Revolutionary in spanish


pronunciation: reboʊluθioʊnɑɹ̩ioʊ part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

revolutionary1 = revolucionario, insurrecto. [Nombre]

Example: The article is entitled 'Praise the Net and pass the modem: revolutionaries and captives in the information society'.

revolutionary2 = revolucionario. [Adjetivo]

Example: The transition to this new system will be evolutionary, not revolutionary.


» counterrevolutionary = contrarevolucionario.

Example: After the government published 'The Dissidents,' a book which accused her of being a 'notorious counterrevolutionary,' workplace harassment of her father soon intensified.

» pre-revolutionary = prerrevolucionario.

Example: This article discusses the pre-revolutionary shortage of books on agriculture economy in 1913, and how existing books only discussed the miserable, hopeless life of the peasants.

» revolutionary change = cambio revolucionario.

Example: New computer based technologies are evincing revolutionary changes in the educational curriculum for schools of library and information science.

Revolutionary synonyms

radical in spanish: , pronunciation: rædəkəl part of speech: adjective new in spanish: , pronunciation: nu part of speech: adjective subversive in spanish: , pronunciation: səbvɜrsɪv part of speech: adjective revolutionist in spanish: , pronunciation: revəluʃənɪst part of speech: noun subverter in spanish: , pronunciation: səbvɜrtɜr part of speech: noun

Revolutionary antonyms

counterrevolutionary pronunciation: kaʊntɜrrevəluʃəneri part of speech: adjective, noun
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