Ridge in spanish


pronunciation: kɹ̩estɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

ridge1 = surco, pliegue, arruga. 

Example: He realized that the lines corresponded to the ridges of his greasy curduroy trousers.


» ridge of high pressure = cuña anticiclónica, frente de altas presiones, sistema de altas presiones.

Example: Ridges of high pressure often occur between two frontal systems and move with them.

» ridge of low pressure = frente de bajas presiones, sistema de bajas presiones.

Example: A ridge of low pressure swung over Wisconsin a day prior to the national meet.

ridge2 = cima, cresta, escarpadura, escarpe, escarpa. 

Example: It is worth camping out there for the weekend but probably with mates as it is hard to convince the chicks they want to hike over a ridge to get to a place with no bogs.


» coastal ridge = escarpadura costera.

Example: The darker areas represent the areas located along the coastal ridge that are at elevations above the floodplain.

» mountain ridge = cresta de montaña.

Example: New Zealand is a long, narrow, mountainous country; its islands are the unsubmerged parts of mountain ridges separated from Australia.

» roof ridge = caballete, caballete del tejado.

Example: Once the last shingle is placed on the roof ridgeº of your building you will need to seal it to protect it from the weather elements.

» rooftop ridge = caballete, caballete del tejado.

Example: As I drive on the way home from town, there is an old semi-abandoned house where vultures will often line up along the rooftop ridge.

Ridge synonyms

rooftree in spanish: , pronunciation: ruftri part of speech: noun ridgepole in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪdʒpoʊl part of speech: noun
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