Revenue in spanish


pronunciation: ingɹ̩esoʊs part of speech: noun
In gestures

revenue = ingresos. 

Example: Resources -- revenue, capital, and, especially, staffing expertise -- are a serious problem for the future in all SLIS.


» advertising revenues = ingresos de la publicidad, ingresos publicitarios, ingresos por publicidad.

Example: In 2011, Internet advertising revenues in the United States surpassed those of cable television and nearly exceeded those of broadcast television.

» generate + revenue = generar ingresos, reportar ingresos.

Example: As free Web sites find it increasingly difficult to make ends meet simply with the revenue generated from advertising, they are likely, either to close down or to start charging for access to the site.

» gross revenues = ingresos brutos.

Example: OCLC reported fiscal 2001 as another successful year with gross revenues increasing 8 per cent to 165.3 million dollars and with net revenues reaching 159.8 million dollars with operating expenses 156.9 million dollars.

» income tax revenue = ingresos procedentes de los impuestos.

Example: Ultimately, society in general receives indirect benefits from the library, because more people are working and more income tax revenue is being generated.

» Inland Revenue Service (IRS) = Ministerio de Hacienda Americano.

Example: Over the years the US Inland Revenue Service (IRS) has relied increasingly upon public libraries as principal centres for distributing federal income tax forms.

» net revenues = ingresos netos.

Example: OCLC reported fiscal 2001 as another successful year with gross revenues increasing 8 per cent to 165.3 million dollars and with net revenues reaching 159.8 million dollars with operating expenses 156.9 million dollars.

» revenue base = fuente de ingresos.

Example: Therefore the city has been left with a very slowly growing revenue base.

» revenue earner = generador de ingresos, fuente de ingresos. [Generalmente, organismo o parte de uno que tiene ingresos propios y es, por lo tanto, total o parcialmente independiente económicamente de otro superior]

Example: The largest revenue earners were those museums where money was assigned directly back to the service department to offset or recouped against costs.

» revenue-earning = generador de ingresos.

Example: This article reviews the results of a number of case studies carried out to determine the degree to which UK academic libraries offer revenue-earning services.

» revenue-generating = generador de ingresos.

Example: Most of the applications discussed were revenue-generating services for which the end-user is expected to pay.

» revenue-making = generador de ingresos.

Example: The revenue-making services are glamorous, and their magic mists the fundamental democratic perspective of the free public library.

» revenue-raising = generación de ingresos.

Example: Revenue-raising is more convenient in the case of computer data-bases.

» revenue stream = fuente de ingresos.

Example: Different publishers are exploring the marketplace to see what makes sense and how to protect their revenue streams from declining print sales.

» sales revenue = ingresos de ventas.

Example: They have posted a 52 per cent jump in second-quarter sales revenue, after production rose and the price of crude oil soared.

» source of revenue = fuente de ingresos.

Example: And, as one might expect, there are a variety of vendors offering e-book products, some of them clearly thinking about the library market as a potential source of revenue.

Revenue synonyms

gross in spanish: , pronunciation: groʊs part of speech: adjective, noun receipts in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪsits part of speech: noun taxation in spanish: , pronunciation: tækseɪʃən part of speech: noun tax revenue in spanish: , pronunciation: tæksrevənu part of speech: noun tax income in spanish: , pronunciation: tæksɪnkəm part of speech: noun
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