Ridden in spanish


pronunciation: ridden part of speech: verb, adjective
In gestures

ridden1 = Participio pasado del verbo ride (montar). [Véase éste y sus derivados para los distintos significados]


» bedridden [bed-ridden] = encamado, postrado en cama.

Example: There is a mobile service only to bedridden patients; others must visit the library.



» angst-ridden = angustiado, lleno de angustia, dominado por la angustia, acosado por la agustia, presionado por la angustia.

Example: They provide a true and fertile alternative to songwriters whose point of reference is the self-indulgent, angst-ridden youth culture whose reality is read through mass media.

» bug-ridden = infestado de bichos, plagado de bichos, lleno de bichos.

Example: For the most part it is a story of bug-ridden rooms in working-men's hotels, of fights, drinking bouts, cheap brothels, Russian refugees, cadging.

» cliche-ridden = lleno de clichés.

Example: A constant annoyance in news writing is journalese -- a trade jargon that relies on worn-out, copycat, cliche-ridden phrasing.

» cockroach-ridden = infestado de cucarachas, plagado de cucarachas, lleno de cucarachas.

Example: Thirteen illegal immigrants living in a cramped cockroach-ridden three-bed house.

» crime-ridden = lleno de delincuentes, plagado de delincuentes, con un alto nivel de delincuencia, plagado de delincuencia, infestado de delincuencia.

Example: 8,000 surveillance cameras will be intalled this year in the most crime-ridden areas of the city and in places frequented by tourists.

» crisis-ridden = en crisis.

Example: The crisis-ridden French publishing industry is looking to networked information for its salvation.

» debt-ridden = cargado de deudas, lleno de deudas, plagado de deudas, entrampado.

Example: Our relentlessly, selfishly consumerist, debt-ridden, decadent society has a lot to answer for.

» drug-ridden = plagado de drogas, infestado de drogas, dominado por las drogas.

Example: Only those that are in favor of a drug-ridden society or those who are directly profiting from the drug racket would oppose such a program.

» ghost-ridden = plagado de fantasmas, lleno de fantasmas.

Example: I warn you, the place is rat-ridden, ghost-ridden, and damp into the bargain!.

» guilt-ridden = con un profundo sentimiento de culpa.

Example: The title of the article is 'ALA Chicago 1972: confessions of a guilt-ridden conferee'.

» insect-ridden = infestado de insectos, plagado de insectos, lleno de insectos.

Example: Their long canine teeth are used mostly for biting into insect-ridden logs or for tearing apart carrion.

» mosquito-ridden = infestado de mosquitos, plagado de mosquitos, lleno de mosquitos.

Example: It was damp and mosquito-ridden and one day a fierce northwesterly blew down most of the tents, but the weather was generally kind.

» mouse-ridden = infestado de ratones, plagado de ratones, lleno de ratones.

Example: My wife and I moved it to the garage, where it sat abandoned for more years, becoming even moldier and more mouse ridden.

» poverty-ridden = con un alto nivel de pobreza, empobrecido.

Example: A famous psychiatrist and a staff of 15 specialists have set up a clinic locally to treat the sick minds so common in this poverty-ridden community.

» problem-ridden = lleno de problemas, plagado de problemas, problemático.

Example: The negative aspects of adding such a problem-ridden medium to the library are far outweighed by the potential benefits video offers.

» rat-ridden = infestado de ratas, plagado de ratas, lleno de ratas.

Example: I warn you, the place is rat-ridden, ghost-ridden, and damp into the bargain!.

» roach-ridden = infestado de cucarachas, plagado de cucarachas, lleno de cucarachas.

Example: The town counted three roach-ridden hotels, a few mediocre restaurants, and a whorehouse about five hundred meters from the main street.

ride3 = montar, cabalgar, subir en, ir en. 

Example: I suppose my biggest piece of advice for riding at night would be to practice a little before you actually go off-road.


» free-ride on = aprovecharse de, vivir a costa de.

Example: Accordingly, many Eurasian allies now free-ride on the United States -- they spend a trifling amount on defense relative to their means.

» override = invalidar, anular. [Verbo irregular: pasado overrode, participio overridden]

Example: On the final screen in the sequence, the default values for today's closing time and tomorrow's opening time may be overridden.

» ride + a bicycle = montar en bicicleta, subir en bicicleta.

Example: Police are chasing leads of a murder suspect riding a little girl's bicycle from the scene of the crime.

» ride + a bike = montar en bici, subir en bici, montar en bicicleta, subir en bicicleta.

Example: A 22-year-old man was knocked unconscious in an attack while riding his bike late at night.

» ride + a horse = montar a caballo, cabalgar.

Example: Animals can be magical in children's play -- whether it be milking a cow, riding a horse or simply keeping caterpillars in a cage until they emerge as butterflies = Los animales pueden ser fantásticos en los juegos infantiles -- ya sea ordeñando una vaca, montando a caballo o simplemente guardando gusanos en una caja hasta que se conviertan en mariposas.

» ride (a)round = pasear por. [Referido a vehículos o animales]

Example: It is easy to see its two scrawny protagonists who ride around town on their bikes killing stray cats and dogs as victims of poverty and broken homes.

