Rifle in spanish


pronunciation: rifle part of speech: noun
In gestures

rifle1 = rifle, fusil. 

Example: A perusal of the text has revealed that the Napoleonic handgun was the musket and that rifles were used in special situations.


» air rifle = rifle de aire comprimido, escopeta de aire comprimido.

Example: An inquest was held this week after a 10-year-old boy died after being shot with an air rifle in Swansea, Wales.

» assault rifle = rifle de asalto, fusil de asalto.

Example: Examples range from guns -- revolvers, pistols, carbines, and assault rifles -- to grenade launchers, anti-tank guns, rocket launchers, and anti-aircraft missile launchers.

» carbine rifle = carabina.

Example: Each hunter cannot have more than 150 pieces of ammunition for a double- barrelled rifle or 25 pieces of ammunition for carbine rifles.

» double-barrelled rifle = rifle de dos cañones.

Example: Each hunter cannot have more than 150 pieces of ammunition for a double- barrelled rifle or 25 pieces of ammunition for carbine rifles.

» pellet rifle = rifle de aire comprimido, escopeta de aire comprimido, escopetilla de plomos.

Example: Pellet rifles are an excellent way to teach children to hunt or practice hunting for smaller game.

» rifle company = compañía de fusileros.

Example: Habitually a rifle company received a resupply every fourth or fifth day in the field.

» self-loading rifle = rifle semiautomático, fusil semiautomático.

Example: Self-loading rifles, on the other hand, are claimed not to have recoil.

» semi-automatic rifle = rifle semiautomático, fusil semiautomático.

Example: There are many other semi-automatic rifles, but the ones listed are excellent examples of the semi-automatic rifle well worth owning.

rifle2 = desvalijar, saquear, robar, hurtar, arramblar, arramplar. 

Example: English, on the other hand, has been accused of waylaying other languages in dark alleys and rifling their pockets for loose vocabulary.


» rifle through = rebuscar, revolver.

Example: We could rifle through history and find many a world leader who has had a misty-eyed public moment.

rifle3 = estriar, hacer estrías. [El interior del cañón de un arma]

Example: Although manufactured in 1877 the 6.6-inch howitzers were not rifled until 1880.

Rifle synonyms

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