Reverse in spanish

Marcha atrás

pronunciation: mɑɹ̩tʃɑtɹ̩ɑs part of speech: noun, verb, adjective
In gestures

reverse1 = cambio, reverso, dorso. 

Example: Moreover, we conclude that the process of placing a feminist stamp on working relations is both far from complete and subject to reverses.


» in reverse = al revés, a la inversa.

Example: The design for a woodcut, which was probably the work of a specialist other than the back cutter, was either drawn in reverse directly on to the block, or traced on to it from paper.

» reverse, the = opuesto, el; inverso, el. [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: The final order on the shelves is the reverse of this, so that an order of increasing speciality is achieved.

reverse2 = inverso, opuesto, contrario, invertido. 

Example: He creates a type of reverse orientalism peopled by sex-hungry 'dark-age femme fatales' and 'lusty young Barbarians reeking of ale'.


» quite the reverse = por el contrario, más bien todo lo contrario, todo lo contrario, justamente todo lo contrario, al contrario.

Example: In summer, conditions may be quite the reverse: the mountains shrouded in cloud by day and the valleys basking in warm, clear weather.

» reverse bungee jump = tirachinas. [Columpio de feria]

Example: One of the numerous ride attractions on offer at the fair this year is a new 140 foot long rollercoaster and a reverse bungee jump.

» reverse charges = a cobro revertido, llamada a cobro revertido.

Example: If you have received it in error, please destroy it immediately and notify us (reverse charges) so we can correct the mistake.

» reverse order = orden inverso.

Example: Unsorted search results generally display in reverse order of entry of the records into the database.

» reverse osmosis = ósmosis inversa.

Example: One common method of desalination, called reverse osmosis, uses membranes to filter the salt from the water.

» reverse side = reverso.

Example: The master has a glossy side coated with kaolin and an uncoated reverse side.

» reverse video = vídeo inverso. [Presentación de información en monitor invirtiendo los colores usados normalmente para así destarcarla]

Example: Input of data into a record may be onto a preformatted screen, perhaps with reverse video (black on white) characters for the field names and with space next to each field name for the data.

reverse3 = marcha atrás. 

Example: When I change direction between forward and reverse there is a clank from the rear axle.


» reverse gear = marcha atrás.

Example: The reverse gear on any car with a manual transmission is an incredibly simple piece of machinery.

reverse4 = invertir, cambiar a la situación anterior, cambiar. 

Example: Entry of the number '11' reverses the present blacklisting status.

reverse5 = dar marcha atrás. 

Example: Vehicle damage which occurs while reversing is one of the largest contributors to motor vehicle insurance claims in terms of both the frequency of collisions and the total cost of the repairs.


» put + Nombre + into reverse = dar marcha atrás.

Example: My car sometimes makes a slight metallic clinking sound when I put it into reverse.

» reverse + Posesivo + car = dar marcha atrás.

Example: A toddler was killed when her father accidentally ran her over while reversing his car at their house.

Reverse synonyms

blow in spanish: , pronunciation: bloʊ part of speech: noun, verb turn in spanish: , pronunciation: tɜrn part of speech: verb, noun lift in spanish: , pronunciation: lɪft part of speech: verb, noun rescind in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪsɪnd part of speech: verb override in spanish: , pronunciation: oʊvɜrraɪd part of speech: verb contrary in spanish: , pronunciation: kɑntreri part of speech: noun, adjective opposite in spanish: , pronunciation: ɑpəzət part of speech: adjective, noun revoke in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪvoʊk part of speech: verb turnaround in spanish: , pronunciation: tɜrnɜraʊnd part of speech: noun repeal in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪpil part of speech: noun, verb annul in spanish: , pronunciation: ænəl part of speech: verb overthrow in spanish: , pronunciation: oʊvɜrθroʊ part of speech: noun, verb setback in spanish: , pronunciation: setbæk part of speech: noun inverse in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnvɜrs part of speech: noun backward in spanish: , pronunciation: bækwɜrd part of speech: adverb, adjective invert in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnvɜrt part of speech: verb overturn in spanish: , pronunciation: oʊvɜrtɜrn part of speech: verb verso in spanish: , pronunciation: vɜrsoʊ part of speech: noun reversal in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪvɜrsəl part of speech: noun countermand in spanish: , pronunciation: kaʊntɜrmænd part of speech: verb, noun overrule in spanish: , pronunciation: oʊvɜrrul part of speech: verb reversion in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪvɜrʒən part of speech: noun turnabout in spanish: , pronunciation: tɜrnəbaʊt part of speech: noun rearward in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪrwɜrd part of speech: adjective change by reversal in spanish: , pronunciation: tʃeɪndʒbaɪrɪvɜrsəl part of speech: verb

Reverse antonyms

forward pronunciation: fɔrwɜrd part of speech: adverb small pronunciation: smɔl part of speech: adjective obverse pronunciation: əbvɜrs part of speech: noun
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