» ride + a train = montar en tren, ir en el tren.

Example: Riding a train to Osaka for the party dressed as a mummy was great fun.

» ride away (from) = alejarse (de), irse (de). [Montado en caballo o vehículo]

Example: During the investigation, the officer learned the unknown subject was seen riding away from the building on a bicycle.

» ride + bareback = montar a pelo, montar sin silla.

Example: Riding bareback can be both a thrill and a challenge but more importantly it is an excellent way to build a bond with your horse .

» ride + high = estar en la cresta de la ola, tener mucho éxito.

Example: By all rights, he should have died that day; instead, this super-energetic entrepreneur is riding high!.

» ride + high in + Posesivo + saddle = ser muy importante para + Nombre.

Example: The article 'End-user access to bibliographic databases: public users ride high in the RLIN saddle' explains that there are several problems which must be considered before RLIN can be accessed directly by the end-user.

» ride off into + the sunset = desaparecer en el horizonte cabalgando al atardecer.

Example: The novel champions bourgeois ideology when the two main characters surrounded by their many friends and admirers ride off into the sunset.

» ride (on) + Posesivo + coattails = aprovecharse de, sacar provecho de, explotar, hacer caja con, chupar rueda de, chupar carro de.

Example: Riding the coattails of Barack Obama, Democrats picked up seven seats held by Republicans in Tuesday's election to match the seven it gained two years ago.

» ride on + the back(s) of = cabalgar a lomos de, aprovecharse de, sacar provecho de, explotar, hacer caja con, chupar rueda de, chupar carro de.

Example: The first few (unpatriotic) corporations to outsource production were cutting a fat hog, riding on the backs of third-world laborers.

» ride on + the crest of a wave = estar en la cresta de la ola.

Example: Everyone goes through good and bad patches but Kenwyne is riding on the crest of a wave at the moment.

» ride out = salir airoso de, superar.

Example: Without any significant restructuring, the LIS programme in Iran will provide little in the way of riding out the rapid transition that the field is currently experiencing.

» ride + piggyback = montar a cuestas, ir a cuestas.

Example: There is a strong bind between mother and offspring: newborns soon learn to cling to the mother's belly and, when older, to ride piggyback.

» ride + pillion  = ir en el asiento trasero, ir de paquete.

Example: The Government has exempted women and children riding pillion from the helmet rule.

» ride + roughshod over = tratar sin miramientos, no tener la más mínima consideración, tratar como un trapo, tratar a patadas, atropellar, pisotear, menospreciar, humillar, maltratar, ningunear, saltarse Algo a la torera, pasarse Algo por el forro, pasar olímpicamente de.

Example: A good life for you maybe but not for the people you rode roughshot over.

» ride + shotgun = viajar de copiloto, viajar de acompañante.

Example: In order to squeeze 6 people into the car, three people were crammed into the back seat, one person rode shotgun, and one unfortunate soul was forced to ride in the boot.

» ride + side-saddle = montar a la inglesa, montar a la amazona.

Example: The fact that ladies bikes have no crossbar dates back to Victorian times when the ladies of the day would wear long skirts and ride side-saddle.

» ride + the + Adjetivo + wave = ir con la nueva ola.

Example: The article 'Information delivery -- riding the FAX wave' reviews the growth of facsimile transmission and the opportunities offered to libraries and on-line information providers by the technique.

» ride + the current = dejarse llevar por la corriente, dejarse arrastrar por la corriente.

Example: The only way to keep from drowning is to ride the currents -- the ocean will support us as long as we swim with the flow.

» ride + the gravy train = subirse al tren, subirse al carro, engancharse al carro, arrimarse al sol que más calienta, aprovecharse de una oportunidad pasajera, arrimarse al árbol que da más sombra, arrimarse al árbol que más cobija, aprovecharse del chollo, sacar provecho del chollo.

Example: This little lady isn't going to make it either, so it's not like I can hang on her coattails and ride the gravy train to millionairesville.

» ride + the hype = subirse al tren, engancharse al carro, aprovecharse de una oportunidad pasajera, aprovecharse del chollo, sacar provecho del chollo.

Example: Everyone is riding the hype of 'An Inconvenient Truth,' and even Congress has caught the fever... but it doesn't feel rigth yet.

» ride + the wave(s) = navegar sobre la cresta de las olas, cabalgar sobre las olas, disfrutar de la situación, no dejar pasar la oportunidad, aprovechar la situación.

Example: The global economy is at high tide and Canada is expected to ride the wave with six per cent export growth this year.

» ride + the waves = cabalgar sobre las olas, dejarse llevar por las olas, dejarse arrastrar por las olas, surcar las olas.

Example: Enjoy this article by Takara about how to deal with what life hands you like riding the waves on a surfboard.

» ride + the wind = dejarse llevar por el viento, dejarse arrastrar por el viento.

Example: She was riding the wind and making the wind do the work.

» ride + Vehículo = ir montado en + Vehículo, montarse en + Vehículo.

Example: But he was wiry and wily, too, and he would often hide in some nook of the station to save the fare, or riding, if necessary, till things cooled off and the world above became habitable again.
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