse como nuevo.

Example: Feeling right as rain for a change, he felt a slight smile tug on his lips.

» feel + right = sentirse bien, creer que estar bien.

Example: Two teenagers who wanted to experience murder told police it 'felt right' to strangle a friend and bury her body .

» for (all) the right reasons  = para bien, por las razones debidas.

Example: A party dress should ensure you stand out for all the right reasons.

» from ... right across ... = desde ... hasta ....

Example: This type of help can extend from the assistant who does routine collecting of facts which the author uses, right across to the virtual ghosting of the book which the author has given little more to than a name.

» get + everything right = conseguir que todo salga bien, acertarlo todo.

Example: Training for full marathons involves a lot of work, and you need to get everything right if you want to become good at it.

» get it + (all) right = hacerlo bien, acertar.

Example: If the reading-boy misread the copy, or if the corrector misheard or misunderstood the reading-boy, a wrong word might be entered on the proof as a correction whether or not the compositor had got it right in the first place.

» get it + right on the nose = dar justo en el clavo, poner el dedo en la llaga.

Example: I was so surprised by their coffee, I was totally expecting disgusting nasty poopy coffee -- but they got it right on the nose!.

» get off on + the right foot = empezar bien, comenzar bien, empezar con buen pie, comenzar con buen pie.

Example: We provide them with plenty of opportunities to build their confidence, sharpen their skills, and get off on the right foot when it comes to beginning their career.

» get on + the right side of = actuar correctamente, comportarse correctamente.

Example: There's a growing understanding that it's largely an opportunity for profit and growth for the companies that get on the right side of things and get ahead.

» get on + the right side of = congraciarse con.

Example: After all, the ancients worshipped, among other deities, the gods of violence, if only to get on the right side of them.

» get + Posesivo + story right = aclarar lo que sucedió, aclararse, aclarar lo sucedido.

Example: They were having trouble getting their story right but it did not really matter why or when the decision had occurred.

» get + things right = ordenar las cosas, poner las cosas en orden, acertar.

Example: They understand that tough decisions are required and we need leaders who are more interested in getting things right than just getting along.

» have + Posesivo + head screwed on (right/the right way) = tener la cabeza bien puesta, tener la cabeza bien amueblada.

Example: Lily was the eldest, the one with her head screwed on firmly, the one who'd taken care of her younger sisters when their mother died six years ago.

» hit + all the right notes = dar en el clavo, dar en el blanco, dar en la diana, hacer diana.

Example: This event hit all the right notes and we look forward to possibly hosting another quirky event in the near future.

» hit it right + on the nose = dar justo en el clavo, poner el dedo en la llaga.

Example: It hits right on the nose with what's going on these days and what I went through in high school.

» if my hunch is right = si no estoy equivocado, si mi olfato no me engaña.

Example: I have a good idea of what's going to happen but I still have to see if my hunch is right.

» if (my) memory serves me right = si no me falla la memoria.

Example: If memory serves me right this is not the first death on this crossing.

» if you want something done right, do it yourself = si quieres que algo te salga bien, hazlo tú mismo.

Example: Unfortunately, it's all too tempting to follow that old mantra, 'If you want something done right, do it yourself'.

» in + Posesivo + right mind = en + Posesivo + sano juicio, en + Posesivo + cabales.

Example: No librarian in his right mind would deliberately provide an unsatisfactory answer.

» in the right order = en el orden correcto, en el orden adecuado, en el orden apropiado.

Example: With enough practice, though, you'll get used to solving problems in the right order.

» it + go + right/straight out of + Posesivo + mind = írsele a Uno el santo al cielo.

Example: I should have answered the letter yesterday, but it went right out of my mind.

» it + serve + Nombre + right = buscárselo, merecérselo, tenérselo (bien) merecido, tenérselo bien empleado.

Example: When he came to Mary told him it was she who had thrown the stool and that it served him right and that in future he should learn to mind his own business.

» just right = perfectamente, correctamente, a la perfección, perfecto, en su punto, de perlas, de perilla.

Example: If you don't say the magic word just right, the door won't open.

» keep on + the right side of = congraciarse con, no predisponer a Alguien en contra.

Example: Gods did nothing, but you had to honour them with a daily offering to keep on the right side of them.

» keep on + the right side of the law = no infringir las leyes, respetar las leyes, acatar las leyes.

Example: These are people who work hard, pay taxes, buy houses and keep on the right side of the law for fear of being deported.

» keep on + the right track = seguir por el buen camino, seguir el buen camino, no apartarse del buen camino, no perderse.

Example: There are five major challenges that need to be addressed in order to keep on the right track of sustainable development.

» make + all the right noises = decir todo lo que hay que decir para causar una buena impresión.

Example: In his bid to drum up business for the U.K., Cameron has made all the right noises on issues critical to India.

» make + things right = arreglar las cosas, solucionar los problemas, poner las cosas en orden, poner las cosas en su sitio.

Example: You can't defraud someone out of thousands of dollars and then expect to make things right, without first making restitution before asking for an apology.

