Review in spanish


pronunciation: rebisioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

review1 = informe, estudio, análisis, crítica, reseña. 

Example: The review is supported by a complete list of LIPs completed or in progess at Aug 88, followed by references to their reports.


» blind review = evaluación anónima.

Example: All papers undergo blind review by external peer reviewers.

» conduct + a review = realizar un estudio evaluativo.

Example: Many institutions have conducted reviews of library services, both for administrative and financial reasons.

» judicial review = recurso de inconstitucionalidad.

Example: Granting the Executive the power to torture people and jail them indefinitely, without meaningful judicial review, is like playing with fire.

» mixed reviews = opiniones diversas.

Example: What is clear in the literature is that this initiative has mixed reviews = Lo que está claro en las diferentes publicaciones existentes sobre este tema es que este proyecto ha recibido opiniones diversas.

» peer review = evaluación por pares, evaluación por expertos. [Evaluación de los méritos de una persona realizada por otras personas que ocupan la misma categoría profesional que el evaluado]

Example: The papers analysed were all published in biomedical or physical science journals, where the peer review process is strict with respect to verbosity and innecessary illustrations.

» performance review = evaluación del rendimiento, evaluación de la productividad.

Example: The article 'Reviewing the situation: performance reviews in Surrey' discusses the 3 year review of public library services in Surrey.

» press review = reseña de prensa.

Example: Nonetheless, the exhibition has received an equally negative collection of press reviews, generally damning the exhibition for its failure to adequately examine the character of Cleopatra, or her role in history.

» rave review = crítica muy favorable.

Example: His presentation has received standing ovations and rave reviews around the nation.

» receive + mixed reviews = recibir opiniones diversas, tener sus partidarios y detractores.

Example: Although 70% of the country's 2-year and 4-year colleges are offering online courses, the method of delivery is receiving mixed reviews.

» receive + rave reviews = recibir críticas muy favorables.

Example: While I have received rave reviews for these courses I teach, I have an uphill struggle to fill them.

» review board = comité de evaluación, comisión de evaluación, comisión de supervisión, comité de supervisión.

Example: It is concluded that an external review board is needed to evaluate complaints of human & civil rights violations.

» review committee = comité de evaluación.

Example: The data considered by the Review Committee strongly suggests that reader education will need to be a major priority in the next few years.

» review panel = comité de evaluación, comisión de evaluación.

Example: The review panels are responsible for placing the proposals before it in a funding priority order.

» review process = proceso de evaluación.

Example: This book includes information about submitting the manuscript of a scientific article for publication, the review process and reprints.

review2 = reseña bibliográfica, recensión bibliográfica. 

Example: It includes an annual column on graphic novels and comparative reviews by topic or theme.


» book review = recensión bibliográfica.

Example: A list of book review sources in psychology and related fields is appended.

» critical review = reseña crítica. [Evaluación crítica de un libro, artículo, etc]

Example: The reviewer's place in citation chains is an important one because conceivably a carefully done critical review could make or break a line of enquiry or alter the direction of a chain of citations.

» film review = crítica de cine, crítica cinematográfica, crítica de película.

Example: Current news, weather, travel information, home shopping, airline reservations, consumer information, film reviews and sports news are available.

» literary review = crítica literaria.

Example: The article is entitled 'Recent developments in the bibliography of Anglo-American literary reviews: a critical survey'.

» music review = crítica de música.

Example: The data base contains audio listings, music reviews, music samples, images and articles about recordings and the music industry.

» publications review = recensión, reseña bibliográfica.

Example: Nobody can depend exclusively on library publications reviews to identify new titles, though Publishers Weekly's computer book roundups do help.

» review copy = ejemplar para recensión. [Documento enviado gratuitamente a fin de que el destinatario publique un comentario, resumen o reseña, generalmente en una publicación en serie]

Example: A press copy is a document sent free with a view to a comment, an abstract or a review being published by the addressee, usually in a serial publication.

review3 = revisión. 

Example: This programme is planned to have a lifespan of four years with a review after two years.


» give + a review of = dar un repaso a.

