Revolve in spanish


pronunciation: xiɹ̩ɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

revolve = girar, rotar. 

Example: This was the cylinder machine, which formed a web of paper not on an endless belt of woven wire but on a cylinder covered with wire mesh (looking like a large dandy roll) which revolved half-submerged in a vat of stuff.


» argument + revolve around = argumento + girar en torno a.

Example: The argument revolved (and still does revolve) around the sense in which the word 'control' is used.

» business + revolve + as usual = las cosas + seguir + igual.

Example: If she remained quiescent, business would revolve as usual, forever.

» controversy + revolve around = polémica + girar en torno a.

Example: Many of the problems in children's reading, and much of the controversy over what should be stocked in children's libraries, revolve around the matter of choosing 'suitable' books for children of all ages.

» enterprise + revolve on = mundo + girar en torno a.

Example: The central activity on which scientific enterprise revolves and is sustained is communication.

» problems + revolve around = problemas + girar en torno a.

Example: Many of the problems in children's reading, and much of the controversy over what should be stocked in children's libraries, revolve around the matter of choosing 'suitable' books for children of all ages.

» question + revolve around = cuestión + girar en torno a.

Example: Industry questions usually revolve around either: what is this industry about; or what is the future of this industry.

» revolve around = girar en torno a, centrarse en.

Example: Ordinarily the training of staff revolves around specific library procedures, but the location and use of various reference tools are sometimes the subject of special tours and briefings.

» the world doesn't revolve around + Pronombre = el mundo no gira alrededor + Pronombre.

Example: Contrary to what you believe, the world doesn't revolve around you and that little universe you call a head.

Revolve synonyms

roll in spanish: , pronunciation: roʊl part of speech: noun, verb orbit in spanish: , pronunciation: ɔrbət part of speech: noun rotate in spanish: , pronunciation: roʊteɪt part of speech: verb turn over in spanish: , pronunciation: tɜrnoʊvɜr part of speech: verb go around in spanish: , pronunciation: goʊɜraʊnd part of speech: verb
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