» Mr Right = el hombre ideal, el hombre de + Posesivo + sueños, el amor de + Posesivo + vida, el hombre perfecto, Posesivo + media naranja, el principe azul.

Example: She doesn't have a boyfriend at the moment but she is planning to freeze her eggs in two or three years if she hasn't met Mr Right by then.

» not get a thing right = no dar pie con bola.

Example: This was when I first noticed Dolt's idiocy and he has never, to my knowledge, managed to get a thing right since.

» play + Posesivo + cards right = jugar bien + Posesivo + cartas, jugar bien + Posesivo + baza.

Example: He could have won that election, if he had played his cards right, not come off as such a stiff, and had some real conviction.

» point + Nombre + in the right direction = indicar el camino correcto, marcar el camino correcto, orientar.

Example: These metaphors point us in the right direction and set us off on a discussion of fiction as a symbolic structure that is to life what metaphors are to reality.

» Posesivo + heart + be + in the right place = ser bondadoso, tener buen corazón, tener un gran corazón, tener un corazón grande.

Example: She realizes that while her heart is in the right place, she cannot wish away life's complications.

» prove + Nombre + right = demostrar que Alguien tiene razón, probar que Alguien tiene razón, confirmar que Alguien tiene razón, probar que Alguien está en lo cierto, demostrar que Alguien está en lo cierto, confirmar que Alguien está en lo cierto.

Example: I took the test out of curiosity and to prove my mother wrong -- but I ended up proving her right.

» provide + the right + Nombre + to the right + Nombre + at the right time = proporcionar el + Nombre + adecuado al + Nombre + adecuado en el momento adecuado.

Example: To say that the objectives of a library are to provide the right book to the right reader at the right time is not enough.

» push + all (of) the right buttons = saber (cómo) hacer las cosas bien, jugar bien + Posesivo + cartas.

Example: If you want me to unleash my wild side, you'll have to push all of the right buttons.

» put + matters right = hacerlo bien, corregirlo, enmendarlo.

Example: Thirdly, because it is the socializing that goes on in preschool years that matters above all we must do more to put matters right at this stage.

» put + Nombre + (back) to right(s) = arreglar, poner en orden, poner en su sitio.

Example: Ever since her mother had left, Mindy's life had been chaotic and Spenser was doing everything in his power to put it back to rights.

» put + Nombre + on the (right) path to = poner en el buen camino hacia, encaminar a, orientar a, conducir a, llevar a, guiar a.

Example: Playing sports can help you through tough periods and put you on the path to a healthy adult life.

» put + Nombre + on the (right) road to = poner en el buen camino hacia, encaminar a, orientar a, conducir a, llevar a, guiar a.

Example: This book is a virtual encyclopaedia of information on success that will put you on the right road to a bright future.

» put + Nombre + on (the right) track for = preparar para.

Example: This experience put him on the right track for future academic success.

» put + Nombre + on the (right) track to = poner en el buen camino hacia, encaminar a, orientar a, conducir a, llevar a, guiar a.

Example: The most natural way out is to ask the enquirer: usually he will know, or at least will be able to put the librarian on the right track.

» put + Nombre + right = enmendar, corregir, remediar.

Example: The author emphasises the importance of the early stages of planning, where the seeds of failure are often sown, and mistakes made then will be very difficult to put right later.

» put + right a situation = corregir una situación, enmendar una situación.

Example: Every effort will be made to put right the situation leading to the complaint.

» put + things (back) to right(s) = arreglar las cosas, poner las cosas en orden, poner las cosas en su sitio.

Example: So when a disaster emergency occurs it is vital to put things to rights as quickly as possible.

» put + things right = arreglar las cosas, solucionar los problemas, poner las cosas en orden, poner las cosas en su sitio.

Example: It is also pointed out thet the machine alone cannot put things right, the user will have to be re-trained as well.

» right? = ¿verdad?.

Example: This is Archie Bunker crap, right?.

» right after = justo después de.

Example: Cooperation between libraries in the 2 groups of countries began right after the Baltic countries' independence, at the initiative of the Nordic countries = La cooperación entre las bibliotecas de los dos grupos de países comenzó justo después de la independencia de los países bálticos, por iniciativa de los países Nórdicos.

» right away = en seguida, inmediatamente, sin demora, al instante, sobre la marcha, en un dos por tres, al momento.

Example: Forms that are required right away are printed immediately.

» right behind = justo después de, justo detrás de.

Example: Right behind commercialization comes privatization.

» right in = en medio de, entre medio de, en mitad de.

Example: However, a more advantageous site was offered, right in the shopping precinct, linking a covered mall of shops with a multi-functional community complex.

» right in/on = justo en.

Example: In this case, however, summer vacation resulted in universities and other institutions closing down completely right in the middle of her stay.

» right-minded = en + Posesivo + cabales.

Example: I submit that no ordinary, right-minded library user who is looking for Western Behavioral Institute is going to look under LA JOLLA, California.

» right now = ahora mismo, justo ahora, en este momento.

Example: At these words he gulped loudly, spilling his coffee recklessly, and then said 'Right now!'.