Example: This article gives a brief review of recent developments in disc storage media.

» PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) = PERT (Técnica para la Evaluación y Revisión de Programas). [Método utilizado en la planificación y distribución de cualquier proyecto a realizar por una biblioteca o centro de documentación]

Example: Just as with other techniques of control in the planning process already discussed, in PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) one must be able to state objectives, then activities must be enumerated and estimates must be given for the time required for each of these activities.

» under review = que se está examinando, revisándose, en revisión.

Example: Reviews and surveys both demand an indicative abstract, which defines the limits of the subject area under review, and the depth of the treatment.

review4 = estudio crítico del estado de la cuestión. [Análisis crítico de los últimos avances sobre un tema]

Example: A review, as opposed to a survey, should be a critical, liberally, documented assessment of work in a particular field, and is usually supported by an extensive bibliography.


» literature review = revisión bibliográfica. [Estudio de los principales documentos publicados sobre un tema para determinar el estado de la cuestión]

Example: Together with indexes, abstracts have for some time constituted a major component of published abstracting services, literature reviews and bibliographies.

» review article = artículo de revisión. [Artículo que estudia, compara e intenta presentar algunas conclusiones sobre los desarrollos ocurridos en un campo o sobre un tema recientemente]

Example: Bibliometric analyses confirmed that review articles on topics that are generating high levels of research activity tend to have relatively voluminous bibliographies made up of a disproportionate number of citations to source materials of very recent vintage.

» review essay = artículo de revisión.

Example: The article 'The Wild Goose Chase' is a review essay on Umberto Eco's book, The Search for the Perfect Language, tracing the evolution of the search for a perfect universal language from biblical times through the present.

» state of the art review = informe del estado de la cuestión.

Example: This is the welcome address by the President of the Indian Library Association presenting a state of the art review of the current library situation.

review5 = repasar, pasar revista, revisar, analizar, examinar, estudiar. 

Example: There is only space to review briefly the special problems associated with the descriptive cataloguing of nonbook materials.


» blind review = evaluar anónimante.

Example: Submissions will be blind reviewed by one or more recognised expert(s) in the topics under discussion.

» double-blind review = evaluar anónimamente por pares. [Método utilizado para evaluar los artículos enviados a una revista científica o congreso según el cual ni el evaluador conoce el nombre de la persona que está evaluando ni ésta la de aquél]

Example: Papers in this section will be double-blind reviewed by 3 reviewers for rigor, relevance, originality and clarity of presentation.

Review synonyms

survey in spanish: , pronunciation: sɜrveɪ part of speech: noun follow-up in spanish: , pronunciation: fɑloʊəp part of speech: noun critique in spanish: , pronunciation: krətik part of speech: noun recap in spanish: , pronunciation: rikæp part of speech: noun, verb retrospect in spanish: , pronunciation: retrəspekt part of speech: noun refresh in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪfreʃ part of speech: verb inspection in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnspekʃən part of speech: noun revue in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪvju part of speech: noun go over in spanish: , pronunciation: goʊoʊvɜr part of speech: verb recapitulation in spanish: , pronunciation: rikəpɪtʃəleɪʃən part of speech: noun reexamine in spanish: , pronunciation: riegzæmən part of speech: verb look back in spanish: , pronunciation: lʊkbæk part of speech: verb brush up in spanish: , pronunciation: brʌʃʌp part of speech: verb revaluation in spanish: , pronunciation: rivæljueɪʃən part of speech: noun reassessment in spanish: , pronunciation: riəsesmənt part of speech: noun reappraisal in spanish: , pronunciation: riəpreɪzəl part of speech: noun reexamination in spanish: , pronunciation: riɪgzæməneɪʃən part of speech: noun review article in spanish: , pronunciation: rivjuɑrtəkəl part of speech: noun brushup in spanish: , pronunciation: brʌʃəp part of speech: noun critical review in spanish: , pronunciation: krɪtɪkəlrivju part of speech: noun limited review in spanish: , pronunciation: lɪmətədrivju part of speech: noun
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