Returns in spanish


pronunciation: deboʊluθioʊnes part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

return1 = devolución. 

Example: This system incorporates all the usual functions associated with the issue, return and reservation of library materials.


» book return = devolución de préstamos.

Example: This article considers the likely effect of overdue notices on book returns.

» book return box = buzón para la devolución de préstamos. [En bibliotecas, cavidad con apertura al exterior del edificio que se instala para permitir que los usuarios puedan devolver los libros cuando la biblioteca está cerrada]

Example: The conscientious borrower with a fine under $0.75 who comes to the desk will pay his fine, while the person who drops his book in the book return box outside will pay nothing because we don't bother to write up fines for less than $0.75.

» income tax return = declaración de la renta.

Example: The second module teaches students how to prepare an income tax return.

» in return = a cambio, como contrapartida, en compensación.

Example: In return, the young librarian took it upon himself to design an entire section of the second floor to be the domain of young adult.

» in return for = a cambio de, en compensación por, como contrapartida a.

Example: In practice, however, the gilds were federations of tradesmen who, in return for monopolistic privileges, co-operated with the government in its censorship of the press.

» love + Nombre + in return = corresponder, corresponder en el amor.

Example: He wanted someone who would reciprocate this affection and love him in return.

» make + a return out of = sacar partido de, sacar provecho de, sacar beneficio de, obtener provecho de, obtener beneficio de.

Example: The news sector is tough, very tough, and I know some say it is difficult to make a return out of news.

» make + a return to = volver a.

Example: Fabrice Muamba is hoping to make a return to football after recovering from a cardiac arrest.

» make + a return visit = volver, volver a visitar.

Example: A contented user is more likely to make a return visit to the library = Un usuario contento es más probable que vuelva a la biblioteca.

» non-return = material no devuelto.

Example: Wastage is sometimes defined as material which temporarily or permanently has evaded the usual lending procedures due to misplacement, damage, non-registration, theft or non-returns.

» no-return valve = válvula antirretorno.

Example: Each is equipped with a no-return valve that prevents escape of blood during systole.

» pass + the point of no return = ser demasiado tarde para echar atrás, no haber vuelta atrás, cruzar el Rubicón.

Example: So in the winter of 49BC Caesar decide to take his army across the Rubicon and start a civil war, he passed the point of no return, committed everything and gambled all.

» rate of return = tasa de devolución. [En el préstamo bibliotecario, número de documentos devueltos]

Example: The percent of overdue books, and their rate of return, appear to be strongly influenced by the penalty associated with late returns.

» rate of return = tasa de respuesta. [En estadística, número de cuestionarios contestados]

Example: The instrument used was a mailed questionnaire, which elicited a 63.6% rate of return.

» reach + the point of no return = ser demasiado tarde para echar atrás, no haber vuelta atrás.

Example: Global warming is reaching the point of no return, with widespread drought, crop failure and water shortages the likely result.

» return address = remite, dirección del remitente.

Example: If you fax your document, please include a return address -- we will edit and mark it up by hand and return it to you by post.

» return date = fecha de devolución.

Example: A record would contain reader and book number, return date and a field to take messages such as `reserved'.

» return flight = vuelo de ida y vuelta. [Más comúnmente usado en el inglés británico]

Example: The grant includes the registration fee, accommodation, economy class return flight and travel insurance.

» return rate = tasa de devolución. [En el préstamo bibliotecario, número de documentos devueltos]

Example: A computer program was used to analyse the return rates of books at libraries with automated issue systems.

» return rate = tasa de respuesta. [En estadística, número de cuestionarios contestados]

Example: 212 questionnaires were sent out; the net return rate was 62.74 per cent.

» return receipt = acuse de recibo.

Example: First, some people consider return receipts an invasion of their privacy.

» return ticket = billete de ida y vuelta. [Más comúnmente usado en el inglés británico]

Example: They will also receive a grant to cover the costs of accommodation and an airplane return ticket.

» tax return = declaración de la renta.

Example: Senior citizens' income tax problems were met by organizing a free service of help in filling in tax returns.

return2 = beneficios, ganancias. 

Example: Some CD-ROM publishers charge as much as possible and skim the market for the fastest and highest possible return.


» achieve + returns = producir beneficios.

Example: This article seeks to explain why current on-line products have, despite tremendous capitalisation, not yet achieved satisfactory returns, but have provided the necessary building blocks towards future products.

