Reward in spanish


pronunciation: rekoʊmpensɑ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

reward1 = premio, recompensa, gratificación, incentivo. 

Example: The dependence on bosses for recognition, rewards, and advancement breeds an artificiality of relationship, a need to be polite and agreeable.


» academic reward(s) system = sistema de reconocimiento académico. [En el entorno universitario, modo de evaluar y promocionar al profesorado]

Example: In this essay, the pros and cons of the academic rewards system and the 'publish or perish' syndrome as they relate to serials publishing are discussed.

» carry + a reward = tener recompensa.

Example: The avoidance of taxes is the only intellectual pursuit that still carries any reward = La evasión de impuestos es la única actividad intelectual que aún sigue teniendo recompensa.

» cash reward = incentivo en efectivo, incentivo en metálico.

Example: They are considering cash rewards to employees who give early warning that they're quitting.

» get + Posesivo + just rewards = recibir lo que Uno se merece.

Example: Librarians can help the owners of copyright material get their just rewards at the same time as serving the public interest, promoting freedom and advancing democracy.

» harvest + rewards = cosechar beneficios, obtener beneficios.

Example: The internet has given the ability to attract a never-ending number of potential clients, and by setting up solid business practices you can harvest the rewards.

» just reward = recompensa justa.

Example: It was a just reward for the two hectic years she had spent answering telephones that never stopped ringing.

» mete out + reward = recompensar, dar recompensa.

Example: The rhetorical strategy of much of the Hebrew Bible is to devise a God of justice who metes out reward & punishment in the world.

» monetary reward = recompensa monetaria.

Example: The editor of textbooks in both secondary and higher education generally receive both monetary reward and professional acclaim for it.

» reap + rewards = cosechar beneficios, obtener beneficios.

Example: The first countries to enter the information society will reap the greatests rewards whereas countries which temporise or favour half-hearted solutions could, in less than a decade, face disastrous declines in investment and a squeeze on jobs.

» receive + reward = recibir recompensa.

Example: The editor of textbooks in both secondary and higher education generally receive both monetary reward and professional acclaim for it.

» reward system = sistema de recompensa, sistema de incentivos.

Example: The reward system functions on the basis that a person who makes a discovery trades his/her knowledge, makes it public, in exchange for the rewards of recognition.

reward2 = premiar, recompensar, gratificar, primar. 

Example: They admitted that they did not evaluate their technicians and aides, and confirmed that increases were automatic and the same 'across-the-board'; superior performance was not rewarded, nor inferior performance punished.

Reward synonyms

honor in spanish: , pronunciation: ɑnɜr part of speech: noun, verb honour in spanish: , pronunciation: ɑnɜr part of speech: noun remember in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪmembɜr part of speech: verb reinforce in spanish: , pronunciation: riɪnfɔrs part of speech: verb repay in spanish: , pronunciation: ripeɪ part of speech: verb payoff in spanish: , pronunciation: peɪɔf part of speech: noun reinforcement in spanish: , pronunciation: riɪnfɔrsmənt part of speech: noun wages in spanish: , pronunciation: weɪdʒəz part of speech: noun pay back in spanish: , pronunciation: peɪbæk part of speech: verb

Reward antonyms

shame pronunciation: ʃeɪm part of speech: noun disgrace pronunciation: dɪsgreɪs part of speech: noun punish pronunciation: pʌnɪʃ part of speech: verb attaint pronunciation: əteɪnt part of speech: verb penalize pronunciation: penəlaɪz part of speech: verb dishonor pronunciation: dɪsɑnɜr part of speech: noun, verb dishonour pronunciation: dɪʃənʊr part of speech: noun, verb
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