Rev in spanish


pronunciation: rdoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

rev1 = revolución. 

Example: If I give it a few revs once started and running I don't have a problem with it stalling.


» rev counter = cuentarrevoluciones.

Example: Tachometers or rev counters on cars, aircraft, and other vehicles show the rate of rotation of the engine's crankshaft.

» rev/min (revolutions per minute) = rpm (revoluciones por minuto).

Example: The grooves on a 78 rev/min audio disc are 150 µµ (micromicron) apart.

rev2 = acelerar. 

Example: The left side plug has carbon on it yet the right side has none and its cool even after revving it for some time.


» rev up = tomar carrerilla, coger carrerilla.

Example: The whole coast is starting to rev up for the summer madness, so get in quick before it all starts.

» rev up = acelerar, acelerarse.

Example: At one time today, after adding starting fluid, the engine did start and was starting to rev up pretty quickly.

Rev synonyms

rpm in spanish: , pronunciation: ɑrpiem part of speech: noun rev up in spanish: , pronunciation: revʌp part of speech: verb revolutions per minute in spanish: , pronunciation: revəluʃənzpɜrmɪnət part of speech: noun
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