Revenge in spanish


pronunciation: bengɑnθɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

revenge1 = venganza, desquite. 

Example: Ever true to her word, Kate Lespran found an appropriate vehicle for her revenge: the local press = Fiel a su palabra, Kate Lespran encontró el vehículo apropiado para su venganza: la prensa local.


» exact + revenge = vengarse.

Example: Many modern horror stories involve characters who return from the dead to exact revenge, act as vigilantes, or fulfill a mission.

» Montezuma's revenge = diarrea, diarrea del viajero, diarrea del turista, diarrea del viajante. [Usado a veces con referencia a Latinoamérica]

Example: My grandma has bad stomach pain and says she picked up Montezuma's revenge in Mexico 40 years ago and that the symptoms return every year.

» seek + revenge = vengarse, buscar venganza.

Example: As a bigoted radio personality incites whites to seek revenge, tensions mount and Smith fights to slake the anger that engulfs him.

» take + revenge = vengarse, desquitarse, tomarse la revancha.

Example: The very same people who had caused him all this anguish, were suddenly delivered right into his hands, finally giving him an opportunity to take revenge.

» thirst for revenge = sed de venganza.

Example: Their unquenchable thirst for revenge enabled them to concoct a diabolical scheme.

» wreak + revenge = vengarse.

Example: It's the story of Heathcliff, an orphan who falls in love with a girl above his class, loses her, and devotes the rest of his life to wreaking revenge on her.

revenge2 = vengarse, desquitarse. 

Example: Focusing on individual revenge, the writer examines what types of things can be revenged.

Revenge synonyms

retaliation in spanish: , pronunciation: ritælieɪʃən part of speech: noun avenge in spanish: , pronunciation: əvendʒ part of speech: verb retaliate in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪtælieɪt part of speech: verb
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