» right off = en seguida, inmediatamente.

Example: She began, right off, without a greeting.

» right off the bat = sin pensarlo mucho, de buenas a primeras, de un modo improvisado, improvisadamente, sobre la marcha.

Example: I can't think of an exact example to give you right off the bat.

» right on cue = en el momento justo, en el momento adecuado, en el momento apropiado.

Example: And so, over and over again, in public and right on cue, he wiped away a tear, bit his lip, and said how remorseful he felt.

» right on the nose = exactamente, perfectamente, al minuto.

Example: They couldn't see us but they had our altitude right on the nose.

» right on time = justo a tiempo, en el momento indicado.

Example: At this point the project has moved along with zero delays so I expect us to be done right on time.

» right + Preposición<

Right synonyms

good in spanish: , pronunciation: gʊd part of speech: adjective appropriate in spanish: , pronunciation: əproʊpriət part of speech: adjective moral in spanish: , pronunciation: mɔrəl part of speech: adjective decent in spanish: , pronunciation: disənt part of speech: adjective straight in spanish: , pronunciation: streɪt part of speech: adverb, adjective accurate in spanish: , pronunciation: ækjɜrət part of speech: adjective precise in spanish: , pronunciation: prɪsaɪs part of speech: adjective far in spanish: , pronunciation: fɑr part of speech: adverb proper in spanish: , pronunciation: prɑpɜr part of speech: adjective conservative in spanish: , pronunciation: kənsɜrvətɪv part of speech: adjective correct in spanish: , pronunciation: kɜrekt part of speech: adjective, verb redress in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪdres part of speech: noun, verb compensate in spanish: , pronunciation: kɑmpənseɪt part of speech: verb flop in spanish: , pronunciation: flɑp part of speech: noun suitable in spanish: , pronunciation: sutəbəl part of speech: adjective exact in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪgzækt part of speech: adjective ethical in spanish: , pronunciation: eθəkəl part of speech: adjective powerful in spanish: , pronunciation: paʊɜrfəl part of speech: adjective perpendicular in spanish: , pronunciation: pɜrpəndɪkjəlɜr part of speech: adjective ripe in spanish: , pronunciation: raɪp part of speech: adjective properly in spanish: , pronunciation: prɑpɜrli part of speech: adverb mighty in spanish: , pronunciation: maɪti part of speech: adjective, adverb honorable in spanish: , pronunciation: ɑnɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective satisfactory in spanish: , pronunciation: sætəsfæktri part of speech: adjective reactionary in spanish: , pronunciation: riækʃəneri part of speech: adjective starboard in spanish: , pronunciation: stɑrbɜrd part of speech: adjective, verb opportune in spanish: , pronunciation: ɑpɜrtun part of speech: adjective honourable in spanish: , pronunciation: ɑnɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective right-hand in spanish: , pronunciation: raɪthænd part of speech: adjective correctly in spanish: , pronunciation: kɜrektli part of speech: adverb aright in spanish: , pronunciation: ɜraɪt part of speech: adverb justly in spanish: , pronunciation: dʒʌstli part of speech: adverb right wing in spanish: , pronunciation: raɪtwɪŋ part of speech: noun decently in spanish: , pronunciation: disəntli part of speech: adverb right on in spanish: , pronunciation: raɪtɑn part of speech: adverb right-wing in spanish: , pronunciation: raɪtwɪŋ part of speech: adjective rightist in spanish: , pronunciation: raɪtɪst part of speech: adjective, noun right-minded in spanish: , pronunciation: raɪtmaɪndɪd part of speech: adjective right hand in spanish: , pronunciation: raɪthænd part of speech: noun letter-perfect in spanish: , pronunciation: letɜrpɜrfekt part of speech: adjective rightfield in spanish: , pronunciation: raɪtfild part of speech: noun, adjective rightfulness in spanish: , pronunciation: raɪtfəlnəs part of speech: noun far-right in spanish: , pronunciation: fɜrraɪt part of speech: adjective in good order in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪngʊdɔrdɜr part of speech: adverb reactionist in spanish: , pronunciation: riækʃənɪst part of speech: adjective word-perfect in spanish: , pronunciation: wɜrdpɜrfekt part of speech: adjective the right way in spanish: , pronunciation: ðəraɪtweɪ part of speech: adverb rightish in spanish: , pronunciation: raɪtɪʃ part of speech: adjective

Right antonyms

center pronunciation: sentɜr part of speech: noun port pronunciation: pɔrt part of speech: noun wrong pronunciation: rɔŋ part of speech: adjective left pronunciation: left part of speech: adjective falsify pronunciation: fɔlsəfaɪ part of speech: verb incorrect pronunciation: ɪnkɜrekt part of speech: adjective larboard pronunciation: lɑrbɔrd part of speech: adjective, noun wrongly pronunciation: rɔŋli part of speech: adverb improperly pronunciation: ɪmprɑpɜrli part of speech: adverb incorrectly pronunciation: ɪnkɜrektli part of speech: adverb wrongfulness pronunciation: rɔŋfəlnəs part of speech: noun
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