Rid in spanish


pronunciation: eliminɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

rid = eliminar, desembarazar, librar, zafarse. [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio rid]

Example: This function can be used to rid access-point files of unused entries.


» be rid of = sacudirse de encima, quitarse de encima, deshacerse de, liberarse de, librarse de, quitarse de en medio.

Example: He felt that he had played his last card and shot his last bolt, and that Diana definitely wished to be rid of him.

» get + rid of = sacudirse de encima, quitarse de encima, deshacerse de, liberarse de, librarse de, quitarse de en medio.

Example: The title of her paper is 'Let's get rid of it: a reference librarian's battle cry'.

» rid of = librarse de, deshacerse de, desembarazarse de, quitarse en encima a.

Example: Two recently elected school board members have announced their intention of 'ridding the high school of Mrs Panopoulos' -- to which she replied, with a defiant shrug, 'Let them try'.

Rid synonyms

free in spanish: , pronunciation: fri part of speech: adjective quit in spanish: , pronunciation: kwɪt part of speech: verb disembarrass in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪsɪmberəs part of speech: verb
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