Ridicule in spanish


pronunciation: ridikuloʊ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

ridicule1 = ridículo, burla, mofa, escarnio. 

Example: Sometimes running the gauntlet of criticism and ridicule allows an opportunity for defending oneself.


» object of ridicule = objeto de burla.

Example: But once the Community becomes an object of ridicule in the minds of the public, truth falls victim to ignorance and prejudice.

» public ridicule = escarnio público, mofa pública.

Example: In the face of resistance, public ridicule, or even mortal danger, these women listened to their hearts and their unshakeable faith.

ridicule2 = ridiculizar, mofarse de, dejar en ridículo, poner en ridículo. 

Example: Such publications emphasised patriotic material supporting the war and ridiculing the enemy.

Ridicule synonyms

guy in spanish: , pronunciation: gaɪ part of speech: noun derision in spanish: , pronunciation: dɜrɪʒən part of speech: noun rib in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪb part of speech: noun blackguard in spanish: , pronunciation: blækgɑrd part of speech: noun laugh at in spanish: , pronunciation: læfæt part of speech: verb make fun in spanish: , pronunciation: meɪkfʌn part of speech: verb poke fun in spanish: , pronunciation: poʊkfʌn part of speech: verb jest at in spanish: , pronunciation: dʒestæt part of speech: verb
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