Rider in spanish


pronunciation: xinete part of speech: noun
In gestures

rider1 = jinete, caballista. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: Tim Winton's famous novel, `The Riders', was the overall winner of the award.


» circuit rider = bibliotecario itinerante. [Bibliotecario cualificado que tiene a su cargo varias bibliotecas o servicios bibliotecarios distantes entre sí y normalmente dirigidos por personas con menor titulación a los que visita de manera regular]

Example: The author traces the tradition of circuit riders describes the hallmarks and achievements of circuit librarian programmes.

» circuit rider librarian = bibliotecario itinerante. [Bibliotecario cualificado que tiene a su cargo varias bibliotecas o servicios bibliotecarios distantes entre sí y normalmente dirigidos por personas con menor titulación a los que visita de manera regular]

Example: The circuit rider librarian's schedule and functions are discussed.

» free rider = aprovechado, gorrón, gorronero, parásito, oportunista. [Persona que se beneficia de un actividad de un individuo o grupo sin contribuir a él]

Example: Free riders are those who use the information provided by others without contributing evaluations of their own.

» horseback rider = jinete, caballista.

Example: Watch as a seasoned horseback rider demonstrates how to tie up your horse before saddling it in the English style.

» train rider = viajero de tren.

Example: Hundreds of train riders were marooned during the Wednesday morning commute.

rider2 = motociclista, motorista, motero. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: We will organize a special tour for a group if there is a minimum of four riders (i.e. four motorcycles, or a group of six -- three riders and pillions).

rider3 = hoja adjunta. 

Example: If a serial is being routed, a so-called 'rider' (a blank or typed slip) is attached with the names of persons interested.

rider4 = cláusula, condición, comentario. 

Example: This latter point is born out in a survey of the information needs of Californians, which, in affirming the existence of such needs, added the rider that Californians 'do not always perceive these needs to be related to information'.

Rider synonyms

passenger in spanish: , pronunciation: pæsəndʒɜr part of speech: noun
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