» diminishing returns = rendimiento decreciente. [En economía, momento en el cual el incremento de recursos no produce el resultado esperado en proporción con la invrersión hecha]

Example: If no relief is given from commercial films, this familiarity brings diminishing returns of interest unless the teacher is of unusual quality.

» economic return = beneficio económico.

Example: With the increasing demand for accountability, libraries should be able to justify budgetary requests by translating public investment in libraries into an economic return.

» high return = muchos beneficios, muchas ganancias.

Example: Otherwise it faces the risk that the large investment required in creating digital collections will fail to realise a high return.

» investment returns = ganancias de la inversión, beneficios de la inversión.

Example: 'The potential investment returns from holiday lets is a huge draw,' he says.

» law of diminishing returns = ley de los rendimientos decrecientes.

Example: Furthermore, the larger the catalogue is, the more difficult it is to use; this is a significant example of the law of diminishing returns applied to librarianship.

» positive return = beneficio positivo.

Example: Twenty case studies were presented demonstrating the use of information technology to achieve a positive return on investment within the federal government.

» rate of return = rentabilidad, tasa de rendimiento.

Example: The author outlines quantitative metrics that measure information technology productivity from the perspective of the overall rate of return to the organization.

» reap + returns = cosechar beneficios, obtener beneficios.

Example: These new consortial arrangements are based upon a spirit of cooperation and trust that has the potential to reap returns well beyond the initial aspirations of the participants.

» render + returns = producir beneficios, generar beneficios.

Example: If all of these costs are to render returns to the library, the returns come only in terms of the use of the collection.

» return + a favour = devolver un favor.

Example: People tend to return favours, so the more you give, the more you are able to get back.

» return on investment (ROI) = ganancias de la inversión, beneficios de la inversión, ganancias en relación con la inversión, beneficios en relación con la inversión.

Example: By using appropriate methods, economic impacts and benefits can be calculated as a valid representation of taxpayers' return on investment (ROI) for supporting public libraries.

» return + Posesivo + love = corresponder, corresponder en el amor.

Example: Apollo fell deeply in love with Daphne, however she did not return his love.

» risk-return = riesgos-beneficios.

Example: Information owners and providers should first conduct a thorough, educated assessment of the factors that impact all risk-return parameters.

» social return = beneficio social.

Example: Economists have estimated the regional impacts and social returns realized through the provision of public education institutions.

return5 = volver, regresar. 

Example: Returning to government agencies, some agencies are treated as subordinate to a government, whilst others are entered independently.


» return back to = volver a.

Example: when changing gear my gear change lever often does not return back to the central position so I have to give it a nudge and only then it springs back.

» return from + the grave = regresar de la tumba, resucitar de entre los muertos.

Example: Based on a comic book, Hex is a glowering gunslinger who returns from the grave to avenge the man who slaughtered his family and left him for dead.

» return + home = volver a casa, regresar a casa.

Example: The relief driver on board a coach which crashed and burst into flames in France has returned home to his family.

» return to + favour = volver a la popularidad.

Example: Despite the incompetence of most eighteenth-century block-makers, woodcuts never quite disappeared, and they returned to favour in the delicate form called 'wood-engraving' at the end of the hand-press period.

» return to + normal = volver a la normalidad.

Example: Farmers are expected to lift the blockades later today on the remaining meat plants as the rest of the food processing industry returns to normal following the dispute which began last Tuesday week.

» return to + normalcy = volver a la normalidad.

Example: Everybody wants the nation to return to normalcy with peace and order.

» return to + normality = volver a la normalidad.

Example: After four months of life on the run, I was glad to return to normality, to life in New York.

» return to + the drawing boards = volver a la etapa de planificación, volver a empezar.

Example: In the light of this situation, it becomes necessary for librarians to return to the drawing boards to revise public policy statements.

» return to + the fold = volver al redil.

Example: On this increasingly God-fearing globe, only Western Europe looks like the last bastion of secularism -- or are the faithful here too returning to the fold?.

return6 = devolver. 

Example: For example, when documents on hold are returned, their document number are placed in the held-document-available queue.


» return + a majority for = votar por mayoría a.

Example: The city has returned a majority for every Democratic presidential candidate since 1916, when Woodrow Wilson took 65% of the city's vote against the redoubtable Charles Evans Hughes.

» return + dividends = producir dividendos, producir beneficios.

Example: A modest investment in them would quickly return significant dividends.

» return + Posesivo + affection = devolver el afecto, corresponder.

Example: The film centers on a non-white secretary who believes that her dusky skin and non-Nordic features prevent her boss from returning her affections.
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