Reversals in spanish


pronunciation: rebeɹ̩sioʊnes part of speech: noun
In gestures

reversal1 = inversión. 

Example: This is an interesting reversal of the rank order of countries for both stock held and expenditure per head of population.


» power reversal = inversión de poderes.

Example: It has been noticed that, with some high-tech exhibits, there is a 'power reversal' with the children givin explanations to their parents rather than the other way round.

» reversal of roles = inversión de papeles, inversión de funciones, inversión de roles.

Example: The French Revolution was a drama in itself with the reversal of roles (royalists and revolutionaries).

» role reversal = inversión de papeles, inversión de funciones, inversión de roles.

Example: Role reversal seeks to answer some of these questions by having ordinary men and women switch genders for a month.

reversal2 = revés, infortunio, percance. 

Example: Libraries are struggling to hold on and maintain quality in the face of adversity and reversal.


» reversal of fortune = revés de la fortuna.

Example: The article 'A reversal of fortune' reports on 2 recent USA Supreme Court cases which have favoured the interests of copyright defendants over those of plaintiffs.
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